Code (YAML):
# +———————————————————————————————————————————————————+ #
# |—————————— BANITEM CONFIGURATION ——————————| #
# |—————————————————— v3.5 —————————————————| #
# +———————————————————————————————————————————————————+ #
# | Documentation: | #
# | | #
# +———————————————————————————————————————————————————+ #
# For any bugs/suggestions: Andross96
# +——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————+
# General Informations:
# - The blacklist will block the items.
# - The whitelist will allow only the items set.
# -> The 'message' key represents the message sent to players if they try to use an item which is not in whitelist
# -> The 'ignored' key represents all ignored actions (they will not being by default banned)
# - Worlds can be written:
# -> single: 'world' ; 'world_the_end'...
# -> multiple: 'world, world_the_end'...
# -> all: '*'
# -> all except: '*, !world_the_end, !world_nether': all worlds, except world_the_end & world_nether
# -> regex starting with "#": '#world': world, world_nether, world_the_end
# - Items can be written: (
# -> single: 'stone' ; 'dirt'...
# -> multiple: 'stone, dirt'
# -> all: '*' (also include air [=empty hand]!)
# -> all except: '*, !stone' (all, except stone)
# -> regex starting with "#": '#_BED' will give all material which names matches '_BED'
# - Actions can be written:
# -> single: 'place' ; 'break'...
# -> multiple: 'place, break'
# -> all: '*'
# -> all except: '*, !place' (all, except place)
# - Each actions can store some datas to check. They can be written, for example (except for cooldown & log):
# -> entity: pig, cow
# -> entity:
# - pig
# - cow
# -> entity:
# - pig,cow
# - Actions data: (* is usable only for actions involving a player)
# -> cooldown(*): allow access to the action each X milliseconds (1 second = 1000 milliseconds)
# -> '{time}': in the message will display the time remaining
# -> entity: the entity interacted or involved in the ban
# -> EntityType:
# -> gamemode(*): the item is only banned if the player is in this gamemode
# -> inventory-from: the inventory where the item come from
# -> InventoryType:
# -> inventory-to: the inventory where the item goes to (same type as above)
# -> material: an additional item checked
# -> For example, in a BREAK action, this data will also check a matches with the item in the player's hand
# ->
# -> permission(*): check if the player has the custom permission
# -> log(*): true/false - if players with /banitem log will receive a message for this ban
# -> message(*): a string or list of string to be sent if the item is banned
# -> region(*): worldguard region
# -> run(*): list of commands run when the action is banned:
# -> '{player}' : the player name
# -> '{world}' : the world name
# -> '{itemname}' : the item name
# +——————————————————————————————————————————————————————+
# - Actions and their possibles datas:
# - ARMORSTANDPLACE: when the player try to place the item on an armorstand [no specific data]
# - ARMORSTANDTAKE: when the player try to take the item from an armorstand [no specific data]
# - ATTACK: when the player use left click with the item in the main hand on an entity
# -> Special data: entity - the entity clicked
# - BOOKEDIT: when the player edits or signs a book and quill item [no specific data]
# - BREAK: when the item is breaked
# -> Special data: material - the item in the player hand
# - BREW: when the item (potion) is brewed inside a brewing stand [no specific data]
# - CLICK: when the player use left click with the item in the main hand
# -> Special data: material - the block clicked, if there is one
# - CONSUME: when the player try to consume a food [no specific data]
# - CRAFT: the item will not be craftable anymore [no specific data]
# - DELETE: when a player open & close an inventory, it will check and delete items which have this action [no specific data]
