CommandPanels icon

CommandPanels -----

Fully Custom Interactive GUIs with Animations and Logic.

Nice Plugin. Everything we need is still onboard! Good Work.
In the Titel for the 1.21.4 Update is a mistake. it is 1.12.4 :)

Amazing plugin, only feature that I can think of to add would be support for custom player heads in the /cpg command. When I generate a panel with custom heads, it doesn't work.

Good Plugin but. can you please support a new token/point manager like player points eco points or beast tokens? Token Manager has no more support for 1.21

I discovered this plugin way too late and it's a 100% replacement for deluxemenu. The editor is really very convenient.

this is a very good menus plugin but idk how can i
enchanted items if anywan know pllz help me

El mejor plugin de GUIs. Me encatarian que agreguen la posibilidad de tener mas inputs de jugadores, ya que es algo limitante solo tener una variable por input completo (hablo de inpunts con mas de una palabra)

Keep up the good work my man! This plugin has become essential for my server experience!

"If you are having issues, contact me through Discord."
Would be amazing if the Discord would be available tho...

Favorite Plugin Ever, Gotta get good at YAML syntax and learn the plugin good. But man once your there..... sky is the limit

The addon is very good and free. Many hours of development and updates in a row. Thanks for sharing it. It works very well. There is only one small visual aspect I would like to fix. With the custom heads, when the menu is updated (20 ticks by default) the custom heads disappear for a few milliseconds.

Amazing plugin with lots of configuration options. Wiki is detailed and helps outline how to use the plugin. Discord server is amazing for support. The author of this plugin is wonderful!

easy to digest for beginners and powerful tools for devs and creative minds. the developers and staff team are very helpful. I can't thank enough for their work, this plugin is truly amazing!

I prefer it over DeluxeMenus, it is more comfortable, intuitive, faster, etc. Recommended.

this plugin is the best of the best, here are the features:
rankup system? BOUM command panel
rule system? BOUM command panel
menu? BOUM command panel
wiki? BOUM command panel
upgrade shop? BOUM command panel
shop? BOUM command panel

the possibilities are endless!
On top of that best support and quick!

Great plugin with which you can implement many different things! But personally I lack a global date. That is, I can specify a date for a particular player, but I can not specify it for all at once. Or at least I haven't found a way to do it. I would be glad to see such a feature in the future.

Best panel plugin i like it recommend it, love ur plugin rocky extremely powerful GUI

For a while, it had been lacking work. It improved, albeit slowly, but it managed to surpass DeluxeMenus, which now lacks animations itself and significantly improved the web editor. I'm surprised it's not premium; I doubt ZMenu will surpass it. CommandPanels is the only one left to dethrone TRMenu.

Extremely powerful GUI creation tool. Have used for years with no major issues. Thanks!

This is an amazing plugin! but I have a few questions, when I add an inscription by entering title= 10 10 10 &atest, everything works, but how to add a subtitle?

Awesome plugin, has really allowed us to step up our rules, info, help pages etc. Shame about the virus false flag on previous version. But fixed quickly, not a big deal.

Probably the most advanced CommandPanels plugin out there. Even for free, would definitely recommend. Support is very fast.

Awesome plugin, has really allowed us to step up our rules, info, help pages etc. Shame about the virus false flag on previous version. But fixed quickly, not a big deal.

Virus detected???????????????????????????????? waiting for a fix! Trojan:Script/Wacatac.B!ml
Author's response
The latest upload has resolved issues. Was a false positive not even due to the code and was an issue with Maven during project compiling.

Good plugin with high potential but please make it work with PlayerPoints. Keep up the good work.

works well and online editor is quite good. Also amazing discord support. recomend

It is an awesome plugin! The online editor just makes it 1000% easier to make my own custom GUI and it is absolutely incredible! The fact that it is free, makes it so much nicer! Additionally, supporting custom heads is so useful, it allows for so so much customisation!
RockyHawk respect !!!

I have found this plugin original and able to fit my needs. It allows you to create your own gui panels for everything, from help sections to admin shops.
It also has a lot of configurable options, an online editor to avoid errors with an easy way of importing to your server and a fast and profesional discord support.
100% recommended

Wow! Really appreciate this plugin! It has allowed us to remove 3 plugins and create nice custom menus exactly the way we want it! The ease of saving a chest layout is so good! 5/5


Das ist so ein krasses Plugin sehr einfach zu bedienen und über die Webseite ist das ganze noch viel einfacher weiter so :D


Amazing plugin I love it Its easy to use and the config is straight forward and simple

Hard to use, bad support, The support did not explain to me how to do a simple thing, apart from that the guy changed the topic of what I was looking for.

I've been using this plugin since mid-August and by far one of the best plugins I would recommend. Sometimes there can be bugs here and there but the Author is very quick to resolve it. I can say that I'll continue to use this as it's been going strong for the past 3 years.

Since they modified it to the web editor, I believe it's a good option but it's been implemented rather vaguely. It's not perfect and has several flaws, which significantly reduces the overall quality of the plugin. Even though the support is good, the editor itself remains quite weak. If they had kept the plugin as it was, it currently has issues.
Author's response
The in-game editor lacks many useful features, such as HasSections and Animations, which the Web Editor fully supports. Both I and many others have found that the Web Editor substantially improves our experience. I would be interested in hearing specifically what you find to be weak, vague, or flawed to have deserved two stars, you can contact me on Discord any time.

This is my favorite plugin!! :)

I haven't figured out how to use this feature yet.
i need an example. I want use custommodeldata

Good except there is no support for BungeeCord Commands, if there was a support for this, i would have given a 5 star

BEST PLUGIN EVER BEST PLUGIN EVER u can do what u want with it BEST PLUGIN ever and the dev is a nice guy

Wonderful Resource - Terrific Web Editor
This plugin is not an easy fix out-of-the-box for new server admins. It's an extremely flexible resource that requires at least intermediate research and knowledge to utilize. It is wonderfully dynamic, frequently updated, and free. I've never had a problem I couldn't solve myself in the extensive documentation available, but I am confident that if I did, I would find assistance in their discord. Keep up the good work 5/5 - donkeypanic

Me encantaba el plugin, cuando todo era por edición de interfaz grafica con el usuario dentro del juego, pero lo dañaron, obligan al jugador a tener que acceder a una pagina web para poder editar sus paneles, encima se buguea... Muy lamentable :/

Este plugin era de lo mejor antes, cuando todo era por edición de archivo o interfaz grafica con el usuario dentro del juego, pero lo han dañado, obligan al jugador a tener que acceder a una pagina web para poder editar sus paneles, encima se buguea cuando intentas cargar un panel o exportarlo, es muy lamentable que hayan optado por aplicaciones web en vez de mejorar lo que ya estaba.
Author's response
Apologies for your dissatisfaction. Most users find the web editor superior, as the in-game one lacks key features. Report bugs on Discord as the import/export features are functional as far as I am aware, no one else has reported an issue.

