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MMOCore -----

Offer your players a brand new RPG experience.

[1.1] Catch Up Update from the past month.
Hey guys! THE PLUGIN IS NOT DEAD. We have been updating with development builds through the mythicmobs discord, make sure to head over there and verify your spigot purchase so you can get daily/weekly updates.


Anyways... here is the massive changelog since the last update *mostly*.

- Added 'custom-model-data' for all config items, now you can customize your menus even more!
- Added 'xp' placeholder for the profession GUI.
- Skill naming for binding custom skills made with mythicmobs has been made less strict.
- Added 'level-up-max' and 'level-up-(profession)-max' triggers for classes and professions!
- Playerheads can now be used with custom mining and mining regen! You can choose the texture of both the mineable block and the temporary regen block.
- Improved custom mining. Based on world and region!
- Improved compatibility with Sentinel
- Added check for people using the mana and stamina addon.
- Changed MM skill placeholder from int to float.
- Currency items can now use 'custom-model-data'
- Added support for MM droptables using
- Added an extra death check to prevent the glitchy health regen MC glitch.
- Added 'display-order' option to classes so you can sort them in the /classes menu
- Loot chests no longer drop loot on restart.
- Added messages for on cooldown and no mana during spell casting.
- Added an option to hide the mana bar. (add 'display.mana:true' to config.yml)
- Fixed where selecting a subclass would act as if you were selecting a new class overall.
- Any messages in messages.yml can now be actionbar configured.
- Block regen completely revamped again!
- A default actionbar has been added!
- Added 'placeblock' experience source.
- Added a playerexp gain event to the API for other developers.
- Fixed cooldown reduction stat.
- Cooldown now displays correctly.
- Updated some hardcoded placeholders.
- Added statistic placeholders %mmocore_stat_STATNAME%
and %mmocore_formatted_stat_statname%
- Added attributes resetting to the /rpg admin reset command.

Theres so much thats been changed if you haven't been keeping up with udpates via the mythicmobs discord/website so please backup and regenerate as much as you can. Messages,config, all professions, and classes have all gotten revamped at the very least.

ENJOY! Join the mythicmobs discord for support!
----------, Nov 21, 2019
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 5,135
First Release: Sep 24, 2019
Last Update: Oct 23, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
148 ratings
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