Towny Advanced icon

Towny Advanced -----

The original Player-managed Protection within a resident/town/nation-hierarchy.

The best plugin, support is great on the discord too. If i was in a position to support financially, i 100% would. Please support this plugin so it doesnt die :)

I fucking love this plugin, been using my whole life and support is super fast if you need help!

Amazing plugin, easily top 5! It's very easy to set up, and just works.
It has been around the Minecraft server scene for as long as I can remember which is really neat

The plugin is very cool! It literally stands on every military-political server.

The plugin is so configurable that you can make config it into a faction plugin. 10/10

Excellent Plugin! I use it back in 2024 when i had an server that was an "Towny" server and basically it was perfect! everything is there and you dont need more from the plugin :) recommended!

Excellent complement, years of using it and it works wonderfully. I just need to be unblocked from Discord (user: karuho.) I was blocked by mistake when my account had been hacked and I can't ask for support :(
Author's response
I've unbanned you on the discord, thanks for the 5 star review.

Great plugin! I use it on my minecraft earth server it has tons of features and the auther is really generous by maintaning this plugin and making it free for people to download
Author's response
Thanks for the 5 star review, but you're pretty weird for RPing as a 13 year old on Discord so that's all I got to say.

A lovely classic that the author has very generously maintained and supported over the years. Perfect out of the box, works with no worries at all.
Author's response
Real recognize real, thanks for the 5 star review.

I love Towny and have used it on several servers! Overall it's a fantastic plugin, if a little convoluted to navigate when learning/relearning. The only reason that it cannot receive 5 stars from me is the author's blatant disregard for those with genuine concerns. Let me clarify, it is always worth taking a review (5, 4, 3, 2, or 1 stars) with a shaker's worth of salt! However, I do not feel it is acceptable or professional to treat genuine comments, concerns, requests, etc with disregard (or in many cases) a genuine disliking towards the remark altogether. If something goes on the backburner because it's a good idea but the folks who've brought it forward have not monetarily supported the developer, then that is what it is and everyone understands. When good and genuine suggestions are, for lack of better vernacular, pissed on for the sake of the individual bringing genuine concerns without bringing monetary compensation is off-putting. I can see this author and this plugin receiving five stars from me in the future and I genuinely hope it does! Please support it and continue to voice your comments and concerns, especially if you're not in a position to support now (outside of comments, recommendations, etc.) but will later! Give the little guys a chance to come around and I believe they will!
Author's response
sighs, thanks for leaving a review.

To put things into perspective: The hope and desire that you wish to see become a reality used to be the way that it was. Everyone got all of their requests considered equally. This existed for a span of 14+ years. I have been in charge of Towny's development for 10 of those years. After 9 years of pouring my heart and soul into Towny, and not receiving the compensation I felt that I deserve, I had to change my policy. For every 100 Towny servers out there, only one server's admin is sponsoring my time. Feature requests have been sponsor-only for just about two years now. Hands-on support on the Discord has been restricted to new admins and sponsoring admins for about one year now.

I wish it could be the way it used to be, coding for a community that appreciates your work is a very rewarding experience. I sadly do not feel appreciated enough.

The current situation is entirely because of the lack of funding. I cannot afford to put lots of time into Towny, and because of this the time I do put into Towny goes towards the people who are sponsoring me.

I believe that all plugin developers are under-paid and under-appreciated by the community that uses their plugins.

Again, thanks for leaving a review, I hope that you can see things from my perspective and some day I hope you become a sponsor.

Great plugin, highly recommend for server owners to get this. Keep up the amazing work!
Author's response
MrNogan with a 5-star review, thank you MrNogan!

This plugin functions well and is consistently kept up to date. The work done by the Towny developers is amazing. Great plugin!
Author's response
Zommbie, long-time Towny user, makes review, it's 5 stars. Thanks for the Spigot review.

i recommend it because i am new on this type of plugin and don't understand so much of it. so I joined the discord and got help with things I didn't even know about. thanks for this plugin and time
Author's response
liliLimpan200, I don't understand your username but I did give you fast, efficient and effective support on the Discord! Thanks for your 5 star review!

Awesome plugin. I uses for so many years, good support in the discord, giga chad developer
Author's response
josegoust, I am not a giga chad, I am but a simple plugin farmer. Thank you for the 5 star spigot review!

Very happy user of townyadvanced, Super helpful support, we will sponsor you when we can afford to (just starting out)
Author's response
PerlSOL you've made a wonderful review, thank you.

Excellent plugin, the staff make useful answers (and plugin is making that I'm asking)
Author's response
bosserpro coming in hot with a 5/5 review of the plugin Towny, a plugin I am pretty familiar with! Thanks bosserpro!

Not a single English word can describe how good is this plugin and how huge and consistent the effort was put on it was. Simply everyone likes it people even get addicted to it its literally a game-changer, if you could only use 1 plugin on your server its deffo towny.
Author's response
mim11144 thank you for making the first 5 star review of, very nicely put I must say.

Great Plugin 100% recommended for anyone looking for an all in one solution to managing player towns and more.

My rating is solely for the fact that the lead developer will 100% sh** on you in discord. He has a terrible attitude towards anyone whose seeking support for a particularly invasive message built into Towny, aimed at people selling town blocks for real money. I DO NOT do this nor do I condone this behavior as it violates certain terms. I do however give my players town blocks for being online for a certain amount of time, and they get the invasive message regardless.
There should be an option to disable that in a config - meaning the server owner would have to read that anyway, acknowledging they should not be selling the blocks. Forcing it on players though... thats just a bad tactic. Then attacking someone for asking questions about it saying they have an attitude is a whole other ballpark of 'uninstalled'.

This is the message that's forced upon players:

If you have paid any real-life money for these townblocks please understand: the server you play on is in violation of the Minecraft EULA and the Towny license.
The Towny team never intended for townblocks to be purchaseable with real money.
If you did pay real money you should consider playing on a Towny server that respects the wishes of the Towny Team.

It's quite trashy to have to look at every time a new player is on the server for 4 hours.
Author's response
Anyone that wants to see me sh** on this guy on discord can click this link:

It's exactly what you'd expect from someone so entitled that when they don't get their way have to go make a review on Spigot.

I don't have to apologize for my behaviour. I've already made it very clear that because of under-funding I am not doing hands on support or catering to people who are not sponsoring. I predicted that some admins would react with poor reviews. I'm ok with that.

The plugin is cool and from servers played in it is useful. It brings a lot of RP town building qualities and is great for communities. This plugin I would class as an essential plugin for any server to have.

Some down sides though:

There isn't many tutorials that are up to date or even going through config files of the process of setup. Installation isn't made easy and the official videos only state how to use the plugin and not how to setup from a server admin perspective. The plugin Is NOT a simple installation process.
Author's response
ray_ray_ray I will point you to the installation wiki page:

The plugin is 14 years old at this point. That's 14 years of features being added. While the actual installation is very simple and laid out for you in the guide, if you start to look at configuring the larger whole of the plugin, you are looking at 14 years worth of features to wade through.

Because of this Towny has a very unique comments system in the config. I am are able to update comments without requiring you to regenerate your config, allowing me to improve those comments over time while keeping your settings intact.

If you find that there are parts of the config which contains inadequate comments please submit a ticket on the GH issue tracker so that I can improve the comments.

This is probably the best plugin EVER. I love it so much. I only make servers that are towny based. Never gets old.

Towny is an essential plugin for any server admin who wants to empower players to protect their own land.
Author's response
MagCynic thank you for the 5 star review!

I think the plugin seems pretty cool but i LEGIT CANT DOWNLOAD IT no matter what i try, i mean i can download it but it never goes on to my server EVER. im so confused
Author's response
GCREED, THIS IS AWFUL. If you give me a link to your server hosting I will make sure I leave a 3/5 star review.

