Good day, I'm having problems due to my mistake in creating an account with a different email from the one I have in SPIGOT to be able to receive my two FREE plugins since as you can see I purchased " Anti Alt Account | Prevent Hackers From Joining Your Server [Paid ] Phase"
Now I would like to understand how to resolve this in Discord, I am registered with the email "
[email protected]"
And my spigot instead with the email: "
[email protected]" which would be the email I use when I am connected to services where I pay because I am a company and MCraftgse is part of a project linked to the Gse StudioWeb company.
Now can you come to me to fix this problem?
The BOT doesn't allow me to change the email, I tried to disconnect the Spigot account to change the email, but it doesn't work!
I wrote you two emails and you told me to create another account, BUT NOTHING TO DO, you don't even allow me to do this because the BOT doesn't allow me.
I don't want to think that your offer is a SCAM, so can you please give me a hand?