ChestSort (+ API) icon

ChestSort (+ API) -----

Sorts your chests + inventory! Supports WorldGuard etc. (100 % customizable + auto config update)

Version: 14.2.0
The plugin works as intended! I'm currently using it on a purpur 1.21.3 server with no issues. Thank you!

Version: 14.2.0
Hands down the best chest sort plugin available. If I could rate 10 stars I would.

Version: 14.2.0
So far it's a lot better than other options out there, please keep this up to date as I'll be needing it!

Version: 14.1.0
This plugin is great! highly recommend :)

Would be nice if you could add permission to at least open the /sort menu, but not actually allow it to be used (show no permission message in gui.yml). Right now if you don't have chestsort.use or chestsort.use.inventory, /sort shows as an unknown command

Version: 14.1.0
Amazing plugin and thank you for maintaining it for this long!!! Should definitely have more downloads.
Author's response
Thank you very much :3

Version: 14.1.0
How did you add support for 1.21, when it's not even released on spigot? This is just beyond imagination.
Author's response
Hi, Spigot 1.21 was released yesterday already :)

Version: 14.0.0
Perhaps the best plugin for sorting things in chests. I had some questions and difficulties, but the developer helped me figure out the configs.

Version: 14.0.0
el mejor plugin para organizar tanto cofres e inventarios y ayudar a los desordenados usuarios de un servidor xD


Version: 14.0.0
When the admin uses chestsort, it works, but when you're a normal player, chestsort doesn't work, how can you justify that?
Author's response
Set „use-permissions“ to false, or install a permissions plugin and assign the permission „chestsort.use“ to everyone

Version: 14.0.0
Awesome work bro thanks u so much for this amazing plugin it's realy help with inv and chest managing.thanks for your amazing content
Author's response
Thanks :3

Version: 14.0.0
This plugin is definitely one of the most useful plugins on the website. You will never have to sort your chests anymore and your players will enjoy not having to config anything with the default settings available. Don't hesitate !
Author's response
Thank you so much! :)

Version: 13.6.4
Great plugin!
Thank you very much to the developer for your help in setting up this plugin.

Version: 13.6.4
There is no support on the discord server for the developer of this plugin. My ticket was simply ignored. The ticket has been open for 3 weeks.

Version: 13.6.3
It's sooooo useful having this in a survival server, it really saves you a LOT of time. I love it!
Author's response
Thank you very much :3

Version: 13.6.3
At first it took me awhile to get the hang of it I even thought of just removing it. but after a while i got used to it and now i literally can't open a chest without wanting it to be sorted.

Version: 13.6.3
One of the most annoying things about playing Minecraft is cleaning up your inventory. Unless you're the one who places the items one by one according to your own rules, your inventory probably has a lot of items lying around roughly without rules.
I'm one of those people, too.

The good thing about plugins compared to mods is that they work well without requiring the client to install the mode individually. In addition, the client mod, which automatically sorts inventory, is sometimes detected as a cheat in the anti-cheat plugin, depending on how the mod moves items.

But this plugin is simple. If you don't like automatic sorting, you can just turn it off yourself. If not, you can just enjoy automatic sorting. I think it's a good design in that it doesn't force everyone to do the automatic sorting unconditionally.

Version: 13.6.3
Good plugin and API, i wish 1.8 is supported in latest versions too but i guess it's hard to keep compatibility. Nice utility

Version: 13.6.3
Excellent plugin that does its job perfectly. The developper is very active and concerned about the resolution and the proper functioning of his plugin. I recommend strongly this plugin if you need to sort your containers/inventory. Thanks for all :-)

Version: 13.6.3
Like all of Alex's plugins, this one is also very customizable and translatable (if it isn't already translated). The plugin is very responsive, bug-free and the dev is very helpful and has a great community on Discord.
It's definitely the first plugin that comes to mind when I think of a chest organizer plugin.

Version: 13.6.3
Its honestly one of the best plugins to have. It's super QOL and there's quite literally no reason to not have it. Not to mention how flexible it is in terms of what gamemode it's going to be used for.

Version: 13.6.3
Like all of Jeff's plugins, this one is also very customizable and translatable (if it isn't already translated). The plugin is very responsive, bug-free and the dev is very helpful and has a great community on Discord.
It's definitely the first plugin that comes to mind when I think of a chest organizer plugin.

