Added bosses! You can now create bosses that spawn at a certain wave! You need to either add manually a configuration section named 'bosses' in enemies.yml or just delete the file and let it regenerate (preferred)! And you also need to add 'Boss-Material' under Guide-Format in enemies.yml
Fixed an important bug where if multiple towers targeted the same enemy at the same moment only one would be dealing damage
Fixed an important bug where enemy players gained stacking exp each wave!
Added the new command /td cheat which will give the player 999999 coins for testing purposes!
Added the option 'Auto-Equip-Free-Classes' in config.yml to force players to use a free class if they didn't select one
Reduced default interval between waves to 5 seconds
Increase zues tower default damages
Added some additional informative default information in the broadcaster.yml
Example for manually adding bosses and boss material in guide