[#] Decreased the default average violation to improve false positives
[#] Fixed a console error related to integer to object casting
[#] Fixed webhooks being sent when a detection or its check was disabled
[#] Adjusted the notifications and prevention levels for almost all checks
[#] Fixed a few MorePackets teleport false positives
[#] Fixed a null pointer console error with the Spartan Edition handler
[#] Improved upon the existing statistics to make them faster and more accurate
Nice to meet you everyone, my name is Nick. As of today, Vagdedes will be stepping down from owner of the Spartan AntiCheat project and I will be taking charge in his place, with him becoming a developer. As a result of this change, our username on BuiltByBit, Polymart & SpigotMC will soon be set to
CheatSolutions and on Discord as spartananticheat. I personally am a very community driven individual and I think this will have a positive effect in this community.
So, let's begin! I'd like to give attention to 2 important issues:
1. The 1st issue we knew is the anti-cheat's Machine Learning. Don't get me wrong, it is working but is difficult to coherently explain, so we replaced it with simple statistics accompanied by a classic anti-cheat violation system.
2. Upon downgrading from the Machine Learning, we discovered that the Machine Learning algorithms were correcting many false positives. As a result, we had to go through and correct them ourselves, making the native detections more stable. (Some detections that were too unstable have been temporarily disabled and will return in the future)
These 2 fundamental changes seem to have worked wonders. Beyond them, the plugin was found in an excellent state. Now that Spartan is under new management, pawsashatoy and I hope those of you who are unhappy with the project or have completely given up on it to give it another shot.
[#] Fixed a few simulation speed console errors
[#] Made the packet-world handler partly async to avoid blocking threads
[#] Removed suspicion notifications as they were barely being used
[#] Introduced a violation system and removed much of the wave statistics
[#] Fixed a rare config utils console error
[#] Removed historical statistics so also removed the Main menu
[#] Removed coordinates from the SQL database structure
[#] Fixed FastClicks false positives when entities were not around
Disclaimer to staff team:
Accounts on BuiltByBit, Polymart & SpigotMC will still be managed by Vagdedes due to rules and policies
[#] Fixed a few slime false positives
[#] Removed certain cloud features that were not being used
[#] Fixed a few checks console errors
[#] Fixed an issue with probabilities beyond 100%
[#] Fixed a few temporary player permission console errors
[#] Fixed a Speed check array console error
[#] Fixed a few rare XRay false punishments
[#] Potentially fixed the issue with high probabilities in webhooks
[#] Fixed teleport false positives related to the IrregularMovements jump detection
[#] Implemented a copy of the velocity event to avoid certain version errors
[#] Removed a lot of legacy code from the plugin and replaced it with better and newer code
[#] Rewrote part of the plugin's base to be more coherent and allow for more organized development
[#] Potentially fixed certain XRay false positives
[#] Fixed error with bukkit speed detection
[#] Fixed error with packets vehicle detection
[#] Introduced data samples to drop the statistics requirement to 1 player
[+] New recoded vehicle movement checks
[+] New elytra movement checks
[#] Fixed some falses with semi-solid blocks
[#] Fixed NoSlow falses
[#] Fixed a null message error
[#] Fixed many others minor falses
[#] Fixed nearby entities console errors
[#] Fixed issue with big number probabilities in Discord webhooks
[#] Fixed Discord webhooks firing for disabled checks
[#] Improved the preventions by abstracting the method responsible for every detection
Hey everyone! As a followup to our recent Spartan vs Vulcan anti-cheat comparison, we acknowledge the need to keep on improving Spartan to retain a superior anticheat. Here are some of the recent improvements we've made:
Added '/spartan verbose': Toggle verbose to see either important only or all notifications. This also means that you now get to distinguish notifications between detecting and learning, minimizing the amount of false positives you thought existed.
We keep verbose enabled on the test server because almost everyone there is hacking so its pointless to rely on statistics.
Rewrote FastClicks Check: We've observed complaints about the FastClicks check not supporting Butterfly, jitter, e.t.c, so we rewrote its detections from the start to improve upon this.