Easy to use & Such a multi-functional plugin works great! keep up the good work kudos to dev <3

great plugin I always use in my server and I advise everyone to use it. Thanks to the developers and a million likes and stars

MUST HAVE plugin on server best plugin ever and ever 1000 stars or more **********************

Great plugin still missing some stuff but its super easy to add a menu and to understand the coding behind it would love to see

Giving Args with opening a panel to use this but besides that its a great plugin Made alot of great guis with players love those guis keep it going!

Great plugin! For executing commands in panels, pls add shiftmiddle= (like shiftleft= or shiftright=) Sorry for bad english

This is one of my favorite and best plugins I've come across, deserves an absolute highest rating! Keep up the good work <3

Very good plugin! I give 4 stars because aliases to open panels do not appear in the command list. Please tell me if it only happens to me and I'll delete this!
Author's response
You may have to restart the server for the commands to register and appear, however, if you are having issues with it you can join the Discord support server.

Wow! Amazing plugin. You can sell commands, items or creating custom GUIs. Thanks for continuing to update the plugin.

Great plugin! Love the use, took a while to get used to, but now works perfectly. Great devs and thanks for being a good team!

very good plugin, very complete. I use the gemseconomy plugin to have multiple currencies, and I would like to choose which currency I use the store with.

It is very easy to use. I have only one question. Panels created with this plugin cannot be used in the integrated version. Is there a way to use it in the integrated version? Please let me know if there is.

I have been using this plugin for years now, never had a problem before! I had a question about something and RockyHawk answered me very quick and solved my question right away! Thanks for this amazing plugin!!!

Amazing plugin honestly, I hate that I have to knock off a star. Issue is there's just such an odd oversight in this one that is unfortunately pretty bad.

Panels that utilize the player side inventory will actually delete all of a player's inventory if they happen to have one open during a server restart. I'm not sure why the developer wouldn't think to have the inventory restored on disable, but it doesn't, it just eats the items.

I reported this via discord and there was just no real sense of urgency or care to fix it, so whatever I guess.

I really like this plugin that's why I give it 5 stars but I have a question, how do I sell potions?

Plugin is amazing, so many customization options and very easy to figure out :)
Made all my all my plugins accessible through a gui and teleport requests done by gui now instead of commands! Perfect for servers that have players that play on a console with controllers. Thank you very much!

The best plugin you can have! Endless possibilities for free.
Thank you for this plugin!

Infinite options with this plugin. completely rebuilt my /help in the gui instead of command based.

A true must-have for any roleplaying server.
And if you dont know how to use it and the wiki didnt help you, their discord is filled with helpful fellas who will make sure to make your dreams come true <3

Excellent plugin. I recommend using this plugin. It has a bunch of cool mechanics and it's easy to configurate.

Better alternative to the deluxe menus, I like the automatic refresh of the whole gui, not just the lore. Also that changes in config are immediately visible. Don't be fooled by the size of the plugin, I recommend this plugin alongside deluxemenus or a full deluxe menus replacement.

The Good Plugin its soo interesting and its my beast plugin of spigot its so easy configurate

been looking for this exact thing (features and all but free) for litteral years. suprised it took this long to find. god damn such a legend

I love the plugin! The only detail I didn't get was the in-game editing, it was very complex, maybe it's just me, so I edited the panels from the .yml file and it worked great.

El complemento es excelente, buen desarrollo del Dev, pero me gustaría que añadan esto y realmente para mi lo proclamaría el rey de sistema de menús:
- Cuando hace clic en un objeto en un menú , tiene múltiples lores, es decir, si alguien hace clic en el objeto del inventario, cambia a otro lore para mostrar otra descripción...
- Que de alguna manera puedes vincular múltiples menús en múltiples servidores, es decir, si un jugador en un servidor hizo clic sobre un objeto y ese objeto ejecutaba su acción y tal que en otros servidores también pasaba lo mismo en los menús, algo así como una conexión MySQL.

(Sé que el complemento es gratuito, pero sería genial si agregaran algunas de esas cosas...)

Best, most versatile, most useful gui plugin I've worked with. You can do almost anything you want and if you know what you're doing it just works.

The easiest way to make custom menus without wasting a lot of time, simply generating the panel in-game. Also, the support on it's Discord server is pretty fast and helpful.

Best menu creator. I was using it for long time already and no problems at all, but ofc u must know what u doing. Didnt ask support recently but when i did in the past was great.

This is the absolute best menu plugin! It is extremely flexible, has good support, and has easy-to-edit .yml files. The 2 people below me don't know how to edit .yml files lmao.

The old versions are better then the new 1 i hate the new 1 i like the old 1 cuz its easy to edit the items!

The plugin is OK. But when I edit panels, it doesn't work anything. In the chat, puts "Unknown command". HOW CAN I EVEN EDIT THE ITEMS HUH?!

This is probably the most useful plugin on spigotmc. I'm really impressed and recommend everyone to download it. Great developer.

I really love this plugin. easy custom GUI's! actively maintained but for me, the new editor is a bit harder to use than the older one so can you make a toggleable setting in the config.yml? thanks.

I hardly ever leave reviews on plugins, but this one is just too good! Despite some of the other reviews, the in-game editor is awesome. There are some things that do require you to edit the .yml files, but the ease of being able to create and edit nearly every aspect of a panel in-game cannot be understated. I have only been using this plugin for a short time but am already converting all of my old GUIs to this plugin. If you are wondering if it is worth it, for a free resource, it definitely is!

I've been using it since near 2 years and it's still for me the best plugin to make custom GUI, completely underrated.

It's honestly disappointing how lazy some people are. The plugin works just fine but for some reason people can't seem to take some of their time to configure .yml files. It's not complicated at all. I have been using this plugin for probably over a year now on my server and I have not had any complaints.

Everyone talking about how the plugin was so easy to configure but now it's not is complete bullcrap. Stop being a little baby and learn how to do stuff by hand. You own a server, now maybe put some effort into it.

Anyways, the plugin is great and the support is amazing too. That's all I really have to say.
Author's response
Thank you for your honest opinion, I am glad you have enjoyed the plugin. I'll continue to make the plugin better in the future for you and other like-minded users :)

Best GUI Command Plugin out there. Good Support and very helpful Dev. Thanks for the awesome Plugin.

I used to love this plugin, however, the new editor has ruined it. Please for the love of god at least make it toggleable.

Thank you to give the update issue #208

Now I can create shops and crafting-guis with cp using by item frames.
Author's response
All good :)

Used Rockys Command Panels from the beginning, all those people who are too lazy to use yml, your lazy...Grow up caterpillar. Commands Panels has so many uses its amazing. Anything you can think of baam it does. It can easily replace many plugins in that huge plugin list for your server

Very complicated to configure. In-Game editor is much more complicated to configure than manual file configuring. Because of things what you can do with this plugin, i gave you 2 stars.