Version: 13.6.3
hi, thanx for your plugin! we use it on all our servers. but in latest versions we have fully incompatible with ExcellentCrates - Advanced custom crates! Milestones! plugin by NightExpress. can you please fix it?
Author's response
Unfortunately I cannot fix anything until you give me a detailed description of what exactly isn‘t working, preferably in the discussion or on Discord, and not in a review. Thanks!

Version: 13.6.3
Would be 5 stars if you could sort multiple chests at once like the SimpleSorting plugin (abandoned unfortunally)
Author's response
No feature requests in the review section.

Version: 13.6.3
Amazing plugin, works like a charm.
Helps keeps our chests sorted and sanity saved

Version: 13.6.1
The plugin used to be effective and reliable, but its current performance has significantly declined. Despite claiming compatibility with version 1.16, it fails to deliver on this promise. Whenever I attempt to execute a command, it only floods the screen with the help page instead of actually executing the command as intended.
Author's response
There's several things I gotta say about your review:

1. ChestSort definitely is compatible with 1.16.5.
2. You are probably using 1.16.3 or some other older version.
3. You could have contacted me prior to writing this review.
4. Usually I'd just tell you "no support in reviews", but: I'm having a good day today, so I added 1.16.1 - 1.16.4 support for you in the latest update, 3 minutes ago. Next time, contact me prior to leaving a bad review. Thank you and have a nice day.

Version: 13.5.1
got more than i was looking for. far better in terms of use-ability that the mod alternatives.

Version: 13.5.1
Literally unplayable without it. -------------------------------------------------------
Author's response
Thanks so much <3

Version: 13.5.1
A useful plugin for sorting chests and inventory that replaces similar client-side mods. Work on Purpur 1.19.x

Version: 13.5.0
one of the best plugins in minecraft, /invsort to sort your inventory, and /chestsort to enable / disable auto chest sorting, these 2 commands make playing minecraft more chill and fun, and less time sorting manually. this plugin should be added to every minecraft server by default.
Author's response
Thank you :3

Version: 13.4.0
That is what I was looking for! Customizable and fast. I highly recommend this plugin.
Author's response
Thank you so much :3 :3

Version: 13.3.0
I love this plugin! It is pure-server-side chestsort plugin and it is also available to user through GeyserMC!!

Version: 13.3.0
I have been using this on my server for a while. AWESOME!!! Really takes the pain out of sorting.

Version: 13.3.0
This plugin is very good, server players love it, it helps all of them a lot. And it's very complete, with a fully customizable menu.

Version: 13.3.0
This is the best sorting plugin i’ve ever used. It’s simple, customizable and fast! I really love it.

Version: 13.3.0
Impressive work and imo the best sorting plugin there is, the options for sorting really takes it to another level, would totally recommend it for most if not all servers, It's an essential plugin

Version: 13.3.0
Excellent plugin, but I'd love to specify what type of items don't get sorted, for example: i want my sword and bow to stay in the same place i left them. Otherwise, absolutely essential plugin

Version: 13.3.0
Awesome plugin, and one that is very much essential to me. Config has a lot of options to tinker with as well, so it should be suitable for a wide range of servers
Author's response
Thank you very much :3

Version: 13.2.0
Great as always. Thanks for keeping this maintained and for updating so quick :)

Version: 13.1.0
:) Very nice .
Author's response
Thank you very much :3

Version: 13.1.0
This works so great on my server and my friends absolutely love it. I like the ease of access to the GUI in-game and the other options available for easy sorting with the hotkeys. Thank you very much:)
Author's response
Thanks for the review :3

Version: 13.1.0
The plugin is nice but is there any chance to do it automatically, it will automatically set the players' chests and their inventory
Author's response
Yes, of course. Its also explained in the description. But the review section is not for support. Join my Discord if you have questions.

Version: 12.1.4
Very expanded plugin, works perfectly in every case and being updated as soon there is a bug, recommend the perfect dev
Author's response
Tysm :)

Version: 12.1.4
Very powerful chest sort plugin. It can recognize inventory that was created as a GUI correctly and avoid making the inventory into a mess.
Should be used in every server.