Statistics Improvements You can now enjoy Spartan's detections within the day (most likely). New statistics require only 3 recorded players per detection to work compared to previously needing 9. We've achieved this by modifying the prevention and punishment probabilities.
Countless of other fixes: errors, warnings, bugs, bypasses, false positives, e.t.c
Clearing some fuss: Spartan's detections mostly attempt to reverse engineer MC code. The statistics come after the detections as a way to manage the detections. Our Machine Learning (ML) is a form of managing detection outcome, not a form of understanding MC gameplay.
[+] Added check for hits through the wall
[#] Removed some more busy task warnings
[#] Fixed an overflow bug that lead to high probabilities in certain cases
[#] Fixed a few remaining GhostHand false positives
[#] Fixed issue with old ProtocolLib
[#] Fixed another minor falses
[#] Introduced the command '/spartan verbose' to differentiate between important or not notifications
[#] Made detection information shorter for almost all checks
[#] Made detections without options to have more deterministic names
[#] Improved ProtocolLib packet support by checking if certain packets exist
[#] Suspicion Notifications and Discord Webhooks will now notify at higher probabilities to reduce spam
[#] Fixed a few scaffold false positives
[#] Improved the identifications of NPC players
[#] Fixed a few detection null errors
[#] Prompted statistics to recalculated when max data has been updated
[#] Prevented certain statistics from running when not needed
[#] Pushed the requirements of statistics to their minimum
[#] Fixed punishments toggle not working via the menu
[#] Made probabilities of hardcoded detections to decay over time
[#] Changed certain detections from probabilistic to hardcoded
[#] Properly listed a few detections to their respective packets/bukkit category
[#] Removed the bukkit gravity detection
[#] Fixed a null console error
[#] Removed time warnings from runnables
[#] Corrected certain mistakes in the statistics
[#] Added detection types to improve the statistics and the menu descriptions
[#] Added attempt to stop detections when a player is a NPC
[#] Disabled certain detections of FastClicks when on packets
[#] Fixed console errors related to bubble columns
[#] Fixed minor issues related to asynchronous activity
[+] New AutoClicker (FastClicks) checks
[#] Major performance improvements
[#] Potentially fixed a ProtocolLib world change error
[#] Other minor code fixes
[#] Fixed GhostHand check false positives
[-] Removed the punishments webhook URL option as it was not used
[#] Rewrote the line of sight block method because bukkit's method caused crashes
[#] Fixed an iterator console error caused by copy-on-array-list implementation
[#] Fixed inventory utils rare console error related to missing material
[#] Fixed certain false positives with the old gravity detection
[#] Fixed FastBreak false positives
[-] Removed the settings.yml option 'Punishments.broadcast_on_punishment'
[#] Improved notifications by reducing their spam and increasing their importance
[#] Potentially fixed a Folia server error that prevented the plugin from loading
[#] Disabled the XRay check for custom worlds
[#] Optimized how detections/statistics run when requested by multiple threads
[#] Improved suspicion notifications by removing unlikely parts
[#] Improved when a check's execution runs and when it doesn't
[#] Fixed water speed bypass
[#] Fixed potential lag issue related to thread usage
[#] Improved the stability of certain statistics
[#] Fixed false positives caused by incorrect usage of threads
[#] Decreased the amount of calls for certain statistical methods
[#] Fixed speed ground/fastclimb bypasses
[#] Fixed many speed/gravity falses
[#] Fixed falses with collision
[#] Fixed falses with vehicles
[#] Fixed falses with minecarts
[#] Fixed falses with ender pearls
[#] Fixed a vehicle related false with HitReach
[#] Fixed a vehicle related console error
[#] Accelerated the learning time of the statistics by introducing data assumptions
[#] Detections will still collect data regardless of them or the check being disabled.
[#] Improved the time statistics take to calculate certain time distances.
[#] Fixed certain FastClicks false positives related to items dropping.