In future updates i would suggest to make plugin more simple (example: few clicks there and there on gui editor and you made fully functional gui).

We do not care if it was optimized or not. In older version you could just drag and drop items when editing a pannel. New is buggy and not pleasant to use at all.
Addint something like player heads used to be kids play and now its pain in the ass. And dont even try to make them have coloured name or lore.

I love this plugin because of how versatile it is. You can set everything. From simple server selection GUI to even some minigames.

But recent update sucks.
Author's response
I don’t have enough time like I used to have coding this plugin for free (originally done for experience) I am glad you enjoyed the old editor but I’m afraid I am not going to make anything in the foreseeable future.

I like the old since it's easy to place blocks or items when generating a new gui rather than the new one since the old is what i was looking for on all gui editor plugins i saw before, now it's not much different than most of them....
Author's response
Generating new panels by placing blocks was never removed, /cpg is still there

Please add the old editor back, the new editor is really cruel. One had already gotten used to the old one. The new one is not my taste at all.
Author's response
The old editor was poorly optimised and I did not have time/will to update it. If you don't like the new editor which has been heavily simplified so I have the time to update it, please just edit the YAML files directly.

A very good plugin and it is very easy to install/configure it. Excellent work!!

there's nothing you can't do. Everything I ever wanted is here. to you too. Thank you.

A very good plugin to control everything. We have created merchant NPCs, buy screens and other stuff with the plugin and it works great! Many thanks for this great work! The 1.18 version also works with the 1.19. :)

it working for 1.19?best plugin everaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa


the complement is good but the bad thing is that I don't know how to enchant an armor I saw the wiki but it doesn't explain it well or I don't understand if someone could give me an example please

Amazing plugin! The wiki explains stuff very well, and I haven't ever stumbled across a bug.

Very nice plugin! Better than other gui plugins because of its easy-to-use in-game editor! talking about the editor, sometimes it bugs out and when you try to edit an item in the GUI you are making (adding commands etc.) It just says saved and does not let you edit anything (usually on legacy versions haven't tested modern versions) but over all probably the best custom GUI plugin on spigotmc!

Best GUI creator that exists! Does everything we need, easy setup ingame etc.. Love it!

Absolutely fantastic plugin. Great support, and works perfectly, with zero errors that I've found. I use this for so many things on my server and am very happy with it.

Great Plugin, with amazing features, i recommend it to anyone who is running a multiplayer minecraft server. The discord support is fast and helpful as well !

El mejor plugin de menús que he visto, fácil de utilizar y muy completo. Desearía que colocaran una opción para utilizar inventarios de tolvas y otros items con inventario.
cp <3

Hey dude, I love the plugin, but I've found a weird bug. Whenever I am entering the placeholder %cp-online-players%, it shows number of SAVED players online, instead of number of players playing RIGHT NOW. Can you fix it in the next small update? I love this plugin and this placeholder is kinda needed for players information. thanks bro <3

Best plugin ever i can't put 3000stars but he need more stars the staff help you in seconds.... thx to tinytank :)

there is a bug on the bedrock version with the open-with-item parameter, if I open the inventory, they start giving me items from the menu
Author's response
There is no bedrock version of the plugin.

No me gusta que el sistema de economia solo sirva con essentials deberian de agregar que soporte mas plugins de economia
Author's response
Commandpanels works with every economy plugin that Vault supports and TokenManager too :)

Gotta hand it to people to complain about too frequent updates lol.. I personally would much rather have frequent updates for frequent fixes than on a monthly basis. Plus if you look at the update history on SpigotMC the updates aren't ridiculously frequent. Idk what that other reviewer was talking about unless he meant off of SpigotMC somewhere.

Fantastic and very useful plugin.

Look Mr. Developer, you're plugin is soo good and easy to use and we appreciate it, but updating it on a daily basis is a headache to server admins changing the versions, I hope you understand the problems and updates on a monthly basis or something.


Really great plugin to use if you do not want to do something complicated. Sure Deluxemenu is good but I'm not really planning on making complex panels so command panels really helped me make basic panels with no difficulty.

This plugin is really good but when i try to open a panel from within a panel it just says that panel does not excist anyway i can get around that?
Author's response
You will want to use the open= tag, you can find more information on the Wiki page or the Discord.

I leave ratings too rarely, but this one deserves a solid 5. Thank you for your passion, developer.

Es un excelente plugin de recompensas y me encanta la opccion de poder conseguir varias recompensas por un canje! recomendado

An amazing plugin with great features!
And the support on their Discord is great too! I got a fast and detailled answer and they helped me to fix the issue! I just can recommend it

What an amazing plugin! I can make ranks, kits, and warps GUI using this single plugin. 5/5 stars, keep them coming!

good but in the config i don't find the "command" section of the panel, can someone help me?

This plugin is amazingly powerful and the support is awesome.
I've used this plugin in the past and loved it, but was told DeluxeMenus was "better", but after struggling with DeluxeMenus for 2 hours I fell back to CommandPanels and did what I wanted to do in 5 minutes! I refuse to use anything but CommandPanels now.

This plugin is very user friendly and the support on Discord is awesome! I had an issue/bug and it was fixed literally within minutes by the owner!
I definitely recommend joining the Discord cause there's so much help and documentation to help you do basically anything.
The only limit I've found so far is my own creativity!

Please add a sound if an item in the panel is clicked please
i will be very happy if you add this feature

The most advanced GUI plugin ever!
It's hella feature rich and the support team is amazing!
10/10 <3

Best Plugin!
Can you add a command which can disable a certain block or item for a period of time.
/cpitemdisable or /cpi
/cpi (panelname) (itemnumber) (time for disable in seconds)
Hope you'll add it :)

This is a good plugin thats highly customizable and usefull for all the server owners out there.
But is there any way to close the gui without using escape ie a close item in gui.
Author's response
Make an item execute the command "cpc" and it will close the GUI.

The commands created in the mycommand plugin do not work, could you add compatibility?

Absolutely amazing plugin as well as the support. Answered my ambiguous questions in no time!


fast support 100% ✔
thank you

Nice plugin, but fix this please 'Could not pass event PlayerDeathEvent to CommandPanels v3.17.1.2'


Anyone complaining of custom commands not working you can call the full command with “cp command” as the command in the other plugins.

pretty good plugin, but pls add MyCommand support, It would be really good if you did!

Can you add so it supports mycommand custom commands? Please, it'll be really good for my server

Woaw this plugin is really good, huge thanks to the dev !
Would recommend this plugin for sure.

Best Gui Plugin Out There.
I wonder why those premium plugins stop getting updates eventually after some years.
I have been viewing many plugins for bedwars
And only one hypixel's most identical Bedwars plugin get regular update that is Bedwars1058 by andrei1058.
Its the best and easy to setup and most stable
Not too costly(Costly for me)Plugin.
I Like this Command Panels Plugin Because of its feature and for the free cost and regular update.