The actual core of my server. Without this plugin, my server would not exist. Extremely customizable, has hooks for other plugins included, just great overall. If you use this plugin, please consider throwing some money at the dev for the hardwork.
Author's response
Saymoan, makes a sponsorship happen, makes a 5 star review happen, the sky is the limit with Saymoan!

The plugin support is fantastic; the developer resolved the issue I found very quickly. The plugin is excellent, and I definitely recommend using it. 10/10.
Author's response
Enes. you have also made a very nice 5/5 star review. Your reviewing skills are top notch. I give your review 5/5.

10/10 Support very Friendly and quick Respons, Plugin is very nice aswell, i can recommend it to everyone trying to do a Server with Towns/Kingdoms etc. :D
Author's response
AlphaBjarne thank you for the 5 star review and the kind words.

This plugin is fantastic, I appreciate the author's effort in maintaining it! Keep it up it's very good!

I hope soon there will be a feature related to Chat, because its the only thing missing.
Author's response
CraftyTeam, thank you for the kind 5 star review and acknowledging the effort I put in to Towny!

So far everything is working nearly perfectly first try, anything that isn't you're able to ask in the discord and get VERY fast support. If you're looking for a more balanced claiming system 10/10 recommend
Author's response
PiggyDaPretzel, you left me a nice review and you did it super quick thank you.

Fantastic plugin, excellent support so long as you do the bare minimum and sponsor. Totally fair that the dev limits support to sponsors, I frankly feel bad for all the years I spent using it for free!! Genuinely the cornerstone of my entire server.
Author's response
Thanks for the 5 star review Gorbyhail, and thank you for understanding my scenario!

This version contains a bug that turns your world into swiss cheese with empty chunks down to void if you use the revert-on-unclaim feature.

It was only fixed in some pre-release, but wasn't mentioned in the changelog, so the issue did more damage than necessary to the worlds. Could have updated this Spigot version at least.
Author's response
This version on Spigot doesn't include the bug mentioned in this review. Graddod is just sore I don't have any patience for him any more. This is not their first low-score review of Towny.

Hello everyone, just wanna come on here and review this plugin for everyone looking to host an SMP.

This is easily the best survival plugin, crazy to see that it's still going after 11 years!
Author's response
Thanks for the nice review trxrknocks, but I have to correct you: Towny is 13 and will be 14 years old in October.

Hello people out there, I know exactly why you look at the reviews. You want to know if this plugin is really that good.

In short: Yes it is

In long: This plugin has an incredible amount of features/addons that make it possible to configure it to almost any scenario you want. Be it rollplay, PvP or just a little freebuild, it doesn't matter if the server is big or small.

In addition, this plugin has a very extensive wiki, which should normally answer any questions ... this is especially great if you are shy, like me, and don't like writing with other people.

+ Alot of updates, bugfixes, new features.

- Drei

Best plugin around, spent 12 years playing towny servers and still go back for more.
Author's response
waspyethan, thank you for the kind review and thank you for the support you've given back as well. Towny will turn 14 this year so that basically makes you OG Towny.

It is perfectly reasonable that LlmDl limit his time to sponsors. The majority of servers refuse to contribute financially all the while requesting features that would take extensive development time.

The fact of the matter is that Towny's expansive and versatile API is more than sufficient to allow developers to integrate their own features into the plugin - almost seamlessly, as even the base commands such as /t and /n can have custom subcommands added to them.

The Towny API surpasses the APIs of every other comparable plugin combined -- there is no debate to be had about it. I have been able to build Towny add-ons which range from adding bounties, to democracies and elections, to even adding trade embargoes and new forms of taxation. Never before has a land claim plugin been so flexible.

I strongly suspect that the authors of the previous reviews are either unaware of the Towny API or incapable of using it themselves.
Author's response
Thank you galacticwarrior, I appreciate your review as well as the support you've given. You have made quite a server for yourself using Towny and add-ons created for Towny by yourself.

i dont like saying this because it makes me feel low.
but although its a good plugin
Graddod is actually right.
They check your name to make sure your in there discord, and as you can tell, as long as you are a sponsor
you dont have any meaning to the community at all.
so getting support is harder then normal.

i dont think the creator is aware of the staff that abuse his system
its been getting worse over the years,
and no ones done anything about it

i mean i get yea its a good plugin but, honestly, its a hit or miss with this one.
so if you download this, your on your own when it comes to figuring out how to use it unless your willing to pay outta pocket for some half done suggestion. or answer.

im sorry but this plugin for me yea it WAS fun but its kind of a bust now.
Author's response
Thanks for the five star review DrKyuubi.

I'm unable to police staff on Towny servers, that is well above my pay grade here.

Come September will mark 10 years since I took over as lead developer of Towny. 10 years dedicated to most things will end up a net positive for the person volunteering their time and energy, but this is not the case for plugin developers, and not the case for myself.

I've been with Towny since early on in 2011, helping admins out before I even joined the Towny team with ElgarL. You can find my posts on the bukkit forums if you want to check that out.

I have made the choice to put my efforts into the people who are supporting me financially and I think that's perfectly fair. I have been very forthcoming about this situation since it took effect ~1 year ago. You wont find many real world projects that offer free software and free support.

I did the free support thing for about 12 years and it has not paid out. The ~150 odd people who are sponsoring my work on Towny get my attention, and get access to exclusive plugins that I write for them. I also give my full attention to new admins so that they can also experience the high level of support I provide to sponsors (and which I gave to everyone for more than ten years.)

If anyone questions my dedication to helping people use Towny, just scroll back through the glowing reviews you'll find here on Spigot.

Until the day comes that I could actually take Towny on as a full time job (mind you, this is not something I think the community would ever back fully,) I am restricting my energies to the people who are giving back.

Good plugin responsive devs in the discord.
USed it for many months finaly decided to leave rating because it's a fun plugin!

Towny is a great plugin developed over the years, but sadly it seems that the best years of Towny development are in the past.

Nowadays there is more focus on milking players for money via sponsoring, while feature development has actually become even slower. It is now even hard to get an explanation for how a change in the plugin works without sponsoring, even if you've previously sponsored and spent more money on Towny than on any premium plugins.

It seriously can take over a year to copy a similar command or add a cost/cooldown option like with many other commands in the plugin, while you're expected to sponsor real money each month.
If you happen to stop sponsoring at any moment, then your suggestion might just get closed because "only sponsor suggestions are considered".

Usually ideas and issue reports would hold some value, but with Towny all that matters is that you sponsor for as long as possible, with the least amount of work given to the developer.
Towny should simply be a premium plugin instead of constantly begging for sponsors and punishing those that don't.
Author's response
You did sponsor me for a total of $42 over 14 months. You've used my plugins for about 44 months. That comes to about $0.95 cents a month, if you use just 4 of my plugins you've paid about $0.25 cents per-month per-plugin.

The monetary support you gave was appreciated, and in return you were given access to plugins for sponsors, and you did have 11 of your tickets completed on the issue tracker. (Almost $4/ticket if anyone is counting.)

The rest is nothing I haven't spoken about in detail previously but if you want to hear it again:

Sadly, I have to be realistic with myself about time I can put into Towny. Towny does not pay close to a living wage, and I have bills to pay and a family to feed. I am well within my rights to restrict my time to people who are giving back in order to support my work. Open source software does not mean that support comes free along with the software. I did the free thing for nearly 12 years before having my world financially turned upside down, and then realized I cannot do the free thing any longer.

Premium plugins will also not pay the bills. The reality of open source software is that the Software-as-a-Service model is the only real way for developers to be properly paid for their time, unless you get an angel investor.

Further, I have sunk years into Towny and when I do give support for new server admins and admins that are sponsoring, I think they get a great experience. I believe that I am worth it and I have been told the same by many server admins.

I'm sorry you feel like Towny's best years are behind it.

