# Use '%player%' for the player who sent the request. # Use '%target%' for the player who they wanted to teleport to. # Use '%accept%' for the 'Click-to-accept' message. # Use '%deny%' for the 'Click-to-deny' message.
# If you want to use an apostrophe (ex: jklmao's), you need to put 2 '', (ex: jklmao''s).
# Not every message is able to use these placeholders, but are shown for the ones that do. Player-only-command: '&cOnly players can use this command!'
Insufficient-permission: '&cYou do not have sufficient permission!'
No-pending-tpa: '&cYou do not have a pending request!'
# %target% Target-is-offline: '&c
%target% is offline!' No-player-found: '&cThis player does not exist!'
Player-teleporting-self: '&cYou can not teleport yourself!'
Already-requested: '&cYou already requested, please wait..'
# Seconds until tpa # Please use whole numbers Seconds-until-tpa: 3
# Becareful in this part! # This is when a player uses not enough args # For example, when a player does '/tpa', it will say 'Usage: /tpa <player>' # So please fit the correct command under the correct message! # P.S '/tpohere' is like '/s' (essentials-type command). Tpa-usage: '&cUse
: /tpa <player>'
Tpahere-usage: '&cUse
: /tpahere <player>'
Tpaccept-usage: '&cUse
: /tpaccept <player>'
Tpdeny-usage: '&cUse
: /tpadeny <player>'
Tpo-usage: '&cUse
: /tpo <player>'
Tpohere-usage: '&cUse
: /tpohere <player> or /s <player>'
# This section is when a player gets a tpa request # Since the code used is broken into many parts, there will be many messages. # Whatever you do to the "Click-to-x" messages, will be the same in the 'Tpa-message' # Be careful!
# Lets you choose if you want players to be able # to move before being teleported Allow-player-to-move: false
Allow-nicknames: false
# %player% Player-moved-before-tp: '&eThe request was canceled because &6
%player% &emoved!'
# %player%, %accept%, %deny% Tpa-message: - ''
- '&e
%player% &6has requested to teleport to you.' - '&6Click
%accept% &6to accept or click %deny% &6to deny.' - '&6The request expires in 120 seconds.'
- ''
# %player%, %accept%, %deny% Tpahere-message: - ''
- '&e
%player% &6has requested to teleport you to them.' - '&6Click
%accept% &6to accept or click %deny% &6to deny.' - '&6The request expires in 120 seconds.'
- ''
# This will center the accept/deny messages Center-accept-deny-msg: true
Click-to-accept: '&a&l&n
Click-to-deny: '&c&l&n
Hover-message-on-accept: '&aClick to accept'
Hover-message-on-deny: '&cClick to deny'
# Capitalization does not matter. Blacklisted-worlds: - ''
# To let players bypass the blacklist restriction, # give them the permission: "clicktpa.bypassworld.(worldname)". Blacklisted-world-no-permission: '&cThis world is blacklisted. You do not have the correct permissions!'