GodsEye AntiCheat | Advanced Detection icon

GodsEye AntiCheat | Advanced Detection -----

Who purposely cheats his friend, cannot cheat his god

Build 40 RELEASE
  • Added GodsEyePrePlayerViolationEvent to the API
  • Killaura TypeI has been recoded to an accuracy check
  • Fixed BadPackets TypeN false positives with block glitching
  • Fixed Fly TypeF false positives with placing blocks below you in protected areas
  • Fixed Move TypeI false positives with placing blocks below you in protected areas
  • Fixed Speed TypeB false positives with Elytra
  • Fixed Speed TypeE false positives with Dolphins Grace
  • Implemented new API method cancelCheck, a method that allows you to disable a list of detections in a check for X amount of ticks

    We are starting a GodsEye Recode!
    In the last few months I did a lot of research about AntiCheating and developed some new checks that are on a whole different level from what's currently available to the public, In addition, I have developed a new design for my private AntiCheat base which improves performance and helps to keep the source code clean, however, recodes take a long time to make, I will release hotfixes if there are any major critical issues found in the current version but since I want to focus on the recode, updates are going to be delayed but the wait will worth it, thanks everyone for supporting us and let us know if you need any help or have any questions/comments about that​
----------, Nov 3, 2020
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 993
First Release: Aug 13, 2019
Last Update: Oct 3, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
96 ratings
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Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
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