I'm having a problem translating to Vietnamese from your language, whether I change in en-US or vi-VN, when I restart the server, the language is changed back to English, and the font is distorted. dented, I need help.

admin_sing: 'Quản trị viên'
town_sing: 'Thị trấn'
nation_sing: 'Quốc gia'
nation_plu: 'Quốc gia'
king_sing: 'Thủ lĩnh'
town_plu: 'Thị trấn'
world_plu: 'Thế giới'
world_sing: 'Thế giới'
world_help_1: 'Trạng thái Thế giới hiện tại'
world_help_2: '[Thế giới]'
world_help_3: 'Trạng thái của thế giới mục tiêu'
world_help_4: 'Liệt kê tất cả các thế giới'
world_help_5: 'Tái tạo chunk nà y'
world_help_6: 'See /tw toggle ? for help'
world_help_7: 'See /tw set ? for help'
Author's response
Thanks for the 5 star review, use the support link for support:

Towny is a great plugin, developed by amazing people, despite all these years. I appreciate the greatness of this plugin but also Towny contributors; especially its managers and owners, for staying sooo long and still not giving up. Mad respect to this guy LlmDl. I spent a lot of time playing Towny servers, and it was a really good time.

FUCKING LOVELY!!!!!! very cool dev!!!! and good plugin!!!!!!1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The developer, Llmdl, has gone above and beyond to make Towny a great user experience for many years. There is an enormous amount of features in stock Towny not to mention the vast range of plugins using its API to extend its functionality such as war plugins and online map integration.

He has started to require monetary support in return for Towny support unless you are a brand new user, however this is definitely worth the cost and he is deserving of it due to the years of thankless support he has already given and the effort he still puts in every day to making Towny a better experience.

Your next server should be a Towny server.

Working great in 1.20. No issue's whatsoever. All rating a 1 star are potentially mentally disabled.

It's a very good plugin and is working very good. The only thing is, that the Lead Developer often says that he only gives good support to sponsors. But ok, the plugin is great

The people who gave 1 star reviews are bad people
They should learn to use a plugin and respect its hardworking dev properly

Always a perfect plugin, keep it up Llama!

Love the features so so so much! Just one small issue, it’s not so friendly towards small servers with friends, we have always wanted a server where we build towns and cities everywhere, but the only problem is that we can’t make multiple towns with the same mayor, making us need to do admin command magic to get it to work and it gets really annoying, hope you can make a workaround for this! Other than that, me and my friends love the plugin a lot!
Author's response
Thanks for the review ZanderTheBoi. Towny won't be able to allow for multiple towns being linked to a resident, without a massive refactor to the code which would break all sorts of plugins that depend on Towny. The method resident.getTown() was only ever meant to return one town.

Support is unbelievably trash. You need to send your money to this crappy author in order for some respect.

Objectively one of the best plugins you can use at the core of your MC server. There's so much you can do with Towny, but you can keep it simple if you'd like too. There is a learning curve, but it's not difficult to get the hang of and very worth it once you do. Support was very timely the one instance I needed it as well. Use Towny with confidence.
Author's response
Tstorm89 knows how to drop a 5 star review. Thanks Tstorm89!

support staff are beyond awful, prompting you to pay in order to receive support just because the owner is a whiner who cannot cope with not being paid over having a FREE minecraft plugin

here's some advice; get a real job if you want money
Author's response
I give your review 1/5 stars too, pal.

Amazing plugin! Ignore the trolls in the review section, I have recieved support both as a donator and as a free user and felt valued and respected both ways. This guy has maintained this plugin for free for years and years which is not an easy job. Amazing plugin by an amazing dev

Just started using it, it was confusing at first but once i found out how to use it i had a lot of fun

Been using towny for as long as i can genuinely remember, Back when it was basically first released. Its not only a staple in the Minecraft community, but a must have for anyone looking for a great town system, thats flexible and extensible.

If you aint using this resource, what the duck is you doin bruh?
Author's response
This guy knows how to review, the last two people really don't know what's going on at all.... Thanks ItzDabbzz!

Russian language not working on localhost. And in Ukrainian too, you need to download the old versions, it's terrible
Author's response

Towny correctly supports 41 languages and you cannot even use the reviews section of this website. I give your review 1/5 stars.

Support is unbelievably trash. You need to send your money to this crappy author in order for some respect.
Author's response
Very doubtful.

Towny Advanced is one of the best economy-based Towny plugins I've ever used. Granted, I have only used one other version of Towny, and it was back in about 2014, this plugin is one of the best considering I have always ran faction servers. Now, not only is your Town's claim size limited to the number of members you have in your town (like factions), but there is also an upkeep cost, which prevents users from just logging in for a few minutes every day, doing nothing at all to keep their land.

Not only that, but if you want to have some PvP battles between the nations of this plugin, you can get the SiegeWar expansion, which allows nations to fight each other, which will band allies of other nations together to fight their enemies, putting towns in a choice of whether or not they wish to add their support for the wars that happen.

Honestly, I could say that this plugin is amazing from the config options alone. There's so much to configure, and with that, there's an overwhelming amount of options to change how the plugin works. You could keep it as a normal Towny server, or make it into some kind of roleplay server where the towns don't really matter and they're just in the server as a means to give players a safe place to build.

If that wasn't enough to get you interested in this plugin, the developer(s) have been updating it extremely fast with bug fixes. Most plugins I've seen have taken weeks or months to update in order to fix a few bugs. I've seen this plugin get updated within hours to address a bug in the code. At worst, I've seen it take a couple of days, but that's still extremely fast.

Overall, one of the best plugins ever created, and I am surprised it's still a free plugin given the amount of love and care that went into it, and is still going into it.
Author's response
Probably the longest review I've received in a while. I rate it 10/10. Thank you Pfctink.

Btw that Towny plugin you played in 2014 is probably this very same plugin: Towny's license has meant that it did not fracture like Factions into many forks.

Two reviews.. in one day! Fourth first-version-review in a row! Man I'm running out of compliments...
Author's response
... based

Third first-version-review in a row! Yet another perfect review for a perfect dev who made a perfect plugin!
Author's response
... cursed

The best claim plugin out there in my opinion, it does never get boring. Even diplomatic actions like Nations and Alliances are possible. WAY more fun than lands plugin
Author's response
A fine review from king3dominic.

Still an eggcellent plugin, and my 2nd first version review
Still an eggcellent dev aswell!
Author's response
Hey haven't I seen you around here before?

Very good plugin, fast help! Easy config. Works very nice without any problems. Thanks!!
Author's response
Juhnz went to Discord, got helped, left a 5-star review. Thanks Juhnz.

First review! Still and always a nice plugin, I hope it lives on until at least 1.40 (if it ever exists)!
Author's response
First! Big! Thanks again Cocolennon! If you're reading this, check out Cocolennon's plugins here on Spigot!

One of the most important plugins for a good survival server, in use with us for almost 2 years. Good administration and possibility to share cities with friends, also a good choice for RP servers. In addition, this plugin is regularly maintained and bugs and problems are fixed at an incredible speed, usually every day a new pre-release. My server could not do without this plugin, one of the core plugins for a nice server.

Thank you for this incredible work you do every day, keep it up.

- Drei
Author's response
Storytime: I found a ticket filed by Drei on the FAWE github, which said the FAWE plugin's Towny support was not working.

After investigating the source of FAWE I found that there was some shenanigans going on and I fixed that right up.

Thanks for the 5-star review DreiFxn.

I forgot to leave my review! Still a great plugin, still a great dev. Thanks for all your work!
Author's response
Cocolennon makes nice reviews and also makes nice plugins. Pog.

Definitely one of the best plugins for player claiming out there, especially if you use an economy plugin. The amount of customizations alone is just amazing, as well as the plugin being fully functional without any issues whatsoever. I'm honestly surprised this is a free plugin, as the quality is just god tier.
Author's response
I see a 5 star review, I reply. It's Free Real Estate.

