The Gate icon

The Gate -----

A Stargate Plugin

Bungee and GUI Update
[Build]: 0.1.7

New Stuff:

-Bungee Update!
-Variables in language file (Old language files are now outdated and need to be replaced!)
-New Commad for Bungee (/SyncDB <- Called form console only. Will sync all the gate data from one server manualy with the database)
-Auto Sync (Same as the command but will do its stuff automaticly -> set in config)
-Full recode of all the GUIs (please report any bugs you might encounter)
-Gate will now shutdown sooner after someone teleported/ stay open if players ceep teleporting
-CoOwner system
-> you can add players as coowners so they can also edit the gate (change network or material ...)
-> coowners can not deleat a gate only the owner
-> ownership of a gate can be given to one of the coowners (if a player has NOT hit the max limit of gates he can own)
-Permission rework (see config/ docu(
-New Text in Language file

-New config options!!

-Cooldown when teleporting (You will have a 10sec cooldown after using the gate or joining a server to prevent you form beeing accidentally teleported again)

-Some minor performance improvements

Removed stuff:

-Config option: Default-SignMaterial, AbydosLocationToggle


-Gates are now beeing removed from the Database when deleted
-MySQL Bug Fix

Known Issues:

-Armor Stands might not be invisible for players observing a gate when another player teleports from another server to this gate!
=> this appears to be a client side bug

-When teleporting to another server you might not get frozen as intended


Language file and Config file have to be regenerated (Version number should be at the top of the config/ language file)
----------, Mar 28, 2020
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 6,661
First Release: Aug 10, 2019
Last Update: Aug 11, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
22 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
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