Version: 12.1.4
This has been the first chest sort that I used since 2020 and updates and fixed never fail me. It's easy to setup and to utilize in game. Very simple yet a huge impact in gameplay. Never fails me for the past 2 years :D

Version: 12.1.4
Very useful for my survival server, the developer is humble from my point of view and does a good job on spigot.
Author's response
Thank youuuuuuu :)

Version: 12.1.4
The plugin is very good, it helps players organize their inventory/chests without much effort. Also the developer is very friendly and active, helps everyone and even does giveaways of stuff :)
Author's response
Thanks for you review :)

Version: 12.1.3
I'm a really big fan of this plugin and the dev in general. I can't think of a single time I've had a major issue with chest sort. It just works, and if it doesn't, the dev is super willing to listen and make changes as needed.
Author's response
THanks :3

Version: 12.0.6
This plugin is a marvel and it would be included in any type of server without any doubt. The goal of ordering the chests and inventory does it excellently.
Author's response
Thank you very much :3

Version: 12.0.6
best free inventory sorting plugin! dev is friendly and helpful!!
(here, some text to bypass the character requirement)
Author's response
Thank you :)

Version: 12.0.4
blest plugin ever yadda yadda yadda bla bla bla am I stupid? Is it currently not possible to write plugin reviews?
Author's response
Thanks :)

Version: 11.5.6
[08:02:36] [Server thread/ERROR]: Error occurred while enabling ChestSort v11.5.6 (Is it up to date?)
java.lang.NullPointerException: input
at java.util.Objects.requireNonNull( ~[?:?]
at net.kyori.adventure.text.flattener.ComponentFlattenerImpl.flatten0( ~[patched_1.17.1.jar:git-Paper-308]
at net.kyori.adventure.text.flattener.ComponentFlattenerImpl.flatten( ~[patched_1.17.1.jar:git-Paper-308]
at net.kyori.adventure.text.serializer.legacy.LegacyComponentSerializerImpl.serialize( ~[patched_1.17.1.jar:git-Paper-308]
at org.bukkit.command.Command.getPermissionMessage( ~[patched_1.17.1.jar:git-Paper-308]
at de.jeff_media.chestsort.commands.ChestSortCommand.<init>( ~[ChestSort.jar:?]
at de.jeff_media.chestsort.ChestSortPlugin.load( ~[ChestSort.jar:?]
at de.jeff_media.chestsort.ChestSortPlugin.onEnable( ~[ChestSort.jar:?]
at ~[patched_1.17.1.jar:git-Paper-308]
at ~[patched_1.17.1.jar:git-Paper-308]
at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.enablePlugin( ~[patched_1.17.1.jar:git-Paper-308]
at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_17_R1.CraftServer.enablePlugin( ~[patched_1.17.1.jar:git-Paper-308]
at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_17_R1.CraftServer.enablePlugins( ~[patched_1.17.1.jar:git-Paper-308]
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.loadWorld( ~[patched_1.17.1.jar:git-Paper-308]
at net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer.initServer( ~[patched_1.17.1.jar:git-Paper-308]
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.runServer( ~[patched_1.17.1.jar:git-Paper-308]
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.lambda$spin$0( ~[patched_1.17.1.jar:git-Paper-308]
at ~[?:?]
[08:02:36] [Server thread/INFO]: [ChestSort] Disabling ChestSort v11.5.6
Author's response
Thanks, will be fixed today

Version: 11.5.1
This plugin is pretty simple and useful. It just makes minecraft much better when looking for stuff in chests. or when inventory is a mess just do /invsort and things get better.

Version: 11.4.0
[20:40:38 WARN]: [ChestSort] * Your version: 11.4.0-SNAPSHOT
[20:40:38 WARN]: [ChestSort] * Latest version: 11.4.0
Author's response
Already fixed, just do /sort reload

Version: 11.2.2
Keep in mind that the permissions are not inherited apparently, I have 2 groups and 1 descends from the other and this one does not receive the permission to order chests, I have had to manually put it to the 2 and it already works ...
Author's response
ChestSort doesn't assign any permissions, it just uses Spigot's regular methods to check them. Sooo this is a problem regarding your permissions plugin. Feel free to join my Discord for help.

