This plugin implement a craft based teleportation system without the use of commands to feel like vanilla gameplay, Telecraft is intented to be used in survival by player without the need of an admin behind.
Features :
- no commands to use only gameplay !
- Teleport players and mobs by crafting news items like Strangeblocs, arrows, potions, etc...
- Store full chest content in one click with ChestRunes.
- multi-world.
- support custom name using anvil and display it as Hologram on placed strangeblock
- StrangeBlock can be desactivated by owner.
- optional temporary portal to teleport back (potions and strange blocks)
- redstone support for StrangeBlocks (experimental / optional)
- map migration friendly with the combo : StrangeRune + ChestRune
- respect protected areas.
- configurable options and permissions to adjust to your server.
- no database (just a backup file used for strangeRunes verification on startup).
- Non-destructive, if you disable the plugin the strangeblocks items will despaw normally, if you subsequently reactivate the plugin the Strangeblocks will be reactivated.
- Strange Rune : an emerald with strange engraved rune on it that can remember player location in its memory
- you can SNEAK + RIGHT CLICK a bloc to ignite its memory and store player position in it...
- you can rename it with an anvil (and be displayed if crafted in a Strangeblock)
- you can use it on an existing strangeBlock to teleport to the coordinates saved in the rune.
- you can teleport with if you enable the permission "telecraft.player.rune.teleport" but it's not recommanded if you want balanced gameplay
- Strange Block : this bloc can teleport players and mobs to the location stored in the StrangeRune used to craft it.
- Can only be crafted with memory ignited Strange Runes
- LEFT CLICK the Strange Block to Teleport near entitys...
- RIGHT CLICK the Strange Block to desactivate it (or change display name color)
- put a Soulsand block under to make it silent on activation
- Sneak to destroy it and drop the rune.
- Piece of Rune : break your StrangeRune into several pieces to use in potions
- can be obtained by using a memory ignited Strange Runes, a Death Rune or a Bed Rune..
- Spawn Rune : this craft ignite the rune memory with the current world spawn location.
- Can only be crafted with a clean Strange Rune (no memory)
- Rune potion : using an Awkward Potion as base and "piece of rune" as ingredient, this potion Teleport the player to the "piece of rune" location used to craft the potion.
- Splash Rune potion : Teleport Dudes near impact ...
- Persistent splash potion : Teleport Dudes in the cloud area...
- Strange Arrow : Teleport Dudes near impact ...
- Death Rune : return to your last death location.
- click a strangebloc with a death rune in hand to teleport to your last death location
- cannot be used to craft a StrangeBlock or else.
- Bed Rune : return to your respawn location.
- click a strangebloc with a bed rune in hand to teleport to your respawn location
- cannot be used to craft a StrangeBlock or else
- ChestRune : Can store items stacks in its memory.
- store chest (and more) content to the RuneChest memory : SNEAK + RIGHT CLIC
- drop the RuneChest content into a chest : LEFT CLICK on chest
- browse RuneChest memory (virtual chest) : SNEAK + CLICK a bloc (other than a chest)
- interract with Runechest content (need permission)
- can be used like a personal Teleport Hub, you can use instant teleportation with StrangeRunes stored in (SHIFT + RIGHT CLIC), need the permission true (false by default)
- cannot be stored in a shulker box
- cannot be stored in a CHEST RUNE
- cannot be stored in custom plugin virtual chest like backpacks.
- respect protections (LWC,etc...)
- Voodoo Doll : teleport to the linked entity
- right click an entity to link the doll.
- left click a strangebloc with a Voodoo Doll in hand to teleport to the linked entity location.
- Right click a Strangebolock to link it to the entity, so you can use the strange block to teleport to entity after without using the voodoo Doll, right click again (the voodoo doll need to have the same entity linked) to remove the link and use the strange block like before
- cannot be used to craft a StrangeBlock or else
how to use basics :
The new item ChestRune :
Configuration :
you can configure the name of the items / blocks , plugins messages and some options in configuration file :
Code (Text):
ATR_RuneMaterial: EMERALD
-> permit change base rune material
-> You can change the potion type; see:
NAUSEA or HUNGER are recommended to maintain the RP aspect of the plugin.
ATR_TeleportDelay_PLAYER: 200
-> time for a player to wait before teleport again, affect the potion effect duration applied after teleport.
ATR_TeleportDelay_ENTITY: 200
-> time for a entity (not player) to wait before teleport again, affect the potion effect duration applied after teleport.