Very stable, versatile, feature packed and well documented GUI plugin. Definitely recommended.

Very nice plugin, but is it normal that I get teleported if I use the compass as a hotbar item?
Author's response
That would be the world edit teleport compass doing that

Very good plugin, cover a lot of use-cases so you can create unique features. Support is really nice on their Discord server, I highly recommend it!

One of the best, if not the best plugin in its field! It contains a lot of features.
I really recommend it.

It simply just works. I'd give this plugin more stars if I could. If you are looking for a GUI plugin look no further.

nice plugin 10 starts .....................................................and a verry helpfull guys from discord they help realy fast

noice plugin <3 80 characters ..............................................................

Поддерживает любые предметы, будь они их модов или других плагинов, просто переносите в GUI в игре и все.

Очень просто, крайне удобно, боже, один из лучших плагинов что я только видел на Spigot.

Есть буквально все.

Best GUI plugin out there! i've had people recomend others to me but i've come back to this every time

oh added benifit, 10/10 support

The best plugin on the menu, better than paid analogues, and most importantly free!

Easy to use, saves a lot of time in the config, best plugin out there for making custom GUIs. If you planing to use this kind of plugin, make sure to not waste your time and pick this right away, you wont regret it.


Been trying at least other 5 gui menu plugins but none of them this easy to use!

Editing menus on the go with GUI editor, creating the layout using the chest, everything is so easy and clean! GOOD JOB! Even went further with customizing the inventory and hotbar... You nailed it guys!

Have been using this plugin for about a year now and it's absolutely AWESOME! The amount of things you can make with this plugin is unbelievable! Think of something, and there is a 99% chance you can make it with this plugin! I made a working Cookie Clicker game with boosters, upgrades etc. using this!

10/10 recommend!

Why download this plugin ? because it's free and should be premium because of its amazing Features. I love it !

Muy buen plugin de menus y el desarrollador es muy activo. 10/10 mis mejores deseos al futuro de este plugin.

a very interesting plugin, thanks to the author for the work , but unfortunately it does not work on the alpha v 1.0 version ( I'm kidding )

This could not be any better. An amazing, nearly unlimited and free plugin that provides such a friendly setup. Great support and amazing quality in game.

12/10 Better, than TLoU2 My pp grows 5 mts and my fb can change its color to pink lol

I can't believe this incredible free plugin exists, that is literally good and easy to setup. I don’t have enough words to say how good this is. Keep it up: D

Support is fast and amazing. Yaml easy to configure, Amazing plugin for GUI. Recommended for all server owners who want a custom GUI for rewards or selecting of gamemodes

This plugin is excellent. You can create everything with it, for example: warps list in gui, kit list in gui, help panel in gui. So this plugin is very universal and configurable (you can set up for example a sound when a panel is opened), and also very important thing! - You can open these panels with custom commands, about which you decide!! For example you can create a help panel in Gui and let players open it with command /help. Overall really great plugin. I recommend it.

Incredible plugin, has every feature I could think of, It has an ingame editor and the fastest support I've seen, and its free. What else could anyone ask for? It's just perfect!

Too nice plugin thanks , join the discord to get instant support , i also stucked at one place and i joined the discord . its solved the manging system of discord is too good . i really appreciate this type of services for free

Version: #2
Excellent, thats very good, i try to use DeluxeMenus but it have a lots of bugs, this plugin have no bugs and its perfect for my server, easy to set up.

Version: #2
me encanto el plugin es perfecto para hacer una tienda o menu atraves de una interfaz tipo cofre en minecraft

Version: #2
Absolutely awesome plugin. It works perfectly and have a good Wiki :) --------80

Version: #2
Incredible plugin, but i was curious is it possible to add the gui to an item? So if i click a skeleton skull that's in my hotbar It'll open a gui of mine.
Author's response
It is, if you send a PM or join the discord I would be happy to help you set it up

Version: #2
An incredible plugin! It has so many features and configurable additions that you can almost use it for everything! A shop, server menu, minigames setup, information GUI ++. Thank you for this plugin :)

Version: #2
It is mind blowing how powerful yet easy this plugin is!

At first I was hesitant by the seemingly strange syntax. But after looking through the wiki it became clear that this "strange syntax" wasn't actually all that strange and allowed getting exactly what you want done with as little text as possible.

Coming from BossShopPro I would spend countless hours on customizing GUIs to my liking. And while it was a very well made plugin I think this plugin surpasses it in features and ease of use plus is more updated. Not to mention it's free!

Furthermore, I asked a question on their Discord server and support responded within a few minutes (at 1 AM my time)! Talk about fast support!

10/10! Cannot recommend enough! :)

Cool as shit


Excelent plugin :)

You can create any GUI that does anything! It's easy to use and in discord you will get answers to your questions very soon.

I recommend this plugin!

Super plugin, good docs, in discord people quickly helped me with the problem. Dev fixed issue with MMOItems with 4 hours after I posted issue on guthub oO. I recommended it for everyone!

Best GUI plugin by far! My whole server is built around this plugin. Great discord support too!

This plugin is very good and easy to use, the only thing that I would love to be added is per item permissions, so if the player doesn't have the perm, the command(s) won't execute

Great plugin for GUIs. Works perfect. The support on discord in one of the best i seen. If you need a gui download this plugin is the best option from all plugins.

This plugin is excellent, it is perfect for custom GUIs. I created a GUI for giving out Ranks on Staff on a timed and permanent basis.
The support in the discord is excellent.
I would like to give a special thanks to one of the Moderators TinyTank800#8794, who helped me setup everything perfectly, even testing my GUI on his own server to help me fix my incorrect code.

it is defineletly the best gui plugin i have ever used it is defineletly better then the most payed gui plugin but i have one question could you add that when you hava a hasvalue that you can still use animation+ inside the hasvalue i am not the best at elnglish but i hope you understand
Author's response
Yeah you can put animations inside of the hasvalue

Easy to use GUI menu's, quick setup and alot of things are possible with this plugin!

Deluxe menus doesn't work but this plugin is awsome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The best custom gui plugin, the amount of stuff you can do with this plugin is absolutely insane. And amazing support too! I had a problem and they fixed it right away.

Very good plugin, everything works as it should. Setup takes time.
Will it be possible to add a cooldown system? All that's really missing is that.


The plugin works great. I'm able to make so many creative things with this. Banking system, loot drops system, shop system, world system, even a turn based combat system. Discord support is great as well. 10/10 plugin, and it's free.

Amazing plugin! Everything is 100% customizable and best of all... IT'S FREE! 5/5 stars

the plugin is amazing you can do plenty of stuff with it such as rank shop and key shop
what is best is the support very patient and nice support in the discord
keep it up best plugin ever !