Version: 11.2.2
What can I say about this that hasn't been said about the electric car, smart phone, chair, and television? A lot of things. That being said, it's on par with those inventions for me. ChestSort turns the absolute mess of my storage to a nicely grouped and sorted chest like an As Seen on TV commercial. Probably my favorite plugin I've ever used.
Author's response
oh my, thanks so much :3

Version: 11.2.2
chestsort.listeners.Listener (PlayerInteractEvent) cause a little bit of lag.
May be you'll try to fix this somehow
Author's response
It would be nice if you could have reported this on Discord instead becauzse I need to see your /timings report.

Version: 11.2.2
Working well, it does what it's supposed to do.
Personally for me this is the best plugin cause my chests always I mean always are random so this plugin rlly helps me :DD
Overall very good plugin :)
Author's response
Thankkkkks :)

Version: 11.2.1
This plugin is now essential to me. A great addition to survival experience, helping even the laziest players to have their storages organized. I'll never give it anything less than 5/5.
Author's response
Thanks :3 You might wanna have a look at InvUnload too :)

Version: 11.0.3
I second Zykana's review. Brilliant plugin and developer. A keystone in creating a great experience for Survival and Skyblock servers.
It's stable, has so many features (which are actually useful, and not bloat), unmatched sorting capabilities and so much more. Just a great plugin in all respects.
Author's response
Thank youuu :)

Version: 11.0.2
Super easy to use. Very helpful to players. Greatly decreases my Minecraft OCD knowing at least everything is sorted.
Author's response
Thanks so much <3

Version: 11.0.2
The plugin works well but I HATE the fact that's the plugin spam the console when they are a new version (this plugin is like """updated""" every week) or say every 4hours that "Chest sort is up to date". One message at the start of the console saying that you need to update is okay but that's too spammy.
Author's response
It‘s configurable bro. You could just have asked me on discord on how to disable it.
You can either disable the update checker completely, or only have it check on server startup, or set your own hourly interval.

Version: 11.0.0
Exactly as the other Plugin BestTools, it's really helpful and a plugin I never want to miss no more. Thanks!
Author's response
Thank youu :)

Version: 10.2.1
From the start, it's super easy to use and a definite plugin to use from the get-go with starting a server no more clutter in any chest and your inventory what is there not to love! 10/10 Recommend!
Author's response
Thx :)

Version: 10.2.1
Once you start using this plugin, there is no way back. It's a huge QoL improvement without gameplay changes. I use it only with hotkeys enabled.
Author's response
Thank you =)

Version: 10.2.0
I love this plugin so much.
It is very useful.
And the author response to my request very fast.
5 stars plugin and author!
Author's response
thank you very much :)

Version: 10.0.4
Chest Sort Gives the players feeling of inventory tweaks in Minecraft server. Great Job
Author's response
thanks so much :)

Version: 10.0.4
Chestsort has made such a difference on my server! I've configured it to be on by default and my players didn't even notice at first that their chests were nice and tidy. Absolutely recommended!
Author's response
Thanks :)

Version: 10.0.4
Very useful plugin which saves me lots of time. Sehr nützliches Plugin das uns viel Zeit spart. :)
Author's response
Vielen Dank =)

Version: 10.0.4
Very good plugin, love that it allows sorting for both containers and inventory! Would 100% recommend on any server!
Author's response
Thanks :3

Version: 10.0.4
Thank you. This plugin is amazing. Works flawlessly. Much better than mod. George lfoyd
Author's response
Thanks :>

Version: 10.0.4
Great plugin,
Dev is amazing and constantly working and improving the plugins,
most issues/bug are usually resolved the day they are reported
Author's response
Thanks very much :)

Version: 10.0.2
I love this plugin.
Fast support on Discort and five stars ever.

Thank you for this very nice and simple to use plugin.

Version: 10.0.1
Hi, I'd give 5 stars, but for some reason, double chests will not sort for me. That is the only problem I've had since installing this plugin.
Author's response
Double chests should be sorted without problems. Please join my discord at

Version: 9.7.1
Very good plugin. Does what it should and nothing else. Nice in-game configuration, which actually works. Thanks

Version: 9.5.1
I've been using this on my server for two years where we play with friends.
They really likes this plugin, it is almost essential to run the survival gamemode without this plugin.
it's simply awesome and a very useful plugin. I strongly recommend it to everyone!
Thanks for the great plugin. ♥

Version: 9.5.1
I am really enjoying this plugin. It saves me a lot of time and lets me focus on playing.
Author's response
Thanks for the review :)

Version: 9.4.0
Awesome update as always, still love the plugin. Lightwight, easy to use. It's a must on your server.

