GodsEye AntiCheat | Advanced Detection icon

GodsEye AntiCheat | Advanced Detection -----

Who purposely cheats his friend, cannot cheat his god

Build 22 BETA
  • Fixed a console error when trying to enable/disable InventoryActions from the GUI
  • Fixed the /ge profile <player> command to work with the new Profile system
  • Fixed Scaffold TypeD false positive when building back and sprinting
  • Fixed Fly TypeD false positive when using JumpBoost level 2
  • Fixed Fly TypeD and Move TypeB false positive when running up at the edge of snow layers
  • Fixed Move TypeC false positive when running up on player heads
  • Fixed Fly TypeE false positive when in cobwebs in air
  • Implemented Killaura TypeJ (experimental)
  • Fixed Killaura TypeI false positive when hitting and block while looking at blocks
  • Added Support for SkywarsX
  • Hopefully fully fixed an AutoFish Console error on older versions
  • Implemented /ge isChecked <player> command to check if a player is currently checked by GodsEye

Some of you did not understand how the new profiling system works!!
since build 20 BETA GodsEye is only creating a profile in memory to players that are being checked by GodsEye to save performance, and only every two minutes GodsEye updates the profile list, MEANING that if you login to the server as an OP or with GodsEye.bypass permissions you will ONLY be checked after the list is updated OR if you rejoin the server so please BEFORE you report something like a bypass please make sure you are actually profiled and GodsEye is checking you
----------, Nov 18, 2019
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 993
First Release: Aug 13, 2019
Last Update: Oct 3, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
96 ratings
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