This plugin defied what I thought was possible in a gui plugin. Out of every plugin i've ever downloaded this might be my fav. this plugin is simply amazing and I can't say more about it. Updated regularly, superb wiki and its working on 1.16.4!!!!! well done author, Absolutely fantastic.

best plugin in the world better than deluxemenus aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Normally i wouldn't even think about that i would give this Plugin only 4 stars,but in the Newest version if I want to create/open a panel Command panels say: /commandpanel [panel] ... .I did everything right but it doesnt work

Plugin version:
Server is Running on: Bungeecord 1.8

Pls fix it because i love this Plugin
Author's response
The newest update works fine for me with 1.8, I have just double-checked. I suggest checking with the discord server to ensure your panels are laid out correctly.
Also just incase, use this tool
to validate your panel. If it is invalid it will accurately tell you why, as if they aren't valid panels, they will not load into the game at all.

Very good plugins i loved, but ...

I have an item store with the panels, before the last update it worked and now I can only buy and if I sell it does not detect the items.

perm: default
rows: 4
title: §e§lIntercambio de Monedas
material: SUNFLOWER
stack: 1
enchanted: 'true'
- noNBT
name: §e§lMoneda §a$1
- §7Valor:&a $1
material: SUNFLOWER
stack: 1
enchanted: 'true'
name: §e§lMoneda §a$1
- §7Click-Derecho para pasar a Dinero.
- §7Click-Izquierdo para pasar a Moneda.
- right= item-paywall= m1
- right= console= eco give %player_name% 1
- left= paywall= 1
- left= give-item= m1
I'm Spanish, someone help me please.
Author's response
I recommend using Discord for support. You can create a ticket there. :)

I love this plugin. Active developer, actively taking suggestions. If you need to make a GUI, this plugin is the way to go.

If you are serious about customization, then look no further. The author pretty much just handed you gold.... 12/10 Powerful Plugin.

NGL, this is making create gui more easier!
Super easy to edit item slot. Simple config.
A lot of features. Super recommend and useful!

Very good plugin! Easy setup, easy config.
Very good to make a rank buy GUI and a Kit GUI

Good plugin Very easy to use

Great plugin, really useful and easy to use!

I only have one issue: I created a GUI to claim your kits. Players are able to open the GUI panel and claim their kits when they are in combat eventhough I blocked the command: 'essentials.kits.KITNAME' in combatlog. Does anyone have a solution to solve this problem? I don't want players to claim their kits while in combat.
Author's response
If the command has been blocked try to execute the command from the GUI as the player like this:

- sudo= <command>

Add the sudo to the front

nice and helpful plugin for server and the best gui creating plugin which help a lot in our server

nice plugin, easy to setup and etc.

The best plugin to make GUI's by far, even better than premium ones.
Is really simple to create the most beautiful panels, the customization level is awesome, even being able of use custom heads.

Version: 3.13.0
The duplicate options works very nice. Excellent and perfect plugin.

Version: 3.12.4
The plugin has many very good qualities but when I use the "/menu" command it generates infinite tasks on the console. It doesn't lag but if it generates a lot of spam and it's obviously a mistake. If it wasn't for this, I'd give you five stars.

> [04:34:41 WARN]: [CommandPanels] Task #765 for CommandPanels v3.12.4 generated an exception
java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.bukkit.entity.Player.stopSound(Lorg/bukkit/Sound;)V
at me.rockyhawk.commandpanels.interactives.Commandpanelrefresher$ ~[?:?]
at ~[spigot.jar:git-Spigot-db6de12-18fbb24]
at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_8_R3.scheduler.CraftScheduler.mainThreadHeartbeat( [spigot.jar:git-Spigot-db6de12-18fbb24]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.MinecraftServer.B( [spigot.jar:git-Spigot-db6de12-18fbb24]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.DedicatedServer.B( [spigot.jar:git-Spigot-db6de12-18fbb24]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.MinecraftServer.A( [spigot.jar:git-Spigot-db6de12-18fbb24]
at [spigot.jar:git-Spigot-db6de12-18fbb24]
at [?:1.8.0_262]
Author's response
This is because the panel has sound-on-open: inside of it. It already states in the wiki that it is unsupported in Minecraft 1.8 servers.
If you were to get into contact with me beforehand, or now I can give you a different method for 1.8 which does the same thing.

Version: 3.12.2
Best plugin for making GUIs. Simple, easy to use in-game editor, and has a ton of awesome features.

Version: 3.11.2
Epic plugin. Pretty much all i can say about this. It works exactly how i intended and the support was excellent on discord. Thank you all. 500 stars

Version: 3.11.1
Really a great plugin. However, it would be really cool if there was a function where you could only do something once. (To buy permissions etc)

Version: 3.11.0
Amazing plugin, can replace ALOT of random GUI plugins youre running. Works really stable at least for me!

Version: 3.10.4
verry cool plugin much better than delux menus
tnx for this plugin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Version: 3.10.4
Much better than DeluxeMenus, very nice plugin.
Spigot doesn't want me to give 8 stars :c

Version: 3.10.4
Can you make it that it interact with bungeecord?
Author's response
You can find everything on the wiki, to redirect a player to another server with bungeecord for example is like this: server= (name)

Version: 3.10.3
Seriously a plugin that allows u to do whatever u want with panels and its free.. seriously... 1.16.2 update coming soon,,,,, hopefully?????
Author's response
Thanks for the review, yes it supports 1.16.2

Version: 3.10.0
It will be cool that the plugin has support for older versions. Like 1.8.X and more. Anyway, good plugin
Author's response
Thank you, if you were after the legacy versions you can visit here

Version: 3.9.2
Great plugin! The plugin isn't laggy and has a clean interface, and being able to generate a menu from a chest saves a ton of time. Add in all the command functionality and I still can't believe it's free. Grab it while you can

Version: 3.9.2
Great gui builder. Easy to work with and fully featured. Support is phenomenal and responsive, especially for a free plugin.

Version: 3.9.2
Quality plugin, always worked well for me. Frequent updates as well :)
Do recommend if you need a GUI plugin

Version: 3.9.2
Very good plugin, the developer is amazing and responds quickly with bug fixes. Couldn't ask for anything more! Much better than DeluxeMenus as you can modify and create them easily in game!

Version: 3.9.2
Its just a copy of deluxemenu. 80 words Nothing else to say...............................................
Author's response
1. I made this plugin before I knew about DeluxeMenus
2. Why would you review just to say that, umm thanks?
3. Many plugins have similar variants
4. If you are going by that logic, then DeluxeMenus is a copy of ChestCommands. This argument makes no sense
5. My plugin is free, choose to download it if you want. It has specific features that DeluxeMenus has, vice versa.

Please consider deleting this review, have a good day.

Version: 3.7.4
By far one of my favourite plugins available. I've created so many panels to really make my server command free for my members.
It takes the RPG experience and amplifies it.