[#] Fixed a nearby entities method bug where it could include the player himself.
[-] Removed the ItemDrops detection as it wasn't really helping anywhere.
[#] Fixed a few FastPlace false positives.
[+] New Velocity handling for Speed checks
[#] Fixed null exception error
[#] Fixed annoying flaw deep in the plugin (because of which there was a disabler)
[#] Made detections reset when a player rejoined the server.
[#] Fixed an Exploits dead-chat-usage false positive.
[#] Fixed desync NoSlow flaws
[#] Fixed 1.13< errors
[#] Fixed false positives when teleporting/spawn
[#] Fixed false positives with some interactions
[#] Fixed other minor things
[#] Fixed some critical flaws in simulation gravity/accel
[#] Fixed simulation gravity/accel bypasses
[#] Fixed NoSlow flaws
[#] Fixed Jesus bypasses
[#] Fixed flaws with horse
Many updates today folks, we are working hard to get the best version out for you.
Update at your own pace, no need to rush, but we will do <3
[+] Added NoSlow detection in Speed check with shield/food support
[#] Optimized many multi-thread methods
[#] Fixed a few console errors
[#] Fixed collision false positives
[#] Fixed some speed false positives
[#] Fixed slime punch infinity speed bypass
[+] Added EntityFly detections to IrregularMovements check
[#] Fixed critical issues with simulation gravity IrregularMovements detection
[#] Fixed false positives with semi-solid blocks
[#] Fixed false positives with vehicle entities
[#] Fixed false positives with teleportation
[#] Fixed false positives with breaking unbreakable blocks (Ghost blocks)
[#] Fixed false positives with speed after receiving velocity
[#] Fixed false positives with certain 1.21+ interactions
[#] Other minor fixes that were not mentioned in this changelog
[#] Fixed a data pending missing description in the inventory menus
[#] Updated the default notifications to look better and contain less info
[#] Fixed concurrent console errors
- IrregularMovements: Speed, Gravity/Flight & Strafe
- KillAura
- Velocity: Anti-Knockback
- FastClicks: Auto-Clicker
- HitReach: Reach
- ImpossibleActions: Scaffold & Tower
- Exploits: BackTrack, Ground-Spoof & Movement-Spoof
[#] Improved how certain statistical outcomes are calculated.
[#] Improved when certain logs are stored that lead to additional statistical improvements.
[#] Added timezone support to log dates so that when time changes, statistics don't break.
[#] Removed Chunk snapshots and instead relied on checking if a chunk is loaded to get data needed.
[#] Optimized and at the same time improved the measurement of online and AFK time.
[#] Changed the structure of certain logs to make them easier and faster to decode and understand.
[#] Data collection remaining time is now available in all inventory menus of the plugin.
[#] Data collection of a check will now be true only if at least half of its detections have collected data.
[#] Fixed bugs with the Player Info menu where some data would not show.
[#] Potentially fixed a rare console error related to the player's latency.
[-] Removed time precision from log dates that led to extra space and potential reading flaws.
[-] As a result of this update, your statistics will start from scratch, but that is for the better good.
[#] Fixed rare async chunk Spartan data accessing console error.
[#] Added packet notification via the optional Awareness Notification feature.
[#] Corrected Velocity false positives caused by lag delay.
[#] Improved handling of Ghost blocks.
[#] Fixed some false positives related to the IrregularMovements Gravity detection.
[#] Fixed false teleportation with boat vehicles.
[#] Potentially fixed a Folia console error.
[#] Optimized the plugin's chunk collector for getting block data asynchronously.
[#] Fixed a few ProtocolLib related console errors.
[#] Optimized the plugin's chunk collector for getting block data asynchronously.
[#] Fixed a few ProtocolLib related console errors.
[#] Combined the Speed check into the IrregularMovements check.
[#] Fixed the 0-0-0 coordinate bug causing teleportation and more issues.
[#] Decreased the amount of location calls in all of the plugin's code.
[#] Balanced the probability positions that judge notifications, preventions & punishments.
