Code (Text):
# When player interacts with an item with the register string in its lore, item will be soul bound to them
registerString: "%soulbind%"
# Group bind string
# Place permission after this string, terminated by a space or end of line
# Example: %soulbindgroup%perm which will have permission
groupRegisterString: "%soulbindgroup%"
# SPECIAL BINDS - items with relevant bind string will only be bound in the specified conditions
# Color is ignored when checking for string. Case-sensitive.
# Binds when tool is used: used to break block, sword used to hit entity
bindOnUse: false
bouString: "&9Soul binds on use"
# Binds when armor is equipped through in-hand right click
bindOnEquip: false
boeString: "&9Soul binds on equip"
# Binds when item is picked up
bindOnPickup: false
bopString: "&9Soul binds on pickup"
# Disable soul bind particle+sound effects
disableEffects: false
# Display message in item lore of soul bound item
# Use %username% for player name placeholder
displayLoreMsg: true
loreMsg: "&9Soul bound to %username%"
# Similarly for group binds, using placeholder %group%
displayLoreMsgGroup: true
loreMsgGroup: "&9Soul bound to group %group%"
# Log player detected with item soul bound to another player in console
consoleLogDetection: true
# Prevents placing soul bound blocks
preventPlacing: false
# Prevents crafting with soul bound items
preventCraft: false
# Prevents enchanting with soul bound items
preventEnchant: false
# Prevents anvil use with soul bound items
preventAnvil: false
# Blocks commands when soul bound item is held in hand
# Only provide the first part of the command, e.g. for "/auction sell" :
- "auction"
# =======================
# Messages | use '&' for color codes
msgPrefix: "&8[&bSoul&3Bind&8]&r "
denyMsg: "&9This item is soul bound to another player"
denyMsgGroup: "&9This item is soul bound"
detectedItemMessage: "&cAn item soul bound to another player was removed from your inventory. Event has been logged."
detectedItemMessageGroup: "&cA soul bound item that you do not have access to has been detected in your inventory. Event has been logged."
detectedItemBroadcast: "was detected with an item soul bound to another player."
detectedItemBroadcastGroup: "was detected with a soul bound item they do not have access to."
noPermissionGeneric: "&cInsufficient permissions."
noPermissionBindOthers: "&cInsufficient permissions to bind for other players."
bindSuccess: "&aSoul bind complete."
bindErrorHeldItem: "You must be holding an item in your main hand."
bindErrorAlreadyBound: "This item is already soul bound."
bindErrorNoSuchPlayer: "No such player found online."
bindErrorRemoteNoItem: "Specific target player inventory slot is empty."
unbindErrorNotBound: "Item is not soul bound."
unbindSuccess: "&aSoul bind removed."
inventoryProcessSuccess: "&aProcessed inventory of "
craftDeny: "&cCannot craft with soul bound items."
enchantDeny: "&cCannot enchant soul bound items."
anvilDeny: "&cCannot use anvil on soul bound items."
foundItems: "&7Soul bound items found with another player have been returned to you. Use &b/returnItems &7to get them."
noItems: "You have no items to retrieve."
specialBindDone: "&aSpecial bind applied to item."
cmdBlocked: "&cCannot perform this command on a soul bound item."
# ======================
configVersionDoNotModify: 1.6