Version: 3.7.4
Absolutely adore this plugin and the developer. Its far to useful for creating any kind of GUI you can possibly think of. Great Support from a Great Developer 10/10

Version: 3.7.2
By far one of the best plugins for MC! Super customizable and endless possibilities! Great support!

Version: 3.7.2
An epic plugin!

You can do anything about GUI's. Animations, shops, upgrades, commands, and so much more.

All other GUI plugins are useless if you use them.

And the support is just great. Answer at least after 5 minutes in the Discord! I have rarely seen such a good plugin.

Version: 3.7.2
Amazing plugin. I still have to look at wiki every time i use it but it does just about everything i could want it to as far as GUIs go. The number of warps on my server was getting out of hand but now there under control with this.

Version: 3.7.1
Cool Plugin A definetly Use plugin must use
Might as well try out in ur server it helps the owner alot by creating simple GUIS

Version: 3.7.1
Really nice plugin! Its easy and when you have a Question the Support is really Fast!

Version: 3.6.0
Awesome and very useful plugin. The developers are very friendly and eager to help, support is AMAZING. My question was answered almost immediately! Great work, guys, finally I can get rid of clicking so many signs on my serwer. Thanks a lot!!

Version: 3.6.0
Truly a great plugin. One of the must haves for any server. Allows you to create informative, and enjoyable GUI's that can help organize many things. SImple and yet intensive customization. Great work.

Version: 3.5.0
This plugin works perfect and it has the best support ive ever seen on a minecraft plugin the admin of the plugin firefurry responded to my problem in lightning speed and in a few minutes my problem was solved and he/she helped me fix my premision plugin cuz it was the thing that caused the problem. Keep up the work guys love your plugin
Author's response
Glad to hear that!
If you have any more questions feel free to reach out to Ferry or anyone on the staff team.

Version: 3.4.1
You need a video explaining how the plugin works and showing the plugin settings and sample types for the plugin. Very good complement
Author's response

Version: 3.3.1
This plugin is so easy to use and has endless possibilities, allowing you to alter and create your GUIs in-game or through server files. The support for the plugin is incredible, any issues you can go straight to the Discord and have your question answered almost instantly. If you're looking for a GUI plugin for your server I highly recommend this one :)

Version: 3.1.4
This is the best GUI creator ever
A lot of features and ez to use
You can do all in game!
If you search for free GUI creator this is the plugin

Version: 3.1.3
This is an amazing plugin! I recommend it for all servers, although whenever I try to make an enchanted item it gives errors in the output, that isn't the most important thing ever!
Author's response
Thanks for the review, feel free to use the discord server for support if you have problems with the plugin

Version: 3.1.1
This is so gud but is there any way by making a command panel only in a specific world like the lobby where you have the compass then you right click and stuff someone pls help!
Author's response
Hello! In the wiki, there is an option to add disabled-worlds: to the panel. If you then want to the item to only show up in specific world you will need to use a plugin like Multiverse Inventories.

Version: 3.1.0
Hello, this plugin is incredible and I would love to use it! But when I but the plugin in my plugin folder, the plugin folder doesn't create itself! And when I connect to my server and I type /pl the plugin is displayed in the plugin list but when I type /commandpaneldebug ... /commandpanelreload... it doesn't work ! If you could help me it would be nice :)
Author's response
Please don't post the same review on two different plugin pages. The two versions are for different versions of Minecraft so you will need to find the right one.

Version: 3.1.0
This is a good plugin, but i have 1 error. In the config there is an option - disabled-world-message: 'true'. I cant find out how to disable worlds! There isn't any other option in the config/temp/panels. I want to disable all worlds apart from the world 'Hub' (not bungeecord).
Author's response
You can visit the Wiki or the Discord for quick advice. Disabling worlds can be done using the disabled-worlds, which is not generated in a panel by default, so you need to add it in.

Version: 3.0.1
This plugin is just amazing! After a bit of understanding ou can create really complex CommandPanels with it. I’ve reached out multiple time to the author and he has always helped me with everything within an hour! It’s incredible to see how much time and effort he puts into this plugin, and not only the plugin, but also the wiki and ofcourse the Editor. When you don’t have that much time to learn the plugin, the Editor could be really useful. The discord server is also very nice. For example; you can add suggestions and leave your custom panels in a database. I hope it keeps getting updated and renewed. 5 Stars from Käse no doubt!
Author's response
Thank you for the review ;)

Version: 3.0.1
Good plugin, but when my players use a panel open command. It does the command, but it says "Unknown command". How do I fix this?
Author's response
Thank you. If you made a custom command to open a panel like: /menu
You will need to make the command in a panel like this:
- sudo= menu

Version: 3.0.1
Very nice, but is there is a way to have a compas in your hand to open a panel ?

Version: 3.0.1
Whenever I put a splash potion of instant healing II (ID: 16421) inside the menu it changes to a regular instant healing potion (ID: 37). Does anyone know how to fix this?

The plugin is awesome and works really good. The issue mentioned above is the only problem that I have right now.
Author's response
Since this isn't Commandpanels Classic, instead of ID you will just need to use potion: HEAL

Version: 3.0.1
Very simple plugin, easy to use. Really good support team and understandable wiki page. Recommended 5/5
Author's response
Thank you, glad you have had a good experience :)

Version: 3.0.1
This is a amazing plugin but really confusing when it comes to config and its annoying to add to disable worlds.. Would be great to add it soo sted of disabling the worlds make it so you have to enable it for worlds.

also don't know how to disable worlds

Version: 3.0.1
Good, Now I build a menu for my server very good plugin.

Version: 3.0.1
Good but says "error in config at:File with no panels found" plz fix
your the only free gui plugin
Author's response
That is a YAML syntax error with one of your panels and not the plugin, you need to PM or use the discord server for support.

Version: 3.0.1
Works very well.
Author's response
Thank you!

Version: 2.8.0
Amazing plugin!!! But i can make a token shop? I want to work with vote points. And can you give me a discord invite to your plugin server? Because i try to join in the description but the invite link expire.
Author's response
I have done some heavy adjustments to the discord yesterday which expired the previous link. Thanks, it should work now!

Version: 2.8.0
Good!I can see your efforts and this plugins is greatful and talented.May I repost it(and the lagcy+editor) to mcbbs(The biggest forum in China)?I'll let more chinese user know your project and support your work.Looking forward to your kind& positive reply.
Ah, if you agree.I'll try my best to translate them to Chinese and mail you the translated document.
Author's response
Thank you for the review. You can

Version: 2.8.0
can you add a feature to let player run command as op when click item?i need this feature:)
Author's response
you can use op= <command> :)

Version: 2.8.0
Amazing support! Easy and awesome to set up! A GUI plugin I'd defiantly recommend!
Author's response
Thanks, glad you like it :)

Version: 2.8.0
Amazing and responsive author! The plugin works great and hope he will keep it going!
Author's response
Thank you for the review ;)

Version: 2.8.0
Fantastic plugin for quick and professional custom menu, still waiting for CustomModelData possibility. Anytime soon? great work!
Author's response
custom model data is supported using customdata:

Version: 2.8.0
Very good implementation but with the 2.8.0 VERY long loading times when a Gui opens like 1-3 secs very annoying pls fix

Version: 2.8.0
Its so cool i finally can make a Shop as i want. Big Shoutout to the author of this Amazing plugin!!!
Author's response
Thank you, good luck with the shop!