[#] Fixed packets console error caused by reading the ProtocolLib handlers.
[#] Updated the Player Info inventory menu to be more easily understood.
[#] Added tracking for players connecting and disconnecting but also AFK to improve statistical accuracy.
[#] Made data pending mentions clearer to understand.
[#] Added new configuration named advanced.yml for more generalized options.
[#] Made learning 2x faster for every of player of every detection of every check.
[#] Spartan can now hold 2x the data with about 2x less space taken in memory.
[#] Fixed an ImpossibleActions detection error caused by outdated block face bukkit object.
[#] Fixed a null location error caused by the protocol utils not returning an empty location.
[#] Separated detections into probabilistic and hardcoded to differentiate functionality for developers.
[#] All Spartan commands will now run synchronously so no issues are caused.
[#] When a command fails, it will now appear in the failed message so the executor is not confused.
[#] Added additional information to Discord Webhooks such as check certainty percentages.
[#] Made notifications go through even if probability of hacking is super low.
[#] Added remaining time to complete training in the inventory menus to avoid confusion.
[#] Updated the configuration syntax to be more consistent language-wise.
[#] Fixed a few inventory menu bugs.
Phase 537.6 and later introduced a lot of changes for the best of the plugin's future. This update fixes all issues caused by the previous update, thanks for reporting and being supportive.
[#] Made notifications appear less frequently by tracking the certainty of someone hacking.
[#] Fixed null errors caused by missing synchronization in update of executor protocols.
[#] Fixed console errors, thanks for reporting.
[#] Fixed ProtocolLib temporary player console error related to player profiles.
[#] Added back-track detections to the Exploits check.
[#] Fixed a no detection stored check executor object console error.
[#] Fixed a stack overflow error caused by the player profile object.
[#] Fixed a stack overflow error caused by the spartan player object.
[#] Improved the identification of detection in cross server notifications.
[#] Separated once again the data of java and bedrock players.
[#] Made statistics run the same with less information stored in the memory.
[#] Made the plugin require less data to start comparing and taking action.
[#] Improved the SQL functionality to not execute when connection is closed.
[#] Spartan will no longer send unlikely notifications to the console.
[#] Fixed a null pointer console error related to the ImpossibleActions tower detection.
[#] Corrected a color typo in the Manage Checks inventory menu.
[#] Rewrote how the plugin deals with detection hashing to improve and optimize statistics.
[#] Fixed IrregularMovements baritone false positives for bedrock players.
[#] Fixed MorePackets bukkit detection false positives for bedrock players.
[#] Fixed a console error caused in byte conversion related to jumping calculation.
[#] Removed not needed information from the Player Info inventory menu.
[#] Heavily rewrote the part of the base of the plugin to improve violation analysis.
[#] Added more examples and improved current ones in the Spartan GitHub repository.
[#] Fixed several MorePackets false positives caused by low multipliers.
[#] Fixed a location reading console error on ProtocolLib packets functionality.
[#] Allowed damage preventions to take place when packets through protocollib are enabled.
[#] Improved the violation increase of many detections to improve statistical analysis.
[#] Fixed IrregularMovements new baritone detection false positives.
[#] Fixed several Exploits ground-spoof detection false positives.
[#] Fixed KillAura block-raytrace detection console error.
[#] Fixed IrregularMovements teleportation by breaking blocks false positives.
[#] Fixed MorePackets teleportation by breaking blocks false positives.
[#] Moved the IrregularMovements move-length detection to the KillAura check and fixed non-combat false positives.
[#] Potentially fixed several movement water and water-logged block false positives.
[#] Fixed bubble water being identified even if block was blocking the falling path.
[#] Improved the support for attributes introduced in recent updates but earlier too.
[#] Fixed several movement liquid false positives caused by broken utility method.
[#] Fixed several console errors caused by ProtocolLib temporary players in relation to floodgate bedrock players.
[#] Fixed an OldCombatMechanics compatibility Speed check false positive.
[-] Removed the Detection Slots, more on this on the announcement on Discord.