ATR_TeleportDelay_REDSTONE: 80
-> Threshold beetween redstone activation
ATR_TeleportMobs: true
-> allow mobs to teleport
ATR_Teleport_Radius: 2
-> area around the teleporter
ATR_Teleport_ProtectedArea: true
-> check if rune can store location in memory in area not owned by the current player
ATR_SafeTeleport_MaxBlockCheck: 100
-> max bloc to check before stop an hope to find a safe place
ATR_EnableRuneOnBlock: true
-> allow to use coordinates saved in a Strange Rune on a Strange Block
ATR_AllowRuneCoordChange: true
-> allow to change saved coordinate by another without the need to clear it using soulsand craft
ATR_EnableDeathRune: false
-> true to enable DeathRune
ATR_EnableBedRune: false
-> true to enable BedRune
ATR_EnableVoodooRune: false
-> true to enable VoodooRune
ATR_EnableChestRune: true
-> false to disable ChestRune
ATR_ChestRune_AllowCustomInventory: false
-> true to allow chestrune in custom inventory like backpack, be carefull you can break your player data doing that (too large packet with lot of items)
ATR_ChestRuneSize: 54
-> size of the chestRune memory must be multiple of 9 and max is 54
ATR_RuneBreakOnUse: false
-> set it to true to consume rune if used for telport (apply to deathrune and similar runes used on Strangeblock or rune used to teleport if perm "telecraft.player.rune.teleport" is set to true
ATR_SplashPotion_Radius: 1
-> area affected by the splash potion
ATR_Arrow_Radius: 0
-> area affected around the arrow
ATR_Arrow_Dammages: false
-> Does arrow dammage or not
ATR_SplashPotion_ProtectedArea: true
-> stop the use of splash potion in protected area
ATR_CostToUse: true
-> enable a price to pay for use this strange thing
-> cost type can be HUNGER / EXP / LIFE (but no money please)
ATR_CostToUseAmount: 3
-> the price to pay for use this strange thing
ATR_StrangeBlocDropAmount: 8
-> number of Obsidian dropped when breaking a StrangeBlock
ATR_StrangeBlocRedstone: true
-> enable redstone on StrangeBlock (BE CAREFULL CAN BE LOUD FOR CPU !)
ATR_StrangeBlocRedstoneCost: false
-> enable cost to use for player when teleport on redstone activated StrangeBlocks
ATR_StrangeBlocRedstoneReverseThreshold: true
-> reverse the base teleport process ( 1. Threshold 2. teleport -> 1.teleport 2. Threshold )
ATR_DisableStBlocksound: false
-> disable sound during strangeBlock teleport routine
ATR_DisableStStrikeFX: false
-> disable thunder strike on teleport
ATR_TpOnlyActivator: false
-> disable tp of nearest entity
ATR_PreventProtectedMobTP: false
-> disable tp of nearest entity not mounted by player on protected area
ATR_EnablePotionReturnCloud_LINGERING : true
-> create a temporary return portal on destination
ATR_EnablePotionReturnCloud_SPLASH : false
-> create a temporary return portal on destination
ATR_EnablePotionReturnCloud_STRANGEBLOCK : true
-> create a temporary return portal on destination
ATR_EnablePotionReturnCloud_STRANGERUNE : false
-> create a temporary return portal on destination
ATR_PotionCloud_DURATION : 6000
-> duration of the cloud(return portal) generated by LINGERING potion event
ATR_allowedWorld: []
-> you can access only world listed in this section
ATR_forbiddenWorld: []
-> you can't access world listed in this section
ATR_StrangeRuneCustomRecipe: false
-> enable custom recipe for StrangeRune
- E
- Y
-> the shape to use (max 3 caracters / line, max lines 3)
-> ingredients used (1 line for each characters used in previous recipe)
A StrangeRune custom recipe :
Code (Text):
ATR_StrangeRuneCustomRecipe: true
Permissions :
Default permissions are defined for balanced gameplay, but you can change them has you like :
Code (Text):
description: basic authorization for the use of the plugin by players
default: true
description: authorizes the use of rune
telecraft.player.rune.crafts: true
telecraft.player.rune.use: true
telecraft.player.rune.teleport: false
telecraft.player.rune.useonblock: true
telecraft.player.rune.changecoord: true
description: authorizes the use of Strangesblocks
default: true
telecraft.player.block.crafts: true true
telecraft.player.block.break: true
telecraft.player.block.teleport: true
description: authorizes the use of potions
default: true
telecraft.player.potion.use: true
telecraft.player.potion.teleport: true
description: authorizes the use of splash potions
default: true
telecraft.player.splashpotion.use: true
telecraft.player.splashpotion.player: true
telecraft.player.splashpotion.mobs: true
telecraft.player.arrow.use: true
telecraft.player.deathrune.use: true
telecraft.player.bedrune.use: true
telecraft.player.chestrune.use: true
telecraft.player.chestrune.inv: false false
telecraft.player.voodoorune.use: true
description: cost to pay for teleport
defaults: op
telecraft.nocost.all: true
telecraft.nocost.creative: true true
description: remove bad runes
defaults: op
telecraft.admin.clean: true
telecraft.admin.reload: true[
telecraft.admin.debug: true
telecraft.admin.copy: true
Commands (OP only):
reload configuration
# debug commands
remove corrupted runes accross the worlds and fix deleted runes (clearlagg or other plugins)
debug messages (can spam a lot in server console) only for dev usage
/runescopy [amount]
duplicate curent item in main hand
Statistics :
This plugin uses
bStats to collect
anonymous statistics, which helps a lot to get informations on environement that run Telecraft and feature usage to see what to do next...
Know issues :
ClearLagg plugin remove strangebloc emerald items on it, to fix it :
- update Telecraft to 1.3.7
Other entity clearing plugin :
- to restore strange bloc you have to use the command : /runesclean
- check in the plugin used to clear entity if you have an option to filter Emerald item, if its not possible i recommand not using this plugin with telecraft if you don't want to run /runesclean every time entitys are cleared...
Thanks to Jai for the english translation fix !
Thanks to
DarkSumrak for his tutorial !