# - DISPENSE: when an item is dispensed from a block [no specific data]
# - DROP: when an item is dropped by a player [no specific data]
# - DROPS: when an item is dropped from a block
# -> Special data: material - the item in the player's hand
# - ENCHANT: when a player enchants the item
# -> Special data: enchantment - the enchantment applied to the item
# - ENTITYDROP: when an entity dies and drop the item
# -> Special data: entity - the entity type
# - ENTITYINTERACT: when a player use right click with the item on an entity
# -> Special data: entity - the entity interacted
# - FILL: When a player use right click with the item on a fluid (water/lava)
# -> Special data: material - the fluid type
# - GLIDE: when a player try to use (activate) an elytra [no specific data]
# - HANGINGPLACE: when a player try to place a hanging entity (itemframe, painting..)
# -> Special data: entity - the entity created by this placing
# - HOLD: when a player try to hold the item in the hand [no specific data]
# - INTERACT: when the player use right click with main hand on the placed item
# -> Special data: material - the item in player's hand
# - INVENTORYCLICK: when the player try to click an item in an inventory
# -> Special data: inventory-from - the inventory type clicked
# - MENDING: when the player has an item repaired via the mending enchantment [no specific data]
# - PICKUP: when the item is picked up [no specific data]
# - PLACE: when the player try to place a block
# -> Special data: material - the block placed against
# - RENAME: when the player try to rename the item in an anvil, or from a command [no specific data]
# - SMELT: the item will not be smeltable anymore [no specific data]
# - SMITH: when the recipe of an item is completed inside a smithing table
# - SWAP: when the player try to swap the item in hands [no specific data]
# - SWEEPINGEDGE: when the player attacks an entity with an item that has sweeping edge. The original attack will continue but the sweeping edge damage will be cancelled
# - TRANSFER: when the player try to transfer the item from an inventory to another
# -> Special data:
# -> inventory-from: the inventory where the item comes from
# -> inventory-to: the inventory where the item goes to
# - UNFILL: when a player try to unfill a bucket
# -> Special data: material - the block type clicked
# - USE: when a player try to use an item (right click with it)
# -> Special data: material - the block clicked, if there is one
# - WEAR: when the player try to put the item as an armor (you'll need to use also the 'place' action) [no specific data]
# +——————————————————————————————————————————————————————+
# - Examples:
# -> Simple structure:
# blacklist: ##----> for blacklist
# world: ##----> world where the ban should apply
# ender_pearl: ##----> the item
# place: '&cYou can not use ender pearls in world.' ##----> the action with a message
# +————————————————————+
# -> Advanced structure:
# blacklist: ##----> for blacklist
# 'world, world_the_end': ##----> worlds where the ban should apply
# 'dirt, stone': ##----> the items
# 'place, break': ##----> the actions, and below their datas
# message: ##----> a configurable (multi-line, or not) message
# - '&cA first message example'
# - '&cA second message example'
# gamemode: creative ##----> only applies if player is in creative
# log: true: ##----> players with /bi log activated will receive a message
# cooldown: 30000 ##----> this ban only applies each 30 seconds (players can only either break or place the items each 30 seconds)
# +——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————+
# Debug modes
# Better & more detailled error messages
: true
# More detailled reload message
: false
# Colored message into the console
: false
# No permission message (for /banitem)
: '&cYou do not have permission.'
# Prefix of the plugin
: '&c&l
] '
# This is used to allow others plugins to modify the behavior of the bans
: false
: false
# If true, the plugin will check (async) if an update is available
: true
# List of actions that should have maximum listening priority
# Giving maximum priority will force the ban item plugin to have the final word on an event
# This is used mainly to also block other plugins events, if the action is banned
# You can use the actions formatting ('*', 'action1, action2', '*,!break' etc.)
: use,consume,click
# Some configurable stuffs for actions
# The item for denied enchantment in anvil. Only for MC1.9+
: '&cBANNED'
- '&cYou can not add this'
- '&cenchantement.'
# List of rename commands which a player could use to rename an item
- '/rename'
# Block hoppers to take/give banned item from/to inventories
# This is more resource intensive
: false
# Configuration for the wear action
# If the plugin have to check when a player enter or exit a WorldGuard region
: false
# Scan each seconds if a player is wearing a banned item [async]
: true
# The plugin will not take in consideration inventories which name is in this list
# WITHOUT color codes & case sensitive: color codes from GUI titles will be removed to be compared
- 'My Cool Gui'
- 'Shop'
# Hooking with plugins
# Enable these hooks only if you use it
# For WorldGuard regions [WG6-WG7]
: false
# For AdvancedEnchantments enchantments into custom items
: false
# Animations when a ban item message is sent
: true
: 1
: 1
: false
# if the sound can be heard by others players around or not
# available only on bukkit 1.9+
: false
: 1
# Illegal stack configuration
# You can either set the vanilla-max-stack-size to true, so all items will respect their max stacks
# And/or configure for each material the max stack amount you wish
# You can use the material formatting ('*', 'stone, dirt', '*,!dirt' etc.). Example regex: '#(?i)_helmet' -> will give all helmets
# Players with banitem.bypassillegalstack permission will not be affected
# The block-type are:
# - split (to split and give items back until the correct max stack is respected)
# - delete (to delete the whole stack)
# - deletemore (to delete only the exceeded amount)
: false
: true
: split
# 'diamond_helmet,iron_helmet':
# amount: 1
# block-type: split
# Here is some quick examples:
# world:
# diamond_block: # can not place or break diamond_block, no messages
# place: '&cYou are not allowed to place a diamond block in world.'
# break: '&cYou are not allowed to break a diamond block in world.'
# gold_block: # can not place gold block if in creative mode except if you have 'my.bypass.permission'
# place:
# gamemode: creative
# message: '&cYou can not place gold block while in creative mode.'
# permission: 'my.bypass.permission'
# my_meta_item: # meta item from /bi metaitem, useable only each minute (time in millis)
# attack:
# cooldown: 60000
# message: '&cYou have to wait &e{time}&c before attacking with this item again.'
# stick: # can not put stick into an itemframe. Sending log message to players with /bi log activated.
# entityinteract:
# entity: item_frame
# message: '&cYou can not put a stick into an itemframe!'
# log: true
# diamond: # can not put diamonds from a player inventory to a chest
# transfer:
# inventory-from: player
# inventory-to: chest
# message: '&cYou can not put diamonds in chests.'
# '*, !world_the_end': # all worlds except the end
# ender_pearl:
# use: '&cYou can use enderpearls only in the end.'
# # you have to set priority to 'use' (above the config) in order for this to work
# world_the_end:
# message: '&cOnly thing allowed in this world: placing dirt.'
# ignored: 'interact' # we ignore the interact, so player can interact (to place) with everything
# dirt: place # dirt can be placed
### Whitelist conclusion: in world_the_end, only one thing is allowed: placing dirt.
### Everything else (breaking, pickup, drop etc.) will be blocked.