Freedom isn't free though, become a sponsor today!

The API alone is worth a 5 star rating.

There is no comparable plugin with a more expansive and powerful API -- period.

It offers such a great degree of customisation that I can scarcely find myself using an alternative claiming plugin ever again.

Using Towny's metadata API you can build a full-fledged war system, election system, or whatever you desire, without having to resort to tedious database management.
Author's response
galacticwarrior comes in with a hot, 5-star review that focuses heavily on Towny's auspicious API. Thanks for the long-time support and the nice review!

Amazing plug-in, can be a bit tedious to setup but amazing documentation on almost everything you can think of. For anything that isn't documented the devs (Massive thanks to them for the help) give great support really quickly. 10/10 would recommend to anyone wanting a claims or town plug-in on their server.
Author's response
Atmois leaves a nice 5 star review, I give this review a 5/5 rating. Thanks Atmois.

First 5 star review :)
Keep up the good work Llama! Love the plugin and hope to see it grow even bigger
Author's response
You heard it here first folks, version has a perfect 5 star rating. Game of the yearrrrrrr!

The ONLY "claim/faction" plugin you will ever need without the hassle of having errors or bugs. You can be sure, that Towny always works plug and play!

Maybe one of the only plugins in the market, where you always know you can safely update it without fcking anything up! Love <3
Author's response
RealLushen makes some nice points, thanks for the review RealLushen!

/townyadmin reload language
no update fire
Author's response
Join the Discord! Thanks for the 5 stars.

The best plugin ever. Have been playing with this plugin for like 3 years and the quality and gameplay is just peak. Deserve the 5 stars for this effort and the fact it's FREE.
Author's response
Thanks for the review, in fact there's nothing stopping you from sponsoring me: It's actually a really important thing for Towny to continue.

This is one of the best plugins out there, i've been using Towny for YEARS now and the fact that this product is still being maintained and updated for FREE is insane. I would gladly pay money for this. Keep up the great work <3
Author's response
OverloadKing, leaves excellent review, sponsors me. Its well known chad behaviour.

This is simply the best-est plugin, definitely deserves the 116 5 stars rating, keep going!
Author's response
Thank you Cocolennon for the great review!

one of the best plugins. I've been playing on towny for nearly 10 years and the fact it still is updated is amazing. Def worth supporting the author on github.
Author's response
DoctorChosen, thank you for the great review, and for sponsoring!

liked this plugin very much And I also want to thank its author separately for the fact that he has been promoting it for many years, refining it and putting his soul into it. I believe that the world needs more such people, People who do high-quality things for us ordinary Internet inhabitants, done for free. Think about how much effort and sleepless nights this author has invested to your plugin
My respect to you And in the future I want to see more of your work on this platform
Author's response
Wise words from _Gaunter_O_Dimm_, thank you for your review.

An amazing developer team! Support is just insanely good as helped even with many different questions I had plugin wise! Keep up the amazing work and you all may never have a cloudy day in your life!
Author's response
loandernowow thank for the 5 star review! Your username is very difficult to pronounce.

good plugin but everyone in my sever cant place or break blocks other then wood/flowers/ores they cant even break stone/drit
Author's response
Congrats you've managed to skip reading the installation guide and the FAQ

After you've done that make sure you come back and change your review to 5/5 stars or you'll look like a dumb dumb.

Absolutely AMAZING plugin!!! The developer is one of the nicest developers i've met, he answers all of the questions in his discord.
Author's response
Viper_plays, what can I say that hasn't already been said... this guy reviews... **so well**. Their server... probably exceptional. Big server. It's 'uge. Lots of players on there. Their Towny world? Imensly popular.

well-made, a lot of customisations, and very nice support provided on their discord server
Author's response
Yeeted_ yeeted themselves into the Discord, got the support and then yeeted themselves out of the Discord. They live up to their name FR FR. Am I doing this right?

Hello,Can I edit this plugin, package it with other plugins and sell it?Can Is that a problem or not
Author's response
Hello NesimDogdas, you cannot edit the plugin and then distribute or sell it, that would be violating the License that Towny uses. Thanks for the 5 star review!

Always loved this plugin, it works flawlessly and the support is incredible (Shoutout to LlmDl)
Author's response
Shoutout to tuaniwan, if Towny was a road it would be paved with 5 star reviews thanks to people like tuaniwan!

Awesome plugin and awesome support. Really well done! A lot of cool features and active staff in discord ready to help you if I got any problems with the plugin. 5/5 stars
Author's response
Hey! I spoke with this guy on the Discord too! Now they've reviewed another 5-star review for Towny and the work I put into it! Thanks Dream_pt0!

good plugin with great api to do pretty much anything i can think of with it

very cool
Author's response
sudura is very cool too, I chat with them on the discord often!

I have been using Towny for nearly a decade on all of my servers, and it's always my go-to whenever I require grief prevention and a way for players to unify. Thanks Towny!
Author's response
Kraxous makes great reviews, I know this personally.

These are the best plugins from LlmDl, he will always help answer you in discord, always consider your Issue on GitHub and give you a clear answer.
I am a sponsor on GitHub and I advise you to start sponsoring, it will give you access to cool plugins and most importantly, your issues will be reviewed 1 million times faster, I advise!!!!
Author's response
RudyWade thank you again, for sponsoring, and also for the 5 star review of!

Another brilliant update for a superb plugin. Llmdl continues to update, upgrade and improve the plugin.
If you are looking for a claiming / land protection plugin with in-game rank structure, this is the plugin for you. Lots to configurable options allowing one to customise to the way you want it to work for your server.
One of the few Devs that is approachable, replies and supports everyday on the discord.
Recommend 100%
Author's response
Cobrex leaves a glowing review, and they sponsor me on Github so you know they are an incredible cool person with worthwhile opinions. Also the first 5 star review for! Very poggers as the kids like to say.

Now that I think about it, the fact that it isnt avalible to everyone dosent really matter since I am writing this about the plugin.It is an awesome plugin and adds a unique mechanic to the game!
Author's response
KasliEmre6292 comes back with a splendid Christmas Morning redemption arc which could rival that of Scrooge himself!

Normally 5 stars plugin but the need to download through github makes it unavalible at aternos which is kind of a shame. It reduces avalibilty which is why i gave it 4 stars. But the plugin is awesome and really fun to play with either on public servers or with friends. Definetly recommending it!
Author's response
I rate your review 4/5 stars.

In my opinion, this plugin surpasses most clan and claim systems and the developer has made a habit of bringing updates, which I like. If I open a server, I always use Towny, no other plugin meets my needs and is as easy to use as Towny.
Author's response
sheduxdev makes a great review, as well as Towny add-on plugins, check them out!

This plugin is still as eggcellent as 3 months ago.
Good dev, good plugin and good community. Would definitely use the plugin on my own server if I had one.
Thanks for the amazing long-time support you're giving the plugin! You would definitely win a Labor of Love award in an award.
Author's response
Thanks for the review Cocolennon.

Amazing plugin and fast service. I thank this creator for such an amazing plugin that has truly made my Minecraft experience what it has been and what it will continue to be.
Author's response
Shneckle with the first review of, another 5 star rating! Thanks for the thanks Shneckle!

This plugin is very cool! I recommend you to download it, good and fast support!
Author's response
Roy_A10 with a hot review, straight from the presses.

Friendly developer and really nice plugin ! 5 star easily. Best plugin for city management
Author's response
Athame found a small issue with a PAPI Placeholder, joined the Discord, and I fixed it! Toiling away in the mines for another 5 star review, it's me, LlmDl!