Version: 2.8.0
I absolutely love this plugin! It is fantastic, there are endless possibilities and on the discord the developer replies super fast and will go out their way to help you with any issues you have! Definitely recommend this plugin and could'nt be happier with the results and support!
Author's response
Thanks for the review!
It wouldn't be what it is now without the community and supporters like you :)

Version: 2.8.0
Amazing, but I don't understand how to make an item a GUI. This plugin really is amazing for servers.
Author's response
Thank you, I have a Wiki page and a Discord for support both available if you have any questions. You can find the links by pressing the buttons on the main page.

Version: 2.8.0
I love this plugin, and the dev is very helpful! I was having trouble and within a few minutes, he responded with advice to fix my problem. The plugin is easy to use, but limited in areas. It's updated all the time and I can't wait to see what is to come.
Author's response
thanks, also feel free to leave suggestions on the Discord suggestions channel!

Version: 2.8.0
can u pls help when i type /cg it says unknown command but the rest of the plugin works fine pleas help
Author's response
hello, there is no command that is /cg. if you ant to generate a panel the command is /cpg :)
/cp will show a list of available commands too

Version: 2.8.0
This is a really good Plugin, which is easy to use and if a problem happens, there is a good support-discord where the dev is very active.

I can recommend this to everyone who needs a good GUI Plugin.
Author's response

Version: 2.8.0
This is of of the best free plugins I have downloaded for my server.
Very customizable
Author's response

Version: 2.7.9
This is of of the best free plugins I have downloaded for my server.
The amount of features it provides is amazing, please never drop this plugin.
Author's response
thank you I am glad you enjoy the plugin :)

Version: 2.7.9
hi author , i found that it still doesnt work although i put

bla bla bla

bla bla bla

bla bla bla
Author's response
I have not added that feature for having multiple hasperms unfortunately, I would recommend using the plugin skript :)

Version: 2.7.9
This plugin is really easy and good and awesome. The dev is really active and awesome. Love the plugin :)
Author's response
Thanks, glad you like it :)

Version: 2.7.8
hello,i have 1 question of this plugins,how to make an animation panel?whole plugins is very good and help me a lot , but i dont know how to make animation panel XD , pls tell me :)
Author's response
hey, you will need to use CommandPanels Version 2.7.7 or below as there were some issues with animations. The materials for animations should be something like this:
separated with a semicolon and you can have as many as you want in a row

Version: 2.7.8
The dev is awesome which is the main big plus, the plugin works really well and loads of config (the more, the better!) I've not seen any lag or dropping tps or anything since using this despite multiple menus. Definitely recommended.
Author's response
Thanks for the review, I have had many updates getting the TPS to what it is now!

Version: 2.7.7
After a lot of research for perfect GUI plugin, I have finally found this. It's just fantastic! And the standalone editor is a huge plus so I don't need to struggle with configs. The developer is very responsible, respectful and polite. 10/10
Author's response
Thank you for the review. Glad you like the plugin and the editor :)

Version: 2.7.6
Best GUI plugin out there with a lot of features and possibilitys! Author is kind and suportive! Thanks!
Author's response
Thanks for the review ;)

Version: 2.7.4
hey i'm trying to give a rank with pex but when i put the command in the config : - op= pex user %cp-player-name% group set Imperator
But when i click on the block in the gui it doesn't do anything help
Here is the config for the block :
name: '&9Join Imperators'
- op= pex user %cp-player-name% group set Imperator
Author's response
I will be happy to give you help in the support discord or a PM in spigot :)

Version: 2.7.4
that was a very nice plugins and it helps me a lot , this plugins can let me create custom gui and it is very good to me to create a server, i use this plugins with item join to make a warp compass that usually appear in other server lol.Btw ,thks =)
Author's response
No problem, glad It was useful for you!

Version: 2.7.4
can you please add rightklick and leftklick actions, when you add this than you make me happy (i cant good english)
Author's response
There are actions to perform different commands fr right click, left click and shift right/ shift left on the wiki already.
you can do 'left= gamemode 1' as a command
I am glad you like the plugin

Version: 2.7.2
A really good plugin! Is there also an 1.8 version? Would really love to see that! If not, could you please give a similar alternative? :D
Author's response
thanks for the review, yeah version 1.8.3 is compatible with 1.8.

Version: 2.7.2
This is the best GUI plugin there is out there!
I would just like it if arguments are made for the console command :)
Author's response
Thank you for the review! you can send console commands when clicking items using "console= (command)" too

Version: 2.7.0
The best gui creator plugin out there, i really recommend it, fast and easy to use with lots of options.
Author's response
thank you glad you enjoy the plugin!

Version: 2.7.0
Really good plugin. Does exactly what it says. People in the comments might say that it can't do certain things but they need to realise that this is a gui plugin that triggers commands. Anyway the author offers excellent support and this is definitely worth 5 stars.
Author's response
Cheers for the review, have a good new year!

Version: 2.7.0
very helpful and also for free. Would be slightly better if leather armor
can be dyed with custom RGB colors. Other than that, great plugin.
Author's response
thank you for the review!

Version: 2.7.0
Good plugin, might be handy to have an option that closes the GUI when clicking a button that executes an command, or redirects it to another GUI.
Author's response
You can do all of those things, on the wiki it will show you the command ' / cpc' or 'commandpanelclose' will close the GUI. if you want to open another GUI simply do 'cp <panel name>'

Version: 2.6.1
This is a very good plugin. I like it. I have a suggestion. I want to make a permission gui like Ultra Permission. I want to add so you can give a group / player a permission. But that will need two %cp-player-input% because it will need the player name and the permission. Please add like %cp-player-input-1%.
Author's response
thank you for the review and the suggestion :)

Version: 2.5.2
Super plugin, one of the simplest I know now! Can you add the possibility of cooldown the commands that we add to the panels? Thank you !!
Author's response
Thanks for the review! Glad you like it

Version: 2.5.1
Amazing plugin! So many possibilities whether its a warps gui, kits gui, or a leaderboard gui, it has endless possibilities. I even made a "cookieclicker" game with the plugin that I will be developing further over time with this plugin, keep up the good work! Author, I will pm you the ip to my server if you want to see what ive done!
Author's response
thank you for the review, glad you like it!

Version: 2.4.5
Magnifico, perfecto, hermoso muy facil de usar y muy intuitivo, recomendado al 100%
Author's response
Thank you!

