Additions (mostly) and Fixes Please note some panels in older versions may not work natively with this version and will need to be tweaked.
Added support for using \n to make new lines in lores
New placeholder system rework
You can now have placeholders inside of other placeholders using brackets similar to Placeholder API %cp-data-cname,{cp-player-name}%
Placeholder symbols can now be changed. You can change % and { } to different things
You can now use unmovable panelType if you do not want items in the players inventory to be touched while the panel is opened
Fixed using placeholders in commands with the new placeholder system in place
Check the wiki for up to date information before updating, using custom placeholders with open=, custom commands, etc have all been changed very slightly
Using altered system to check for stationary Hotbar items
Hotbar items have added hasvalue support, which allows for %cp-player-world% to change the item appearance and slot in different worlds