Best Claiming plugin to exist ever, works with 1.16.5 magma, allows you to set chunk/player specific perms for each town (by the town mayor) its an increadble and complex yet simple claiming system that will never EVER be dethrowned as the best claiming plugin
Author's response
nytedemon12 makes great review, 10/10, affinity for pixelmon is not an affliction that impairs a gamer's ability to review good. Thank you nytedemon12!

I used to play on a server that had Towny some long time ago, thought it was too hard to use and gave up. I recently joined a server that had Towny and actually loved it and got my own strong nation on said server. Deserves the 5 star rating.

Also the dependency of the very first plugin I made. Cheers, LlmDl!
Author's response
Cocolennon, makes plugins, makes 5 star reviews, what can't they do?! Thank you Cocolennon!

I hated Towny as a kid. Thought it was so complex and dumb. Turns out my smooth brain just hadn't formed into the hunk of muscle it is now. This plugin is truly a spectacle and all whom use it are bond to prosper. Easily a 5/5 in regards to establishing a nice community, meeting new people, and having a good time. Thanks [REDACTED]!
Author's response
Redemption arc is strong in this review. thomasjames123 you have come of age. I rate it 5/5 wrinkles.

Strong plugin that allows effective town and community encouraging gameplay. Support staff are friendly and knowledgeable. Great to see continuous work on the plugin after so many years! Great work team :)
Author's response
Strong review left by Elijahzeal. I rate it 5/5.

Towny was the first land claim plugin I used as a player WAY back when, and it's the only one I care to use on my own server. The dev is focused and hard-working to keep it updated while other plugins fall or switch to premium. The dev listens and has done things on good input, so it's worth having and worth being part of the Towny community. :)
Author's response
Well well well, if it isn't roracle, the guy who's used my plugin for years. Thanks for the glowing review.

This was the best gamemode years ago and its still the best. Amazing plugin man, keep working on it <3
Author's response
Thank you for the review PepsicolaGamer. I see you.

Awesome plugin and great support. They respond extremely quick with legitimate fixes.
Author's response
Buttrfingrz was in the Discord with a problem about clicking and I was so tempted to make a slippery fingers joke, hahahah. They are also a GREAT reviewer as you can plainly see.

The original Towny plugin, I have been playing in Towny servers for 4 years and my server has been running Towny for 2 years, this is one of the best and most fun plugins, especially for Earth or clan servers. I personally use it in all my servers, including Earth and SMP ones.
Author's response
ciel0 makes an excellent argument here. 12/12 review!

Best protection plugin that i've found. As its very configurable!
And it even has dynmap support.
Author's response
Rzvbn43 gets an A+ from me. Excellent reviewer.

I have been a towny player for years now, made so many memories and it has to be my favorite type of minecraft! Everything in the plugin is very awesome and now im running a towny server. Great service and support and LImDI is a legend, thank you for your service.
Author's response
Puppy1739 leaves a 5 star review, thank you Puppy1739. That's 13 perfect reviews in a row. Might be good, might be bad. Who knows?

Best towny plugin even ! I really those self regen when being explode by creeper and stuff. I hope you can make a claim system like using golden shovel maybe ? If that possible.
Author's response
Best towny plugin? This is the original Towny plugin! Thanks for the 5 stars crossthefire! Towny will not switch to a golden shovel/cuboid system, we use a system you can put into the hands of every player and trust they wont abuse it.

Once you start getting into Towny you never want to use anything else again. I've come from GriefPrevention and my god does Towny offer way more control over any aspect of the plugin.

I had really complicated demands for my server (such as allowing some people to have PvP while others don't and still have the option of war and so much more I forgot half of them already) and Towny just fulfilled them all and keeps delivering to this day.

You have any issue? Report it on the Discord, you'll probably get a reply within an hour and within the next pre-release it'll be added already which normally come out about once a week.

It's insane how much love, maintenance and care goes into this plugin and it's even more insane that it's offered for free to this day!
Author's response
Folas makes a nice review, I make a nice reply. It's free real estate.

Don't forget you can Sponsor me on Github, which makes me want to continue providing a free plugin with excellent reviews!

Best claim system around, amazing discord support and great community. The dev is fully supportive and it's been one of the first projects I have contributed to (in the form of a support script)
Author's response
thelasttenno has also supported by leaving this awesome review. Sure, it doesn't add up to much besides some little star points but what is plugin development except for little star points? Thank you thelasttenno!

I've been using Towny for years and years and most of you guys were probably still in nappies when I started :)
Today after all this time I reached out and asked a question on Discord and no sooner had I hit ENTER to send my msg. LlmDl was there with the answer.
The dedication that's been spent on this plugin is phenomenal, I know words are cheap, and there's hundreds of plot plugins out there but none of them are as stable nor reliable as Towny.
So do yourself a favour chuck the junk and get on board the Towny train, guarantee you wont be sorry you did!
Thanks once more LlmDl, I can honestly say that others using your plugin genuinely appreciate your effort.
Author's response
Devee8 makes great review, no trouble hitting that character-limit. You can tell this guy both reads and writes at a competent level. 10/10 review. Thank you.

No se como configurar el towny api para que se vea en el scoreboard la ciudad y la nacion. Alguien me puede ayudar?
Author's response
Ven a Discord donde manejamos las preguntas de soporte, ¡gracias por la revisión de 5 estrellas jeb767jeb!

It's a very good plugin, it has an insane amount of addons, its easy to configure and it has a very good support.
Author's response

This plugin is the best. I have used it for all my SMP servers in the past. It gives a fun dynamic so players don't only grind for themselves.
Author's response
Atoska21, leaves a 5 star review and his first Pull Request to Towny in one day, a legend!

Towny is one of the absolute best plugins in the Minecraft community, and that's all due to the hard work of LlmDl (the dev). Quick, excellent support, even for "stupid" questions, and always kind, helpful responses.

This plugin has helped thousands of players have a fun experience, even myself when I joined my first Towny server in 2015. The dedication that the dev and the development team have put into the plugin is truly astonishing. They've changed countless summers and provided memories that many will never forget. Thank you!
Author's response
PuppersDuppers in with a hot 5, thank you!

Excellent plugin, with many features for family and friends. Excellent support by the developer aswell on discord.
Author's response
Shidapu and I discussed bilingualism, Towny, and I was able to help him out with all his questions. They're a great admin too!

It's got a nice charm to it, learning the ropes to control the plugin as I write this. Not the easiest one to understand but a good plugin for town uses.
Author's response
MultiGamerClub leaves great reviews, and is also on the Discord where they know they can get great support!

Towny i a very nice plugin very configurable. The support is fast and very nice.
Author's response
F A C T S - Thank you Kamelou for your very nice review.

Arguably one of the best Minecraft plugins ever. It gives so much more life and enjoyability to any Minecraft server. It is incredibly customizable and can be changed to fit whatever your server means! It even has a feature where it repairs certain places if they are blown up! (Although that isn't the main function of towny) While it can definitely be confusing at first, once you get the hang of it, you'll be having the time of your life! It even works well with other plugins! So yeah, basically, get towny, it's so worth it.
Author's response
connermorg your review sustains me and brings me back to life, after the barren review left by Trope which was like a hot dog for lunch when you really wanted a cheeseburger and fries. Thank you for your kind review good conner.

All of a sudden, none of our players can build. You've gotta learn command line to use this plugin. We deleted it immediately and now everyone can build again.
Author's response
Congrats you've greatly misunderstood things. You do not need to know the "command line" to use Towny. Follow the install guide if you come back to try again.

This is an outstanding resource, maintained by one of the most accessible and friendly Devs on Spigot. Anyone looking for a comprehensive land claiming system with loads of flexibility and options, then this is the plugin for you. Cannot recommend this enough. Great work Llmdl, keep it up.
Author's response
Thank you Cobrex for the kind review! This guy knows what he's talking about!

This plugin has kept me playing Minecraft for over decade. It is an amazing plugin with great features and functionality. It's incredibly solid. I just wish it was also on Forge so I could use it there as well.
Author's response
Asatani thank you for the 5 star review. Don't hold your breath on Forge support. There's plenty of work to do before I get around to working on Forge.

This will always be the best faction plugin in my opinion, it has a lot of customization and it is simple to use
Author's response
Thank you for the 5 star review FizCap!

Towny has been my go-to option since 2014. The plugin is highly configurable, has many expansion possibilities and has an active and helpful development team who have built an excellent API.
Author's response
I've seen ShermansWorld in my Discord and he's always got lots of great questions, just like this great review he left! It's not a coincidence! Check out ShermansWorld's resources! They're great too. Also no coincidence!

Made this account very quickly just to say how the support was super simple and straightforward, thank you a lot, keep it up! I'll make sure to become a sponsor anytime soon.
Author's response

I guess you were right so I changed my rating. But still, do you think you can make it without an external site so that more people can use it and more people can rate it.
Author's response
Sadly I am an underpaid developer and I do not want to upload anywhere but Github. Thanks for the 5 star review KasliEmre6292 you're a real one!

I love this plugin! The only thing I'm having issues with is trying to claim plots. With the /plot claim command every single player [including op] gets the error message "[Towny] You cannot own more than 0 plots."

Any help please D:
Author's response
A 5 star review from a person that can't even claim! Incredible! Join the discord paleFinton and I will sort you out!

The people that rate this plugin lower are the ones that want to complain but couldnt find anything to complain about ! Fantastic Plugin!
Author's response
randomsnation is person of culture, it is plain to see.

Rating 5 stars because the author's responses to the other reviews are pretty funny, especially when someone is complaining about something they broke
Plugin is pretty good too
Author's response
Gruntwill knows how to please I tell you what.
Avatar is a pineapple.
Probably has good memes.

10/10 stars on your review!

I've used Towny since 2012 and it has always worked as intended. The author has faithfully worked to update and maintain this plugin and it has always functioned nicely with everything I run. I can't imagine any server I run not having Towny. 10/10.
Author's response
RoseDiamond is a Towny OG.

I have no clue why this plugin still use iConomy if theres a CMI/Essentials plugin that willing to use for economy, but even worse if using CMI, like I cant even do /baltop if theres 2 economy in server.

And even so, the config seems randomly resets once config changed "slightly", even worse on language files, just to add one/two lines.

And also I love what you did on language file about pay2win server, to remind player "not to play this server and join other instead", when you bought t claim bonus. I never seen any kind of plugin going this route.

Anyway, this is just my review. At least save corrupt issue has been fixed.
Author's response
Congratulations, you've obviously not understood a great many things. You're welcome to come try again at a later date.

Plugin seems alright- support is... not the best but it's a thing. I just decided to not use this plugin as it didn't work for me and support never followed up on my response.

Dear, you are right! I made a mistake . I put the wrong encoding in the Economy plugin, thus the plugin did not work. As for the password, that's how I wrote it! In fact, I had a different one)))) The MySql setting that I showed I invented so I had a different one)))). Thank you for the plugin, he is the best as its author))) I wish you success
Author's response
An amazing review, 5 stars to you Turok!

The lead developer is very quick in support, he also pushed a commit with a feature that wasn't exposed as soon as I said it on the Discord support channel, the plugin itself is awesome. GUI's might be the next big thing they should focus once the plugin is stablized and war plugins are finished.
Author's response
20/20 review from this fine fellow I met on the Discord.

How to solve the problem that he will block discordsrv? Or is there a way to solve this problem? I hope I can get a reply here :)
Author's response
You've made a terrible error using the Reviews for support! And on an issue that isn't even resolved in your Towny config no less! For a solution read your discordsrv config! If you were cool you'd delete this review now that you have an answer to your problem (that isn't even Towny's fault...)

Best plugin, the last version is god, but what happened to the attack flags? i cant found it in the config :(
Author's response
Blaster238 committing blasphemy for a stellar review! Thank you gamer.

Flag War is its own plugin now, with even more features: Go and check it out.

I want a sick kickback first! Quid pro quo baby! sir what dose this means please be clear if i can help u in anything tell me i will please i want add it on my server so badly but i made the whole server so i can't remake the server pls find a wat out guys pls. thank you if you sloved the problem.

i loved thes pulgin but the problem is i can't install it in aternos in my server please i request u guy make it supported for aternos . remove external link make it dirct download. thank u guy if u slove the problem.
Author's response
Tell Aternos I want a sick kickback first! Quid pro quo baby! Thanks for the 5 star review broken_smile, I see you!

Incredible plugin! hope there ll be fly and night vision functions for building type server
Author's response
GodMouth comes in here with a 5 star review! RE: flight, I already got you

Great plugin! The developers have done a great job! A lot of settings and open source!
Author's response
Honnisha you have left a great review! Thank you very much. Enjoy the plugin!

Awesome plugin and very timed response on the discord server. The support is awesome, the plugin is awesome and now my server is awesome :) THanks mate
Author's response
EmperorArchie with the great review! I was just chatting with an Archie on the Discord, what a coincidence!

El plugin me encanta, pero anteriormente usaba "gringotts" como un plugin de economia fisica y este era compatible con towny, pero ahora da errores en la nueva vercion 1.16, habra algun plugin actualizado que haga la funcion de gringotts?

I love the plugin, but previously I used "gringotts" as a physical economy plugin and it was compatible with towny, but now it gives errors in the new version 1.16, is there an updated plugin that does the gringotts function?
Author's response
As far as I know, Gringotts works if you build it from the source code, the plugin is not receiving many updates these days. Thank you justin46 for the great 5 star review never the less!

Great plugin How do I give access to commands on a bungee cord server??? Thats all I have issues with.
Author's response
The place to get your questions answered is on the Discord! Thanks for the 5 star review BigTalll!

Hello this plugin is great but I have a problem with the users, they cannot destroy or build the world. :( it appears that savages cannot destroy.
Author's response
Thanks for the 5 star review crazygs, check out the installation guide for your solution:

Excellent plugin! My Twitch viewers absolutely adore this system on the server I host! It would be really cool if there was an option to do claiming with GriefPrevention and have the upkeep be based on blocks rather than chunks! Thanks for the amazing plugin!
Author's response
Thanks for the great review 5730dogman! Sadly we won't be adopting GP or other claiming systems but I'm sure the APIs of those plugins could be used to replicate what Towny does. Towny's system allows us to do what we do while being efficient, enough to be run on large and small servers alike.

Pog ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
Author's response
Wait. That's illegal.

This plugin is too great! I will be using this for a server I plan on making! <3

Also, nice memeing on bad reviewers!
Author's response
superperson15 is super at reading reviews, giving 5 star reviews and I hear they also run a super server too. Thanks for the 5 star review superperson15!

Great Idea. Not working as I would have expected. I've spent hours trying to solve the towny.wild issue. And for some reason It's refusing to do anything about it. I don't know why this happens. If I could get some help that would be amazing. My apologies for being a noob at this.
Author's response
Hi, it looks like you just used the review to seek out support! And leaving a 3 star review at that. Your issue is the first and foremost one handled on the FAQ on the wiki. Hopefully you can join the discord and maybe turn this review into a 5-star WOLFRAGE99.

Towny advanced is an amazing plugin for Minecraft servers bringing real-life town and nation features into Minecraft!
Author's response
Thank you ArranAwesome for the 5 star reviews of both Towny AND TownyFlight. Much Love!

I love this plugin, it's fantastic. Im browsing for a permission to able me to customize the max_plots_per_resident, I have to set differents max plots per vip, mvp, mega vip etc. Who does know which is the permission?
Author's response
Thanks for the 5 star review Shawter! You probably want towny_maxplots.x {with x being a number eg towny_maxplots.2} see for reference.

I mean, it's the best of the best. The eco-system, the diversity, the features, the support. Sure, I'd like some more features, but it's a growing plugin, and there's always room for suggestions that are (very frequently) answered! Been using it since 2015. Love it.
Author's response
PuppersDuppers! Thanks for the 5 star review!

This plugin is good in general, really good for smp's with economy systems but there's just one thing that I can't get over and it's the "Friendly fire is disabled" I've enabled friendly fire thru config.yml and it still doesn't work can I get an author or dev's response to enable that.
Author's response
Friendly Fire is a per-world setting so just use /tw toggle friendlyfire (in each world you want to change.) Thanks for this 5 star review RenjiYomo!

Great plugin, but support is either inactive or toxic. I got banned from both Github and Discord support, so I am essentially frozen. I had a genuine bug that can now not be fixed and forces me to not use Towny. Again, awesome plugin that I would recommend but the support team ruins it.
Author's response
This guy thought he was entitled to support on a Saturday night and didn't take any of the warnings seriously. If you think this review matters you probably think Spigot reviews matter! lol

Excellent recourse. I need to fill up 80 characters? Oh well, I think it's a good recourse....
Author's response
Excellent review. I do not need to fill up 80 characters but I'm making it happen anyways.

It's a great plugin. The only issues I would like to address is that the commands are very messy. (some of the commands are structured like /towny map and some are like /town map) and one of the default configuration options is resetting chunks on unclaim which I feel shouldn't be the default.
Author's response
Thanks for the boss review. The commands are a bit un-wieldy but if you look at where things are it makes a bit of sense. /towny is something that you'll find is a bit of a catch-all for things not related to towns/nations/residents/townyworld. The things in there wouldn't make sense to put into /town (like the /towny map.)

The config does default to having the revert-on-unclaim feature active, and this is covered in the install guide.

It’s a good plugin, but I’ve got some issues. I play on a server with some friends, where we need this for our factions. Everyone else doesn’t have this problem, but whenever I try and claim land, once the server restarts it will lock the server in safemode, so it needs to be backed up, which causes me to lose all of the land I payed for. This has happened EVERY SINGLE TIME I bought land and I was wondering if there’s a fix.
Author's response
This fool used the Review to discuss an issue he was experiencing, before making it to the Discord where he received excellent support, discovered it was a hosting/OS issue, and then didn't come back to fix up his review! If you're reading this give Towny a 5 star review to make up for this donkey.

Hi ! This plugin is the best. Thx for that ! But I found a bug. The display between the different town plots does not work very well. (When i leave the Home plot etc).

The last time I used it, it looks like I didn't have this problem. Do you know how can i solve this ?

Best regards.
Author's response
I don't quite understand what you're describing, but reviews are not where I give support. Come to the discord XYROOX! Thanks for the bang-up reviewing work you're doing!

can you put the plugin for download directly please?
i cant use this plugin in aternos :(
Author's response
I'm afraid that's not in the cards. I guess this is just one of those things that doesn't work when you're getting everything for free.

Excelente plugin, solo una cosa que está bugeada, no me deja cambiar el pvp fuera del town, que es la opción friendly_fire (La cambio en true y sigue dejándome el mensaje de ¨Fuego amigo desactivado¨), entonces todos están sin poder hacer pvp ):
Author's response
Try /tw toggle friendlyfire on, then make sure pvp is on in the world (/tw toggle pvp.)

An incredibly configurable and constantly updated resource that adds a lot of depth, gameplay, and customizability to your server, with a dev that goes above and beyond fixing things, adding features and helping users figure things out. Thank you.
Author's response
Thanks for the great review Momshroom and of course, for your support as one of my longest-running Sponsors.

Made a review to help make the plugin 5 stars. Best plugin out there that can be used in faction and survival servers. It also has dynmap integration I'm pretty sure. Keep up the good work!
Author's response
I bet AndreiGamerYTB stands for AndreiGamerYouTheBest, he makes great reviews. 5/5 would review this review again.

been using this plugin for YEARS. almost since release. they have poured their blood, sweat, tears, time and love to keep this beast running. Used this for my own server when it was running and converted countless other servers to drop their previous claims and grief prevention plugins for this one which skyrocketed their player base due to the outstanding support and ease/functionality. hope this project still has a long and prosperous lifetime in its future. You guys ROCK
Author's response
Icyheart knows how to review!

Cannot speak highly enough of both the plugin and the dev Llmdl who has loved and looked after this plugin. It is the best claims plugin out there. It is brilliant
Author's response
I cannot speak highly enough of graeme1969's ability to leave a stellar review, the first for Thanks graeme1969!

I've played Towny for over 6 years and have never been able to go back to another survival game-mode. Towny is the best option out there for survival servers! This plugin still gets updates regularly with new additions, something you do not find with a lot of plugins that have been around for this long. 100% recommend to everyone!
Author's response
Thanks for the mooving review maxmooshroom, stay golden!

Best claim plugin ever, very simplified complete plugin that I use since at least 5 years, im just waiting for features like claims layer to make appartements and rentals claims
Author's response
The layered-claims is a long-requested feature but the caching system Towny uses doesn't allow for different permissions based on y-level. It would be very cool but it would also come at a performance cost as Towny would have to a) take y-level into account and b) update the cache much more frequently. Thanks for the great review Raveun.

Awesome plugin, awesome developer & awesome fast support. A huge thank you to the author!
Author's response
I know this guy too! Thanks for the great review!

Awesome plugin and awesome support. When i asked for help in the discord, the owner of the plugin answered me in matter of seconds. Really fast support. 10/10
Author's response
It's 100% true that I did speak to this person on the Towny Discord! Thanks Gigantosaurio for the 5 star review!

Bellissimo plugin! Utile, ben fatta e il migliore nel suo campo, comandi semplici e facili da imparare. Sicuramente un plugin da premiare. Per caso è possibile scaricare i file in italiano?
Author's response
Set your language in the config to italian.yml and enjoy a translated version of Towny. Thanks for the review!

Best protection plugin and one of the most dedicated developers on spigot community. Thank you for this plugin!
Author's response
MrNuck! Thanks!

Allways the best Towny Plugin ever. Full of features and with Instant-Support from Llmd who is ever online for help you !
Author's response
Thanks for the first review for TheNylox, hopefully it does well for you.

This plugin is GREAT for the ultimate survival experience based on community and economy. I had a few issues with the plugin but the developer quickly helped me and referred me to a few websites where I could troubleshoot some things. Issues were fixed and I don't think I have anymore problems...which is straightforwardly awesome and amazing. And yes, it does work on 1.16.4. 500/10 recommended :D
- Cheers!
Author's response
500/10 - amazing!

Excelent plugin to be used but should add more war stuff, Also I like that its getting popular, Keep up the work :D
Author's response
"War stuff" is in the pipe. Expect the unexpected. Thanks for the swell review GreenArrow99.

Just excellent land management program - been using since 2012 - so easy for players to self manage their land areas.. best thing i ever found
Author's response
Thanks for the review Hmmcrunchy!

Awesome discord support.

Had a problem claiming territory on my server. I got in their discord to explain my issue and got a reply in minutes. The lead dev and I exchanged messages for a little over half an hour trying to fix it. They initially had no idea what was going on, but eventually figured it out and sent me a new Jar version with a fix!
Author's response
The above issue was something in the pre-release version which will be fixed in and only affected non-economy servers.

Best free plugin I have ever used!
There is every feature you could need, the owner of the plugin is on the discord answering questions alot (For just beeing one person). And there is lots of customization and more! There are top tier paid plugins that are worse than this, everything is explained in the config.

GREAT PLUGIN!! Worth checking out or donating to

This was perfect for my server so a full 5 star is obvious this plugin has pretty cool features highly recommended looking forward for more features :)
Author's response
This guy reviews.

The plugin is amazing and its feature full but it has one major issue, and that's the fact that its data breaks so easily. Like il just restart the server and boom towny safe mode data cannot read. Seriously even a server crash can cause this it needs fixing
Author's response
Database changes are coming. 99% of servers do not experience data corruption like you describe though. Thanks for the swell review.

A wonderful plugin with a lot of potential which it is already very much in use!

The help in the Discord Chat was also fast and problem-free

10/10 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Great plugin, a lot of options, very fun to use and very configurable. The support is one of the best I've ever seen and the plugin is one of the best you can ever use! :D

Honestly one of the best plugins I've ever used for my server. I've had a few servers over the years and I always come back to this plugin for its incredible feature set and team-based gameplay that it offers. Amazing plugin!

Towny is alright, although it has its own sharp edges. The main thing which sticks out is the lack of modern UUID support- all player data is saved under player names which means you have to use the added TownyNameUpdater to update changed names... it seems quite makeshift. The player commands are tricky at first but are easily learned as they are quite well organised. I like the idea of towny itself and it's extremely fun running and playing on a towny server myself. The developer and community support is absolutely outstanding, I've had a few issues before and they have been quickly resolved within hours. Configuring towny can be a bit spaghetti-like but at least it works, and at least it is highly configurable rather than not at all.
Overall, I think towny is a great plugin but it just has a few bits which are icky. Keep it up!
Author's response
UUID support is coming, various database changes are happening first to facilitate this. Thanks for the review.

Towny makes me feel like I'm playing minecraft in 2015, but like in a good way. Very solid plugin. Support was incredibly professional and super helpful. I asked a question in their Discord support channel, and in just a few minutes, I had a quick exchange with LlmDl, and my problem with my was fixed in no time. They're quick to tackle issues considering that my problem was associated with a bug that was fixed, and I downloaded this plugin only a couple days ago. Thanks, guys.
Author's response

Excellent support & excellent plugin. Had a minimal issue translating to my language that has been quickly resolved by the developer even when it was my fault.

Does this support townywars or is there a plugin that is compatible and updated to 1.15 that does?
Author's response
I'm not sure what the status is for WarsForTowny. Towny has 2-3 different war types built into it already though. Check out the Discord if you have any more questions, but thanks for the 5-star review anyways.

Great Towny plugin, works very well on my 1.15.2 server :) quick response to any issues i've come across so far on the discord thanks for the great plugin! :)

Sadly there is no way to make appartement with this plugin because when you claim a land this is from the bedrock to the sky
Author's response
You keep deleting older negative reviews, and replace them with newer reviews. You are not a good user. You have done this on multiple plugins.

So good <3 Spigot requirement 80 charactersssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss

I'd like to take the opportunity to release a 5-star review. Although, for this plugin, I wish to give it more than five.

I've watched the amount of time the developer has been spending on bringing back this old, yet gold plugin. Highly appreciated.

Although at first I thought Towny was a little complicated, after bothering to simply read the documents, I jumped right in.

Probably the best player-managed protection system you can find.
Thanks very much.


Still the Best Protectionplugin i know. But 1 thing let me struggle a bit and let the plugin stay away from absolute perfection..

The Placeholders of this Plugin like "You" cannot be translated so you have to deal with weird sentences in other languages than english..

The Plugins says things like:
'You kann es sich nicht leisten, hier eine Stadt zu gründen. Die Kosten betragen 250.'

That sounds weird an really unprofessional. So if you need it in another languages than English you need to found sentences that dont have the Placeholders in but than...

Thats really sad ;( because i really want to bring it fully to german but i cant ;(..

But i do an issue about that also on github and hopefully it gets fixed some times ( i hope its a near "some times")

I really like Towny and its still the BEST Protectionplugin out there. No other Plugin i tested can provide that good Userexperience. Thanks for thant and keep up the good work =).

lg Sidias
Author's response
Because you filed a ticket, it has been fixed.

Still the Best Protectionplugin i know. But 1 thing let me do an only 4-Star rating. Because the Plugin isnt really translatable..

The Placeholder of this Plugin like "You" cannot be translated so you have to deal with weird sentences in other languages than english..

The Plugins says things like:
'You kann es sich nicht leisten, hier eine Stadt zu gründen. Die Kosten betragen 250.'

That sounds weird an really unprofessional. So if you need it in another languages than English you need to found sentences that dont have the Placeholders in but than...

The Plugin use still %s as Placeholder for everything and counts where it stands in the sentence so you need to have the buggy first Placeholder to get the moneyplaceholder work just fine... thats the baddest Placeholdersystem i ever seen in any plugin.

So only 4 Stars because the Plugins is still the best.. but not the best in other language than english because of a realy unprofessional untranslatable placeholdersystem.

Thats really sad ;( because i really want to bring it fully to german but i cant ;(..
Author's response
Give it a 5 star rating and file a ticket with your complaint. Reviews are not where we take support issues.

The single best land claim management system that is public. There really is no other plugin that even comes close to the complexity and ease of use as Towny. Props to the maintainers and contributors for keeping this plugin alive and actively developing it over the years.

Simply the BEST plugin! Required for survival worlds intended with multiple parties/groups of people. Can't recommend this plugin enough. Been using it for years, and the support team is incredible! Stop reading, and download it now

Towny is one of the best Survival-based plugins to be made. It's great for survival servers

Been using for many years. Not as "exciting" compared to Factions, but great for a more casual server looking for land management, including as far as PvP relations of alliances and enemies.

Takes some time to get use to the commands and highly recommend server owners to look over the configs fully. But once you do, very expansive plugin and worth the try.

In general this is a great plugin aside from a big amount of bugs/glitchesA/annoyances:
-Sudden server deadlock followed by towny classes not being able to be found x2
-Database connection randomly died resulting in failure to save, other plugins had no issues with the database
-Various economy bugs
-Poor performance in regards to permissions which it partially forces into its own config
Author's response
File tickets for your problems. As the overview says, reviews are not how you get Towny support. Most of your issues sounds like problems with your database provider, your economy plugin.

Been using Towny for ~6 years. Great experience, support, and quality of programming the entire way through. If there's a bug and it's reported correctly, it's fixed quickly and well. I can't recommend Towny enough.

Towny is one of the most powerful and oldest plugin, that i ever seen. Author and some contributors did a very well job! For every Survival and Freebuildserverproject i recommend to get an eye on this plugin!

Friendly developer and really nice plugin ! 5 star easily. Best plugin for city management

The greatest plot management plugin available. I won't run a server without Towny.

Amazing Developer, been using towny for years now and i have always loved it... I remember being a kid and trying to find a server it had to be factions or towny... Thanks for keeping this plugin alive all this time. Cheers!

I really like this ressource, players can create their city, their nation, develop relationships between different nations. I once discovered this plugin from a player point of view and now from an administrator and i really like all the possibilities present.

Thx you :)

Yes very good, yes towny I like yes very good 10/10 game very cool plugin. Very much appreciate very awesome very cool.

Being using and playing Towny for years. Thanks for all the updates and hard work LlmDl. Great plugin for plot management via towns, with nation options. Lots of exciting updates coming. Looking forward to them. Great support on the Discord Channel too. The Dev and his team are friendly and approachable.

The best plot management and town / nation grouping plugin out there. been using this for must be 8 years. have tried others but always come back here :) thanks for an epic plugin guys

An incredibly fun, long-standing and highly configurable plugin that dramatically enriches a multiplayer server with cooperative and competitive towns and nations to claim, build, expand and, if enabled, fight for. I've been enjoying this in one form or another for 7 and a half years and am glad to see it on Spigot! Llmdl is remarkably quick at fixing bugs and helping admins to understand how to configure it on the plugin discord. One of the two plugins I wouldn't consider playing without!

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First Release: Nov 12, 2019
Last Update: Jan 8, 2025
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