Anti-AutoClicker [DISCONTINUED] icon

Anti-AutoClicker [DISCONTINUED] -----

Prevent auto clicking by doing nothing

Version: 2.11.6
There are a lot of bugs in this plugin, but apparently the developer doesn't know how to fix them...

1. Right click counts as CPS when used
2. The calculation of blocks when hitting is turned off in the config, and it still counts like CPS and then it is kicking players when they are digging in Mines
3. There is a huge bug; when you corner a player and hit him with 50 CPS, it counts as having 1-2 CPS. It's a huge bypass and this plugin loses the whole point of its name and use.

Version: 2.11.2
Good, but i cant change the cps limit. Please fix this on the next version. I need this for my server
Author's response
you can. there is a config for the CPS check specifically. after changing you must reload

Version: 2.11.2
good plugin ! ............................................................................
Author's response
glad you like it :)

Version: 2.11.2
The plugin that every minigame server needs to have .
Author's response
thank you! :)

Version: 2.11.2
The best plugin so far. I always use this plugin a lot! Anybody see this comment, just use it
Author's response
thanks for the review! :)

Version: 2.11-HOTFIX
Works okay. I wish I could disable the automatic unban incase I end up making bans permanent. Also does not work if you're clicking in the air, only works if you're punching players. Right clicking also does not get detected. Other than those issues it's pretty good.
Author's response
Hey, thanks for the review!
You can either set the ban time ridiculously high or insert your own ban command. Also the plugin does count the clicks made at air as well as rightclicks. If you're experiencing otherwise, what should not be the case, please join my discord or slide into my DMs so we can look at it together :)

Version: 2.10
Developer is such a cool person, and open to new ideas about his plugin. Can only recommend, got a fast answer on his discord server
Author's response
Hey, thank you for the review and kind words!
Glad to help :)

Version: 2.9-FIX
Nice plugin Anti-Click Plugin Out there.
Great support.
And Active development team!!
Author's response
Hey, thank you for the review! :)

Version: 2.9-FIX
The best anti auto clicker plugin so far.

Amazing discord support and outstanding performance very friendly developer solves problems as soon as possible Highly Recommended for your server
Author's response
Hey, thank you for your review and kind words! :D

Version: 2.9
Wonderful plugin made by a wonderful dev! Had an issue, reported it and he fixed it within seconds! Very kind and nice support aswell.

*About the plugin*
Fairly said, it will not detect every little autoclicker, since you can't detect everything and it is probably really hard to even detect autoclicker, but if you adjust the settings correctly, it will cover up to 80%. You can also set the checks that low, that it will detect the smallest autoclicker, but i would not recommend it since it will lead to false positives.

The plugin works right out of the box but works even better if you adjust the settings. The config is a bit confusing, but once you get into it, its really easy to use. Also everything is commented by the dev, which makes it even easier. If you can't figure it out, you can also ask the dev. Did it several times and he kept being nice and friendly with an amazing, fast support. He answered every question i had even if it took some time. Also explained me the plugin :) But thats not the point, back to the plugin.
It has a really nice automatic mechanism which runs in the background and detects autoclicker with several checks, which are sadly not visible yet. Hopefully that will be added soon!
Functions to check the players manually are also given and easy to use.
Currently i am not a fan of the log system, but it does what it is supposed to do, logging.
Of course the plugin also includes a bypass and several lag checks to avoid false positives.
More or less fancy GUIs are also given, but not necressary in my opinion.
You can even choose between violation based or instant penalties.
Aaand there are many penalties you can deactivate or activate.
If it detects something, it will also notify teammembers. Which is currently not very helpful, as it only notifies you on the server and not across the network, but is perfect for single server systems :)

Besides that, it has a few other functions which i can't list all here.

All in all i would recommend to use the plugin. One of the best anti auto clicker plugins i've seen yet. Other AAC plugins just supports the standard check (CPS) and/or have (many) false positives or are outdated, not like this one.
We are lucky that the dev still maintains, updates and supports this plugin.

Hopefully i could help you with the decision whether or not to use the plugin.
Author's response
Hey, wow .. thank you for the detailed review and the kind words!

I'm happy to answer any questions you may have :)

Your suggestions are already on my TODO and will soon be implemented step by step.

I am delighted that the plugin is so well received.

Version: 2.9
Awesome plugin! Never had any issues with it whatsoever. Amazing Developer. keep at it!
Author's response
Hey, thanks for your review and kind words! :)

Version: 2.8-FIX
Great plugin, but it would be nice to use under 1.17 as well. Not good at the moment.
Author's response
Hey, thanks for your review.

An update, which contains support for 1.17, is coming soon.

Version: 2.7-FIX
ve ri gút .
Author's response
Thank you! :)

Version: 2.6.5-FIX
Please help! How can I change the alerts from chat to bossbar? And another: please add some Clicker checks, Example: DoubleClicking, TripleClicking...
Author's response
Hi, thanks for your review.

