Pwing Races [1.19-1.21] | Customizable Skilltrees, Triggers, Attributes, Conditions, and Abilities icon

Pwing Races [1.19-1.21] | Customizable Skilltrees, Triggers, Attributes, Conditions, and Abilities -----

An advanced races plugin featuring customizable skilltrees, triggers and abilities!

Version: v1.5.0
Please make it possible to make it work again in 1.18.w and 1.19, I would be happy to have this plugin back in 1.18.2
Author's response
Thanks for the review! Unfortunately, maintaining support for older versions was hurting the resource maintainability and as a result was limiting what all we could offer in this plugin. The plugin also runs a lot more smoothly now given we aren't maintaining a bulky amount of legacy code / backwards compatibility code.

I would like to mention that PwingRaces should continue to work on 1.19(.0), although it's encouraged you run your server on the latest version in order to take advantage of the newest game features and bug fixes.

Please feel free to reach out on Discord if you have any questions about this change.

Version: v1.4.7
Still overall a strong Resource, if you are running an older MC version. It takes a bit to configure but worth it in the end.

Version: v1.4.1
The author is very nice.The questions and suggestions raised were quickly answered. And fixing bugs is fast. Looking forward to the future development of the plugin.
Author's response
Thanks for the review, means a lot to me! Can't wait to see the awesome races you make.

Version: v1.2.1
An amazing racial plugin! The best I've used yet. The support is amazing too! If you run an mmorpg, or roleplaying server this is a must have.
Author's response
Glad you’re enjoying the plugin! Thanks for the review

Version: v1.2.1
A plugin with infinite customizability, definitely worth every cent. The author is very active and provides fast support. If you are looking to improve your RPG server up a notch, this plugin is for you.
Author's response
I’m glad you’re enjoying the plugin and I appreciate the kind words.

Version: v1.2.0
Definitely worth the buy. Exactly what it says on the package, along with amazing support from the creator. Would reccomend
Author's response
I appreciate the kind review ♥

Version: v1.1.7
Mi reseña sera en español, para que los que quieran comprar este plugin y sean habla hispana comprendan lo bueno que es.

Al comienzo fue algo enredado para mi entender el plugin en si, pero con la inmensa cantidad de tutoriales que tiene, lo comprendí rápidamente.
El creador siempre esta pendiente de cada bug encontrado o cualquier problema que uno tenga.

Es simplemente maravilloso y demasiado customizable, si te sientes creativo en algún momento puedes crear cuantas razas sean necesarias y darles talentos y habilidades a cada una de ellas.

Lejos el mejor plugin de razas que he probado. Si estas dudando en obtenerlo para tu servidor rpg, deja de hacerlo y pruebalo.
Author's response
Thank you for the review! Glad you're enjoying the plugin and have had a good experience so far. I definitely look forward to your awesome creations with it.

Spanish (Google Translated):
¡Gracias por el comentario! Me alegra que estés disfrutando del enchufar y que hayas tenido una buena experiencia hasta ahora. Definitivamente espero sus increíbles creaciones con él.

Version: v1.1.7
Cool plugin which have a lot of hooks into other plugins. Developer is sweet and helping with issues and also have plans on plugin upgrades. There is a lot of possible options how you can configure your race with this plugin and I believe there will be more. It's a bit complicated how config works, but there is huge wiki with examples and even if you are dummy developer will help to realize how plugin work, just ask him in discord support channel. Long story short - lovely plugin and I hope it will be maintained by current developer for a long time
Author's response
I appreciate the kinds words and definitely look forward to all your awesome races.

Thank you for nice review <3

Version: v1.1.7
Outstanding plugin with infinite customization. Been messing around with this for a couple days and have been very surprised with what I've been able to do. Went around trying out other race plugins and they're outdated, none is as good as this one. Dev is pretty active and helpful, and most importantly, patient and friendly, responded almost instantly with a proper solution to a problem I've encountered. Would definitely recommend it to server owner who need this, worth every single cent paid after trying it out, 11/10
Author's response
I appreciate the kind words and the thoughtful review. This is what keeps me motivated and I definitely look forward to the awesome races you create in the future. Thank you for your review :D

Version: v1.1.5
Well lets start the review:

The developer made an awesome job! The plugin offers you hundreds of possibilities which before I could only do it by using multiple plugins. When I first saw the plugin on premium page I saw that it did not offer support for MythicMobs custom entity as a way of leveling up or obtaining exp so, I contacted the owner of the plugin and explained him that it would improve a lot if he could add this feature! The owner replied to me in less then 4 hours and turned out to be a really good developer, he heard my suggestion and decided to add MM support! In less then 4 days he was done coding it!

So, if you are tired of using like 5 plugins for 1 purpose , then you came to the right place! This plugin offers you all that and even more! I started playing around with it 3 days ago and I keep being amazed every single time with all the possibilities that it offers to my players!

Totally recommend this plugin!

Concept: 5/5
Developer: 5/5
Updates: 5/5
Utility: 5/5

Keep the good work and I hope to see even more awesome features :)
Author's response
This really made my day. Reviews like this motivate me to work on the plugin more and I definitely look forward to all your awesome races.

Version: v1.1.0
I love this plugin Pwing Races and support paper 1.14.3 <3
Active developer and high quality / support.
Author's response
Thanks for the kind review <3

Version: v1.1.0
I have tried many, many races plugins and this one is by far the BEST. The Dev is helpful and patient with you, and the config is among the easiest I have seen to set up. This plugin gives you so many options to customize and intertwine other plugins into, and runs smooth and steady on a 1.14.2 server with no errors or warnings at all for me. A+++++++
Author's response
This put a smile on my face. I appreciate the kind words ♥

Version: v1.0.8
The plugin developer is very responsive, it's always a great sign when a dev has a discord you can just hop in and ask questions in. The plugin is still developing, but it already has a lot of features that are very nice such as being able to put effects like slowness on certain races. The plugin has a lot of depth, and you can get really deep into it with things such as a leveling system and skills for your races. I have only scratched the surface so far, and have a long way to go.

Recommend this plugin because of the developer responsiveness and it has great utility.
Author's response
Thanks for the kinds words <3

Definitely look forward to seeing your amazing races.

Version: v1.0.2
A quality plugin with the customization capacity to make anything from races to classes each unique to each other with custom abilities and stats for each. I personally use this to create a Witcher like class system with level ups and combat specialties and abilities.
Author's response
Glad the plugin is working out well for you! Thanks for the nice review <3

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 170
First Release: Jun 14, 2019
Last Update: Aug 17, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
13 ratings
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