PyroWeatherPro [1.14.X - 1.21.X] [v5 in Development] icon

PyroWeatherPro [1.14.X - 1.21.X] [v5 in Development] -----

Custom weather, storms and special mobs! Great for survival / hardcore servers!

Version: 4.3.1
Excelente complemento, lo que estaba buscando, simplemente varios modos, aun así, ojalá hubiera tipo huracanes, viento u otras cosillas, 5/5!

Version: 4.1.4
The support helps me with the confusions I had when configuring the plugin

I give it a 10/10 super configurable and available for several versions
I hope you keep adding more updates

Version: 4.1.1
Amazing Plugin that im using on my dungeon crawler server, cant wait for the storm bosses you teased in the desciption. A feature I would absolutely love to see though is the abillity to opt out of Specific storm types. Personally, one of the classes in my server is void walker, and id love for them to be immune to void storms, but still have to worry about other ones.
Author's response
Thank you for the awesome reivew! <3

Would you be able to hop on my discord and open a ticket so I don't forget to implement this?

If you have any other suggestions or improvements, feel free to drop them there too.


Version: 4.1.1
Great resource, Pyro is amazing at adding suggestions and has recently added multiple storms I wanted. Great at responding in both the discord and on the discussions.

Storms act exactly as specified in the config (and like all plugins, configuring it to your specifications is recommended). Would recommend anyone interested in trying it out to jump on the discord- multiple people have example/test servers spun up so you can give it a try!

Version: 4.1.1
Sometimes you take chances in life...and I took one with this premium plugin. The best part about this plugin is the Front cover. Other than that it's useless.....slows your character down and blinds you...that was about the most exciting thing that happened....some of these "Storms" Don't even work on 1.16.5. Nice. Anyways. Hopefully I save you from the waste of money.
Author's response
You have never reported anything to me. Have you made a report on Spigot or Discord? No. Have you tried to contact me? No.

All of the storms work perfectly fine on 1.13+ so I honestly have no clue what you're on about.

If you actually contacted me instead of leaving a bad review like most of the trashy users on Spigot do, wouldn't that help you and others? Maybe it would but no, you decide to take to the review section instantly.

If you want to get in touch with me and stop throwing a paddy, I'd be happy to look into the issues. But considering there's over 70 users in my discord with no issues AND they enjoy using it. I honestly don't know what you're chirping out.

To anyone reading this review or Kubson_19's, please take the other reviews into consideration and feel free to ask me for a test server before purchasing unlike this utter melt.


Next time, actually use the support options available instead of being an utter melt and ruining reviews because of it.

Thanks - Pyro.

EDIT: I felt like I actually should edit this because of how dumb this entire review is.

Why don't you message me with what improvements you'd make? If you read the reviews before buying it, you'd know I'm open to suggestions yet you didn't make any.

I honesly have no words for people like you, and this is the reason Spigot is going down hill because of people who abuse the review system like yourself.

I'm probably one of the chillest developers on this platform, but when someone like this melt leaves this sort of review without even getting in contact with me first, or even attempting to suggest something for how it can be improved, it annoys me at how utterly stupid they are.

Version: 4.0.4
Awesome plugin! I personally think this is the best one out there. Easy to setup and configure. pyro is quick to respond to you no matter how big or little your problem is.
Author's response
Thank you for the awesome review and kind words!

Version: 4.0.0
With respect to the note of this trashy author below of bad reviews that do not look at it, this person is irresponsible, I bought the plugin, I "re-modified" it and it never fulfilled what it promised. Very irresponsible. Don't spend your money here.
Author's response
You're exactly like the 68B person. Completely trashing the plugin because you couldn't get your own way. Like I said, go trash another plugin. You haven't once requested anything, you haven't said anything and then you have the audacity to leave a bad review.

You're such a joke its unreal.

Just because I update the plugin constantly now with new features, you think its fair to spam 1* reviews because you're having a paddy and can't get your own way?

What features did you want? Have you requested them? No.
Are you a joke because you just want to ruin my plugin? Yes.

Like I've said multiple times, go away and trash another plugin. Everybody else who is using it is completely fine using it and has no issues. You're just being a complete and utter joke.

If you want something, request it. It isn't rocket science.

And then you'll probably still leave a bad review because you're having a paddy. Why do you have to be so pathetic?

New storms, messages.yml translation, everything that I said would be in the update WAS ADDED. I actively update this now, and you have NEVER requested anything in the past 2 months. I don't read your DMs on discord, I have you blocked for a reason. If you want something, don't be pathetic and leave a 1* review claiming "I'm irresponsible", like excuse me? I have nearly 100 5* reviews, and you're the ONLY one claiming that.