Version: 2.4.5
I couldn't quite do anything yet but this plugin looks just amazing and seems extremely customizable! My favorite feature yet is re-skinnable player heads!
Author's response
Cheers, if you have any questions about the plugin be sure to ask me in a spigot conversation or on the discord!

Version: 2.4.5
Super plugin, a lot of customization possible! If I do not put all the stars is because it lacks a selection of players when we make a command that asks to type the name of the player (example: gamemode survival "NAME OF PLAYER") It would be perfect if you put a list of ONLINE players. This plugin is free, and is really great! Congratulations to the developer
Author's response
I appreciate the feedback, thank you for reviewing the plugin and giving it a recommendation!

Version: 2.4.3
By far, one of the most powerful server tools I've ever used. It has near limitless flexibility, and is a must have for any Admin's toolbox. Makes creating custom shops, rank up interfaces, teleport/warps menus, and even Operator commands a breeze. Developer is very active as well as his Discord community. My only complaint is that I can't rate this plugin higher than a 5! lol Definitely deserves a 10!!!
Author's response
Thanks for that review, it wouldn't have been able to grow to what it is now without the community enjoying it so much!

Version: 2.4.2
perfect plugin, would be handy if it is good for 1.8 too :/ but thanks for this amazing plugin! thx for the good work!
Author's response
Thanks for the review, yeah it works with 1.8 in older versions but as I added new features 1.8 couldn't support them.

Version: 2.4.0
Thanks for update! The feature you added work smooth and great.
Also thanks for fixing paywall problem!
Author's response
No problem, glad you liked the update!

Version: 2.3.1
This is absolutely one of the best custom GUI plugins I ever used in my server. You can configure everything u need to and even with a no permissions part... great! I had one problem with the plugin, and the next day after a little chat it was already fixed. The author even gave me a little extra for the inconvenience, i mean.. thats what we call "good service" right? Hyped for the premium version coming out soon! Keep up the good work!
Author's response
Thanks for the review, no worries ;)

Version: 2.2.1
Wow! Really, really, really nice plugin! It works like a charm and there are no performance decreases! The best GUI plugin out here! Super easy to use!
Author's response
Thank you :)

Version: 2.2.1
Really cool and unique plugin! Active dev and takes suggestions and implements them. Highly recommend to make your own custom GUI's.
Author's response
Thank you man ;)

Version: 2.2.1
Hands down one the best plugins for handling UI. Simple and clean. Keep up the great work!
Author's response
Cheers on the review! Glad you enjoy its simplicity.

Version: 2.2.0
extremely simple plugin doesn't take up space, unlimited options, everything is only limited to my imagination! discord is active and friendly. 5 stars
Author's response

Version: 2.1.5
Best Gui plugin for all your need, should go 10/10.
Best support for your questions. A must get plugin!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Author's response
Appreciate the review, glad you like it!

Version: 2.1.5
Hands down one the best plugins for handling UI. Simple and clean. Keep up the great work! This plugin is a MUST HAVE!
Author's response
Thank you for the support!

Version: 2.1.4
Absoultely beautiful plugin! there is so much you can do, so much freedom and simplicity. turned my basic skyblock, plots, and other commands into a really cool Gui with addictive sounds. very happy :D
Author's response

Version: 2.1.2
This plugin just simply works.
No hassle, no issues. Just works.
Highly recommend if you've had a negative experience with other GUI plugins and need something light weight and responsive.
The config and ymls are easy to understand and configure as well.
Author's response
Thanks for the review! I am always trying to improve stability all the time.

Version: 2.1
Best GUI plugin ever! Had a few problems, but the Author responded within 10 minutes. Great plugin, recommended to all. It has helped my server greatly!
Author's response
Thank you for the review on the plugin!

Version: 1.10.3
Great plugin, works amazing and has great features. Thank you very much for this!
Author's response
Thank you for the review, glad you enjoyed it!

Version: 1.10.1
Woo! Thank you so much for the update that supports 1.14! The plugin works like a charm and is highly recommended for servers that have lots of plugins. Works great with my server community as they always had to remember a multitude of commands but now this makes it so much easier for them. Keep up the great work! (and yes, i did post in the past but I was waiting for an update to change my review! No hard feelings)
Author's response
Thank you! Yeah I realised how to get it to work with legacy versions and the new versions at the same time with the new items.

Version: 1.9.0
oh it's too excellent and i think it is better than ChestCommands, because it supports PAPI XD
Author's response
Oh thank you, I will be looking to add more features chest commands has for more people to enjoy this plugin too.

Version: 1.8.2
Exactly what I was looking for for my server's menus.

Had a small issue with PAPI and recieved a swift response and fix from the creator, couldn't be more happy with my choice of plugin!
Author's response
Thanks for reviewing, appreciate it! ;)

Version: 1.8.0
Really cool update!
The price of the buy= command can't be a %placeholder% ?

Let the customer set the amount of items he needs to buy, it would look like:


when player left/right click on the item it would add/remove 1 from the stack value (shift for 10)
to ACCEPT tansaction, use middle mouse button, then it triggers the command: buy= and use the value of ITEM set by the customer, and multiplies to the price set on the config (Shown in the lore, maybe updated as the player change the stack value ?)
Anyway it's an idea useful for the shop creation, but you have made an awsome plugin thanks!
Author's response
As of version 1.9.1, you can set commands to be custom, set to only trigger from (left, right, right shift and left shift) specific clicks.

Thanks for the review!

Version: 1.8.0
definitely a plugin that is totally worthwhile, useful, easy to configure and understand, has excellent quality and performance, the panels can be cleanly accommodated in several configuration files with personalized names which is one of its strongest points. It would be interesting to see in the future the possibility of hiding panel items depending on whether you have permission or not and the support for custom model data, the developer is very kind and provides great support, I am totally satisfied so far.
Author's response
Many people have their server running on versions below the version that supports that. It is always interesting to see what and what won't work together, I will be trying to add as much 1.14 support without losing 1.12 and below. Thanks for the review!

Version: 1.7.3
Great Plugin! From the past reviews, I see full commitment from the author to satisfy their clients.
Author's response
Haha, thank you!
I am hoping to eventually get this plugin as mainstream as possible so I love suggestions to help increase its popularity.

Version: 1.6.1
This is a cool plugin thanks, Is it possible to create an admin shop where the player can set the amount of items he wants to buy ?
Author's response
Thanks for the review!
EDIT for this response, the new update (1.7.0) introduces a new way to buy and sell items as an admin shop.
You can view how to use it in the Command Tags section of the configuration or to view the new update!

Version: 1.2
I like where the idea of this plugin is going. Hope to see it support 1.14.x versions in the near future! Great potential
Author's response
1.14 is now fully supported since version 1.3, thanks for the review nonetheless!

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 171,438
First Release: May 28, 2019
Last Update: Feb 9, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
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