[#] Added additional information to the Manage Checks inventory menu/gui.
[+] Implemented a new ImpossibleActions scaffold detection that contains deep analysis.
[+] New Scaffold analysis checks.
[#] Optimized the collection of entities on Folia fork & packet-based Spartan.
[#] Fundamentally changed how Spartan implements detections for more productive development.
[#] Options in the checks.yml file will now all be loaded the moment a player joins the server.
[#] Fixed several Speed random false positives.
[#] Added more detection options in the checks.yml configuration.
[#] Potentially fixed a Folia fork unloaded world entity removal error.
[#] Fixed several IrregularMovements liquid block false positives.
[#] The plugin will now totally measure time in more accurate terms allowing for higher accuracy.
[#] Fixed several MorePackets teleportation due to action false positives.
[#] Fixed several Exploits, Velocity & IrregularMovements bouncing block false positives.
[+] New Baritone checks.
[#] Fixed several Speed piston related false positives.
[#] Fixed several FastClicks block breaking false positives.
[#] Fixed several FastBreak no enchantment accounting false positives.
[#] Fixed several Speed server flight related false positives.
[#] Attempted to create certain IrregularMovements jump(ticks) cross-version false positives.
[#] Fixed an Exploits ground-spoof cancelled building false positive.
[#] Optimised the Player Profile object with fewer & faster methods and less memory used.
[#] Potentially fixed a Folia loading console error.
[#] Fixed a mathematical mistake in the Velocity check.
[#] Fixed several Speed elytra related false positives.
[#] Fixed several Speed trident related false positives.
[#] Fixed a Vehicle console error caused by wrong object casting.
[#] Made Suspicion Notifications not be sent in certain unavailable data circumstances.
[#] Removed violation information from the Player Info menu as it is not important.
[+] Added method to the developer API to get violation certainty for a check.
[#] Fixed remaining Detection Slots not being calculated properly in all cases.
[#] Limited the amount of violations stored per player to optimize the time of statistics.
[#] Attempted to re-fix running out of memory due to Bukkit's method of getting the target block across a distance.
[#] Fixed a temporary player active potion effects console error.
[#] Fixed a FastBreak standing above block false positive.
[#] Fixed an IrregularMovements bubble water soul-sand false positive.
[#] Made the mining logs not take place once the XRay check is disabled.
[#] Fixed a Folia loading console error caused by enums not initialized properly.
[#] Fixed several IrregularMovements step false positives caused by ridding camels.
[#] Fixed an EntityDeathEvent console error caused by missing method.
[-] Removed the measuring of violations as it has not been useful for a while to any check.
[#] Fixed a temporary-player console error related to protocol version.
[#] Fixed a concurrent modification exception in the packet combat listeners.
[#] Fixed a concurrent modification exception in the player utilities.
[#] Decreased redundant code in player utils by using existing useful libraries.
[#] Fixed a line of sight array growth error by limiting the distance checked for the GhostHand check.
[#] Fixed a concurrent modification exception in the player object related to potion effects.
[#] Fixed a library console error caused by the inventory utils on older server versions.
[+] New Exploits ground-spoof checks (1:1).
[+] New HitReach checks (0.1+ reach/hitbox detection).
[+] New Timer checks (lag compensation, almost instantaneous triggering, positive or negative timer detection)
[+] Killaura MoveDirection "heuristic[interpolation]" check, designed for newest aura bypasses
[#] Fixed many problems with combat checks.
[#] Improved stability of many checks.
[#] Fixed bug with DAMAGE_EVENT
[#] Fixed compatibility with older versions (1.8+)
[#] Removed the NoFall check and replaced it by the new Exploits ground-spoof detection.
[#] Almost all listeners now on packet-level.
[+] Split the check statistics into multiple factors to increase precision.
[#] Improved Velocity processing instead of deprecated damage.
[+] Added certainty measurement that a player is hacking to be saved in the plugin's logs to help for many reasons.
[-] Bedrock players will no longer be checked on the packet level due to incompatibilities.