To anyone who is reading this, please ignore this melt and the 68 melt as both of them are targeting me because they don't understand how to:
a) request features properly.
b) leave a fair reivew
c) crying because they were banned from my discord
d) don't understand how a plugin works.

If you want a fair review, look at every other review on the resource.

If you want to get in touch with me with features you want, then you can do so, just don't spam 1* reviews and complain like you have always done unless I will just straight up report your account for targeted harassment. I did it to 68, and I'll do it to you as well.

I would also like to point out that your review only counts once, so please keep that in mind :]

Version: 4.0.0
Pyro is a fantastic developer. I have enjoyed their plugins for years and I will continue to enjoy them every day. The players on my server love Pyro's plugins too! They are fun and bring so much more to my Minecraft server experience.


also - pyroweather is pretty awesome.
I can't wait for tornadoes
Author's response
Thank you for your awesome review! <3

Version: 4.0.0-Alpha-7
Pyro has the best resources for some fun and well designed plugins, weather being a brilliant addition for any hardcore or knowledgeable player-bases. This plugin adds custom weather such as acid rain, storms, multiple different types of storms. I highly recommend this plugin for any server that's looking to give players a harder but more fun time and for them to find more difficulty in game-play.

Pyro works on his own to get everything done and I feel that brings a heavy burden and responsibility for him, the support he gets from us as users and purchasers of his plugins help him enjoy what he's doing more and he's able to still have fun with us on his discord while creating updates for these plugins.

Version: 4.0.0-Alpha-7
Pyro is great at making in-depth plugins and taking user suggestions and implementing them. I've consistantly been impressed at their openness to new concepts and things that can benefit the playerbase.

Author's response
Thank you for the review and constant support, suggestions and reports on issues. It means a lot <3

Version: 4.0.0-Alpha-2
This is really an outstanding plugin!
Everyone who wants to have a weather system on his server should get it!
PyroWeather adds a kind of hardcore challenge on the server and it's really cool!
Now with the new 4.0 recode many cool changes and features have been added!
Pyro is working really hard for its plugins, currently especially for this one!
He stays up all night and works around the clock just to keep us happy.
I wish he would take more breaks and pay more attention to his mental health.
I can recommend this plugin and the other plugins from Pyro! They will fit into any type of server and will push the online-time per user!

Version: 4.0.0-Alpha-1
After 3 months at last, I remade the code, I only implement 2 systems of 4 systems that I had before, I do not recommend this plugin at all, if you want to spend your money buy it. He always makes promises in vain and does not keep them because he always comes up with an excuse.
Author's response
onsidering the recent update is an alpha to test the new features rather then rush it all out, that's why its done as it is.

You're such a joke its unreal. Piss off to ruin another plugin. You're the only person I've ever had an issue with.

I've told you to leave multiple times yet you continue to ruin it when I'm trying to fix it. You're so unhelpful and make me want to delete the entire plugin entirely.

If you want to spam 1* reviews to show how pathetic you are then continue to do so.

I have mentioned that I will be doing daily updates which I have been doing and have now implemented 4 storms. Yet you don't seem to understand plain and simple English. If you're so bothered, go to another plugin. Any complaints from you will be ignored from now on due to how manipulative and evil you are.

Please ignore this review above as this guy is the most impatient person I have ever seen.

Version: 3.5.8
We had reached an agreement and it took 2 months since August 24 to fix the optimization and it has not, do not buy this add-on (If you want to buy something from this author) buy pyromining or pyrofishing which are the only ones that give priority.
Author's response
Please ignore the above review. This guy is the most impatient person I have ever seen. I was recently in the hospital and he complained that updates weren't ready. Actual joke of a review.

Please go ruin another plugin somewhere else. There is no optimisation issues, everything you have posted is false with no evidence. I have been working on Weather and have been posting builds in my discord but you never saw them and leave a 1* review.

This is why spigot should allow people to remove reviews. Actual joke.

Version: 3.4.0
I don't want to bad mouth this plugin or the dev because I know we all have more important things in life and I am sure this is just a hobby of his. However there hasn't been an "actual" weather update. Just been stuck with the same acid rain and gamma ray stuff. Had to remove it. Just feel like I did not get my moneys worth. I have had this plugin for a couple of months
Author's response
If you've seen the recent update I'm currently implementing another three weather types. Considering I also now have a full time job, my time is very limited towards plugin development. (I'm also studying for a degree). Sorry that you feel this way but it is what it is

Version: 3.3.1
Developer is very active on discord, had a good chat with him about coding in general the other week.
Author's response
Thank you for the review! <3

Version: 2.0.2
Great developer, gives great support. Listens to user suggestions and feedback and puts in the hours to make sure there are timely updates and releases. Totally worth the purchase. Building hardmode server and players will love this addition.

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 327
First Release: Sep 4, 2018
Last Update: Aug 10, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
11 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
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