- Hex colors are now supported in Party & Admin chat
- Added support for &#RRGGBB color codes (hex colors) in chat and nicknames for party and admin chat
- Added hex colored nickname support to admin/party chat
- Fixed a bug where Tree Feller was not dropping some items like saplings
- Fixed a bug where using admin chat would in some circumstances throw a NPE
- (API) Author class has been reworked
- (API) McMMOChatEvent::getSender removed (use getDisplayName() instead)
- (API) McMMMOChatEvent::setDisplayName() removed
- (API) Removed Author::setName use Player::SetDisplayName instead
- (API) Modified Author::getAuthoredName signature to -> Author::getAuthoredName(ChatChannel)
- (API) Added Author::getAuthoredComponentName(ChatChannel)
- (API) PartyAuthor and AdminAuthor removed, replaced by PlayerAuthor
- (API) Probably some more undocumented changes that I'm forgetting...
Hex color example usage '/p &#ccFF33hi guys' will send a message colored in hex colors
You'll see ~§x in console when hex color codes are used, this is a quirk of how the 'adventure' library we are using is handling some bungee component related things, so it's outside of my hands for now