[#] Made probabilities stricter to reduce the amount of notifications but also improve stability.
[#] Fixed synchronization console error related to the violation history.
[#] Fixed elytra & mobs collision false positives.
[#] Fixed a Speed console error caused by specific-version materials.
[+] Implemented a new KillAura detection which calculates the ratio of hits/damages for all entities.
[+] Implemented a new FastClicks detection which measures and compares patterns.
[#] Made notifications message in messages.yml not show the violation level by default because it is confusing.
[#] Fixed a few FastBreak false positives with sensitive blocks.
Combined Anti Alt Account functionality with Spartan functionality.
Updated the verification of the Cloud feature, update to maintain access to it.
Plugins already supports 1.21, fixed an obufscation mapping issue with Paper forks.
Maintained the plugin's internals and specifically the inventory menu.
Maintenance & incremental changes.
Added support for Minecraft 1.20
Improved the compatibility of the Folia fork.
Made sure the SQL table is created before executing any queries.
Updated the Discord Webhooks feature to work with different domains.
The Cloud feature will no longer impact the “server_name” option in settings.yml.
Corrected an array length console error.
Enabled the already implemented auto updater feature for users of my website.
Improved the tab completion by detecting what to recommend based on the command’s arguments.
- The plugin will now identify its original platform when using a token.
- Extended the Cloud feature with more useful methods.
- Corrected an incorrect software guarantee message.
- Improved how the plugin shows URLs.
- Some product information will now be synchronized with the Cloud.
- The String utilities methods will now return more fail-safe results.
- Implemented a new settings.yml option named “show_ecosystem”.
- The Cross Server Information feature will now work better.
- Updated the Debug’s features contents
- The synchronization algorithm will now understand the type of variable it is dealing with.
- The synchronization algorithm will now be faster & account for when the server is unavailable.
Made some adjustments to the synchronisation algorithm to better fit more configurations.
Corrected a maven issue that caused the plugin.yml to not be included in the plugin's file contents.
- A new sql.yml option has been introduced to allow the replacing of special characters.
- The plugin will now concurrently use SQL & Files to store exempted players.
- Implemented new Base64 methods in the String utilities.
- Changed the order at which the plugin closes threads.
- Optimized the plugin’s configurations with faster & more consistent codes.
Adjusted the duration of the verification connection to avoid server load.
Made some additional improvements to the Customer Support feature.
- Corrected the default table name in sql.yml.
- Implemented a new command to receive customer support.
- Improved the String utilities with new useful methods for the SQL & Cloud functionalities.
- Improved the SQL feature with more fail-safe methods.
- Corrected some incorrect connections to the Cloud feature.
General code corrections.
Adjusted the Cloud feature and description of the inventory menu items.
When exempting a player, the outcome will now consider the state of the SQL method.
Updated the functionality of the Cloud feature.
Corrected an issue with the plugin's obfuscation.
Implemented support for java 8 for as long as it remains possible. Please update your servers, this is nothing but a temporary solution that only some of my plugins will receive.
Adjusted the descriptions of the inventory menus
Implemented some additional menu performance improvements
Added support 1.19 Minecraft servers.
Updated a faulty website URL.
Corrected an issue that would cause the plugin to disable.
- Removed the “awareness_notifications” & “non_console_command” options via settings.yml.
- Removed the Error utilities and included their functionality in the Awareness Notifications feature.
- Noticeably improved the String utilities with recent & new methods.
- Implemented a shorter version of the reload command.
Revamped the plugin's name and purpose as Anti Alt Account
- Cloud Punished Players will now only be checked when they can join the server.
- Implemented compatibility for the plugin named Minigame Maker.
- Noticeably improved the Inventory menu with additional items, descriptions & functionalities.
- Corrected a bug where the join-date, last-name & staff status statistics would not update.
- The support page will now redirect to my domain to ensure the captcha website works.
Corrected a configuration syntax not working.
Updated the Piracy system to verify more information.
Updated the contents of the plugin.yml file.
Corrected a bug in the Piracy protection.
- Updated the plugin.yml file with new information.
- Slightly improved the Piracy protection with more universal variables.
- Slightly improved the Cloud feature with better messages.
- Implemented a new settings.yml configuration option named “awareness_notifications”.
- Implemented support for 1.18 servers.
Simplified the command command creation process with one less argument.
- The UltimateStatistics plugin API will now be used to store statistics on the Cloud, so they can be later viewed on the website. This means this website is no longer capable of storting statistics on its own. This choice was taken to prevent the programming of redundant codes but to also emphasise on each plugin's power, one being statistics, the other being website content.
- Implemented a new type of utilities named Plugin utilities.
- Noticeably improved the Information inventory menu with additional functionality.
- Removed some unused code from the messages.yml configuration.
- The inventory menus will now support offline players.
- The Punishments inventory menu will now show bans made from the Spartan Anticheat.
- The plugin wll now use the UltimateStatists plugin API to store statistics.
- Greatly optimised the Chat Protection feature with faster string handling.
- Removed the Version utilities and made the plugin dynamically cross-version compatible.
- Removed the settings.yml option “check_server_compatibility_on_load”.
Noticeably improved the compatibility with the Spartan AntiCheat.
- Greatly improved the Math utilities with new useful methods.
- User & File IDs will now be hidden from public & semi-public parts of the plugin.
- The configuration will now reload after the website is created.
- Corrected several minor flaws with the plugin’s website design.
Updated the plugin for 1.17 Bukkit-based servers.
Corrected a Java 16 console error caused by an unsafe library used in the Request utilities.
- Updated the plugin.yml file with more universal information.
- Slightly improved the Piracy system to be in par with some changes.
- Slightly improved the Math utilities with new useful methods.
- Noticeably improved many codes thanks to the improvements made in the Math utilities.
- Made some improvements to the Register handler of the plugin to prevent potential console errors.
- Corrected an issue where the plugin’s URLs wouldn’t be properly cached.
- Corrected a few bugs in the Piracy system and removed unused methods.
- Noticeably improved the Math utilities with faster methods.
- Replaced the space character from “%spc%” to “%%” for faster typing.
- Corrected an issue where the ban reason would be shown as “Never” if it was permanent.
- Adding the permission “rankName.*” will give all permissions of a rank to another rank.
- Slightly optimised all objects with final methods for better code compilation.
- Corrected a potential null-pointer console error caused by the Punishment disconnect handler.
- Noticeably improved the Variables handler with more universal fields.
- Corrected several bugs with the punishment system, such as no kicking after command, and no proper cache refresh.
- Implemented a new permission named “msw.nostats” which will prevent players from having their stats calculated.
- Corrected a small bug in the Punishment inventory menu where names would be shown as objects.
- Implemented the ability to disable the menu command by making it have no characters in the configuration.
- Corrected a few website information bugs having to do with UUID to player name conversion.
- Corrected several design flaws in the website.
- Corrected several API flaws in the server.
- Implemented the ability to disable website tabs/categories.
- Implemented the ability to disable inventory menu items.
Corrected a few existing and potential console error caused by opening the inventory menus.
Removed the PlaceholderAPI compatibility due to being heavy and not used by anyone.
Corrected an issue where the plugin would disable if no connection to the Cloud was established.
- Slightly improved the compatibility with the Spartan AntiCheat.
- Removed the confusing and unnecessary op_bypass settings.yml option.
- Implemented jumping sub-statistics to the Distance Travelled statistic.
- Made movement statistics faster & null-pointer error proof.
- Limited the plugin's artificial errors to shorter length.
- Artificial errors will no longer include the private key.
Implemented last-death date sub-statistic to all Death related statistics.
- Slightly improved the private API methods with more universal methods.
- Slightly optimised the Piracy & Permissions system with faster methods.
- Corrected a few text length bugs originating from the plugin’s Cloud server.
- Corrected a website player head image bug caused by Bedrock players.
- Slightly optimised the Commands & Variables handlers.
Greatly optimised the plugin's systems, utilities, configurations, handlers & listeners with less memory calls & usage.
Placeholders now also support categories and not just individual statistics.
- Implemented a new settings.yml configuration option. (statistics_disabled_worlds)
- Corrected a bug that prevented Death statistics from being properly calculated.
Made the data request replies more flexible, both on the web-server and local side. Downloading this update is a requirement.
- A new category has been implemented to handle upcoming advancements which contains 5 statistics. Each statistic is essentially a category of advancements. This category is only available with 1.12 or newer servers.
- Implemented a new category named Advancements.
- Implemented 5 new statistics in the Advancements category.
- Slightly improved the plugin's version compatibility.
- Corrected an issue where Player-Kills kill-streak statistic wouldn't be calculated.
- Updated the Piracy protection to go along with the recently organised packages & codes.
- Corrected an API statistics retrieval handled console error.
Corrected an issue where a newly created website would be returned as null in the URL message.
Organised the plugin's packages and their codes.
Corrected any errors thrown when the plugin disables.
The Statistics page will from now on also show the player's punishment history.
- Implemented compatibility for my anti-cheat, Spartan, which will be enabled in the future.
- Modified the plugin.yml so the plugin can properly depend on Spartan.
- Improved the counting method of the Permission system.
- Corrected a bug where default members would have 1 unknown permission.
- Corrected a chat-colour bug with the default prefix fall-back.
- Made the default rank prefix forcefully be added to the configuration.
- Corrected an incorrect permission bug with the last rank in order.
- Corrected an item title bug in the Information inventory menu.
- Limited the line length of inventory menu descriptions.
- Corrected several viewing bugs in the Staff-Team inventory menu.
- Corrected a bug in the website's design.
Improved the plugin's private API to increase compatibility with other plugins of my own.
Implemented 1.16 compatibility.
- Implemented compatibility for a plugin of my own named UltimateStatistics.
- Implemented a new settings.yml configuration option. (no_statistics_reply)
- Implemented support for a plugin named PlaceholderAPI.
- Implemented a new type of utilities to identify loaded plugins.
- Improved all statistics in the Accuracy category.
- Improved the Combat utilities with more accurate methods
- Improved the Math utilities with more protective methods.
- Corrected an issue where Accuracy statistics would fail to calculate.
- Corrected a Survival category foods-eaten statistic saturation-effect false positive.
- The plugin's price has almost been reduced in half.
- Renamed the plugin to MinecraftServerWebsite.
- Replaced the /msio command with the command /msw.
- Made the required changes to the plugin.yml file.
- Corrected a potential domain issue.
- Drastically optimised the Registration handler.
- Updated the contents of the plugin.yml file.
- Updated the Piracy protection to verify more information.
Removed the unused Patreon alternative licensing system to prevent suspicions raised from the forums' staff team.
- Updated the plugin.yml file with new information.
- Slightly improved the Piracy protection with more universal variables.
- Slightly improved the Cloud feature with better messages.
- Implemented support for 1.18 servers.
Greatly optimised the Plugin utilities by removing unnecessary loop checks.
- Noticeably improved the compatibility with the Spartan AntiCheat.
- Corrected a bug where the Exempted Players menu wouldn't show the page items when full/indifferent.
- Enabled all parts of the Piracy system after the plugin’s original release.
- Implemented a description for the prevent-join command to document its functionality.
- Implemented a new configuration syntax. {ipAddress}
- Slightly optimised the configuration system with less method & memory calls.
- Implemented 2 new settings.yml configuration option. (debug_mode, awareness_notifications)
- The plugin now offers a debug option to increase your awareness for punished players.
- Updated some important Cloud processing handlers.
- Updated the plugin for 1.17 Bukkit-based servers.
- User & File IDs will now be hidden from public & semi-public parts of the plugin.
- Greatly improved the Math utilities with new useful methods.
- Slightly improved the API of the plugin with a method to get the license ID.