This is not the right section for that.
You can join my Discord server or send me a DM, then I can help you.

Your mentioned checks are aleady in planning.

Version: 2.6.3-CONTINUATION
It doesn't work. When i type /antiac nothing happens, no commands comes up in the chat. :(
Author's response
This is not the right place for it & also there is no such issue.

Please join my discord or send me a DM so I can help you.

Version: 2.6
Es un buen complemento y la verdad me sorprendió este plugin que es para la 1.8 - 1.16 y la verdad si el plugin sigue en un buen estado y con tal que lo actualizen me parece bien. Quiero agradecer mucho al author ya que otros complementos están des actualizado !he llevado 10 dias y me va muy bien¡.
Author's response
Thank you! You're welcome :D

Version: 2.5-FIX
The plugin structure and idea of having a standalone autoclicker detection is great, but saying "cannot be bypassed" is just completely wrong. You don't have any sort of checks for e.g. distribution type or repeating patterns, which means this can be easily bypassed by just adding a bit of randomization or just using a macro, i have a private anticheat with just 3 autoclicker checks and it manages to detect basically every public autoclicker and even some killauras due to client developers being lazy with their cps stuff. But good luck on developing this plugin!
Author's response
Hey, thanks for your review!
My plugin is based on the click count of a player, not on the autoclicker itself or the autoclicker type. The plugin only prevents the use of high click count for the own game advantage.

But thanks for the hint.
I have now changed the description of the plugin so that the plugin only prevents high clicks so far.

Version: 2.5-FIX
Very good plugin! It works well, but is there a way to add players who bypass it?
Author's response
Hey, thanks.
Yea, you can give them the needed bypass perms which are set in the config.yml

Version: 2.5-FIX
Good plugin use it for my server. Keep it up, do really cool plugins. Thank you for helping me quickly with my problem. ;)
Author's response
Thank you! :D

Version: 2.5
Hello, I downloaded the plugin and tried it when I was zmb. /antiac try there is the plugin version etc. that happens with every command zmb. at /antiac notify etc. I hope this will be fixed if yes I give a better rating. ;)
Author's response
this normally shouldn't happen.
This should only happen if you do not have the necessary permission to execute the command.
Should be fixed now.

Version: 2.4-QUICKFIX
10/10 plugin for 19.9+ tps servers at peak hours, however, random tps drops and ping spikes for players will result in false positives. Still, it works right out of the box with no configuration needed unless the checks are set too low or too high.
Author's response
Hey, thanks for your review!
That's why I included the TPSChecker. It prevents the influence into the click numbers while TPSDrops aka Serverlags. I will try to add more LagChecks in the near future. :D

Version: 1.8
This is a good plugin.
Made by an amazing owner responding to all his reviews.
I decompiled the plugin and noticed you are using Bukkit Events.
I suggest that you start using packets.
Maybe try ProtocolLib or TinyProtocol.
That would improve performance!
Author's response
Hey, thanks for your review!
That was actually planned, but I thought I'd leave it at the current functions. Maybe that will be added at some point, but for now the normal bukkit events are enough i guess. :D

Version: HOTFIX-1.6
Adoro il nuovo aggiornamento! Finalmente italiano. Perfetto per il mio server.

1.14 finalmente funziona, grazie! :)
Author's response
I don't quite know what you wrote there, but my translator only says good things, so thank you! haha :D


Version: HOTFIX-1.6
The developer is really nice and if you found a bug and reported it he fixed it within half an hour! Good work keep going!

Gonna try me out on an addon haha :D
Author's response
Thank you!
Let me know if you need help :D

Version: 1.6
Doesn't support 1.14 at all.
>.... [21:46:41 ERROR]: Could not load 'plugins/AntiAC.jar' in folder 'plugins'
org.bukkit.plugin.InvalidPluginException: Unsupported API version 1.15
Author's response
Oh shit, thanks for the bug report!
I'll get right on it.
I'm sorry this is your first impression of the plugin.

Version: HOTFIX-1.5
Nice plugin! I think it deserves 5 stars!!!!!Can I advertise this wonderful plugin to MCBBS?I'll NEVER claim it as mine, I just wanna translate it and let more people know it.
Author's response
Thanks for the review!
If you link the plugin (SpigotMC) sure, why not? :)

Version: HOTFIX-1.5
Thanks for the update and consider my request! And finally there is an API xD Now I can finally link my plugins to it, good work!

I am looking forward to more nice updates
Author's response
Thank you very much ! :D

Version: 1.2
i decopile your plugin, but is good coding and good detection
Good job ;v ------------------
Author's response
Thank you for the positive feedback and the compliment! :)

Version: 1.2
I like the plugin itself and think it is really worth getting it! You are sufficiently protected against the Auto-Clicker with the right configuration! Also a nice and helpful developer! Keep going the great work!
Author's response
Thank you for the positive feedback!
Updates are planned :)

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 24,762
First Release: Feb 4, 2020
Last Update: Sep 17, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
25 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings