Added tab complete for commands.
Updated the Update checker for all plugins.
Config.yml changes:
Combined drop_on_ground, drop_naturally, place_in_chest: false, and give_to_player under category do_what.
drop category includes brokenelytra, dragonhead, and dragonegg
Added chance category to allow configuration of elytra, dragonhead, and dragonegg separately.
Fixed zh_CN language from being pinyin to actual chinese characters.
Minor fixes of code.
Added config option to disable elytra drop.
Added config option to prevent natural dragon egg spawn.
D19-Split lang.yml into separate language files.
D20-Added some translations, changed the checks for give to player. If killer is null items will be dropped at droploc.
D21-Fixed issue with dragon having no killer, causing an exception.
D23-Added a null check to whitelist/blacklist check, added a debug log at top of dde command.
D25-Fixed array.toString displaying object instead of String.