ItemSoulBind icon

ItemSoulBind -----

Bind items to players or groups

Version: 1.6.2
Can you add a log that displays when an item is bound to a player? I think you can add a log folder to specifically store these!

Version: 1.6.0
This is the best binding plug-in I have ever used. But there is a new function that I hope the author will consider adding: add an option to the soul binding item (whether it can be thrown away). I hope that the binding item cannot be thrown away~

Version: 1.4.1
While the very basic functionality of the plugin works, bindall, bindonuse, etc. are extremely glitchy and can cause major dupes. I don't recommend using this plugin at all, because you will regret it, and later on have a hard time transitioning to keepinv/another plugin.
Author's response
Please report any bugs on the GitHub, I can't fix what I don't know about.

Version: 1.4.1
The plugin is good but only operators keep items.
There was the same comment but the creator only wrote RTFM.
I have no clue what RTFM is
Author's response
You must give players the relevant permissions, such as for keeping item on death ( itemsoulbind.keepondeath )

Version: 1.4.1
Love this, used it a few times in the last year.

could you add a command that applies soulbind to a players held item.
BUT the command can be ran from console.
This will let me make an item that soul binds an item after a player used the item

Version: 1.4.0
Although it's only in high versions.But it's still a great plugin,I want to make more player know this plugin, can I reprint to another minecraft fourm?

Version: 1.3.0
Very simple plugin
Easy to get started

Version: 1.3.0
It's possible to take other player's items out of chests using other plugins or bagpacks. Also add 1.4.6 support, no big server uses 1.16
Author's response
1. No compatibility with other plugins was guaranteed whatsoever, if you wish a particular plugin to be supported, make a ticket in GitHub.
2. That is your own personal problem, old versions will not be supported as was made clear from the start.

Version: 1.2.0
Great plugin! The only problem I have is that anyone can take any sound bind item from the custom menu out

Version: 1.2.0
Its really good but i cant find out how i can give players the permission to have their items not drop on death without also giving them permissions to use cheats.
Author's response
RTFM: itemsoulbind.keepondeath

Version: 1.1.1
Works very well, thanks for this amazing plugin with an unique feature! ---------

Version: 1.1.0
Nice plugin! Pls add Bind on pickup works in trade with villagers. Or add /bindonbuy :D

Version: 1.0.2
Great plugin! The only problem I have with it is that I can't trade custom villagers with the %soulbind% tag -- it just keeps giving the item back to the villager.
Author's response
Fixed in v1.1.0 Thank you for reporting

Version: 1.0.2
This plugin works wonders.
The only issue is a comflict with other plugins that allow protected items.

An example is zenchantments.
If you have the keep inventory permission on, and you have both soulbound and binded items it deletes the binded items, not just drops them, but deletes all thositems entirely

Im talking with the bind enchant guy, while also talking with you.

I'll adjust your rating if either of you can help get around this
Author's response
Please try the latest version v1.1.0

Version: 0.7.0 BETA
Amazing plugin! Does what it should do. Reported an overlook to the developer and he added a new option within no time! It's so good for donator items etc.

Version: 0.5.0 BETA
Plugin does exactly what I wanted it to do, it binds it to a player and doesn't drop on death with the correct node.
This is what I've been searching for, for weeks!

Version: 0.5.0 BETA

Version: 0.4.0 BETA
Amazing plugin and developer, he added a suggestion I had! The plugin adds a nice new mechanic to minecraft!

Version: 0.4.0 BETA
NIceeee! This is a perfect idea! But pls!!!! Make compatible with 1.12.2!

5 Stars ;)

Version: 0.3.1 BETA
Amazing plugin, can't wait to see some new features. One suggestion I would like to see is if there was an option to prevent adding extra enchants to soul bound items.
Author's response
Thank you for the review. Your suggestions was added in the new update.

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 6,386
First Release: Feb 2, 2019
Last Update: Jul 21, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
16 ratings
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