Added mending action (MC>=1.13): when a player has an item repaired via the mending enchantment;
Added an illegal stacks item scanner: you can set custom max stacks amount for items and choose what to do if the player has an illegal stacked item into its inventory. (you have to delete the config in order to generate a new one which has this feature or copy and add this below)
Code (YAML):
# Illegal stack configuration # You can either set the vanilla-max-stack-size to true, so all items will respect their max stacks # And/or configure for each material the max stack amount you wish # You can use the material formatting ('*', 'stone, dirt', '*,!dirt' etc.). Example regex: '#(?i)_helmet' -> will give all helmets # Players with banitem.bypassillegalstack permission will not be affected # The block-type are: # - split (to split and give items back until the correct max stack is respected) # - delete (to delete the whole stack) # - deletemore (to delete only the exceeded amount) illegal-stacks:
enabled: false
vanilla-max-stack-size: true
block-type: split
#items: # 'diamond_helmet,iron_helmet': # amount: 1 # block-type: split
Added complete item attributes matches for custom items (big thanks to Epicanard) (MC>=1.8):