Version: 9.4.0
Supporting hotkey function, Lightweight, Editing sort option and all of message personally. AND IT'S FREE! It goes without saying this plugin is awesome. I highly recommand this sort plugin.

Version: 9.3.0
An excellent plugin! It works just as advertised - and is smooth!

Experienced 2 bugs - 1 of which was fixed in mere hours. The developer is amazing!

Version: 9.0.1
As always from this developer, lightweight, customizable and easy to use. Always up to date and high quality. I really like how they went as far as creating demo servers. Just shows how much effort is put for the quality!
Author's response
Thanks :) However my demo servers are quite outdated, I will work on that in a few days hopefully lol. I am still looking for admins so I can focus on developing and not on maintaining the servers^^

Version: 9.0.1
The plugin is amazin. It's insane how this author manages to create such performant plugins. Im using it on my Servers
Author's response
Thanks, performance is a huge aspect so I always focus on making stuff working efficiently :)

Version: 9.0.1
Love this plugin! Dump resources and loot in a chest, activate the sort function and go back on my way getting blown up by creepers.
Author's response
Thanks, and don't forget armor and torches when going into the mines^^

Version: 9.0.1
Great plugin! If you are not using it you dont know what you are missing. Soon you wont be able to live without it. The dev is also great and works hard to make sure any bugs are handled quickly. I even had an issue where a different plugin was causing an error and the dev did all he could to assist.

Version: 9.0.1
It is a great plugin, great! And it supports 1.16!I like it,Thank you very much!:-)
Author's response
Thanks for the review :)

Version: 9.0.1
One of the best SpigotMC plugins. Thank you so much for keeping it free bro :D
Author's response
Thank you very much :)

Version: 9.0.0
An absolutely fantastic plugin that works PERFECTLY with other plugins. API is really friendly and the dev is very quick to respond to fix or implement new features.
Author's response
Thanks 8)

Version: 8.17.7
I am extremely pleased with this plugin, it does what it says exactly without affecting any gameplay mechanics. Highly recommended, what a quality of life feature!
Author's response
Thanks for the review 8)

Version: 8.17.7
Running this on my Skyblock 1.16.3 server. No issues at all, worked immediately without problems or complaints in the console. The quality of life for generator sorting has improved massively for everyone! I have no idea why I've left it this long to add this plugin, but this is a must-have for me from now on. Thank you for this!
Author's response
Thank you =)

Version: 8.17.7
It's a very good plugin, but I have a one question: How can i do that players without op can also use it?
Author's response
Use a permissions plugin. Also, the review section is NOT for support! RIP ChestSort's 5/5 rating

Version: 8.17.7
¡Excellent plugin!

Keep updating please, very useful for Survival...


Version: 8.17.7
Good plugin. =)

Version: 8.17.3
A good plugin which you can get to your house and throw all your items in a chest without having to do it one by one (or order them automatically)
+ Works Perfectly
+ Good Support
Author's response
Thank you :)

Version: 8.17.3
Brings a awesome mechanic from Terraria to Minecraft. Sorting options have always been a pain in Minecraft and I cannot find a reason to not use this plugin.
Author's response
thanks for the review :)

Version: 8.17.0
A great plugin that helps satisfy mine and others OCD with chest organization, but you'll miss it once you join a server without it!
Author's response
Thanks :)

Version: 8.17.0
Awesome plugin, and very friendly support from the devs. Asked for a feature that probably has very little use for others, but still implemented them anyway! Not to mention the unexpected very quick response for it. Keep up the amazing work!
Author's response
Thank you for the review :)

Version: 8.17.0
Great plugin, can't see myself playing without it. Also, it gets updated almost every day :)
Author's response
Thanks :)

Version: 8.17.0
Amazing plugin! I wanted to be able to configure some options that weren't there so i contacted the developer to make sure it wasn't. He confirmed it wasn't but continued to add it for me, test it for me, and release the new stable version, all within 15 minutes! A+ for the plugin A+++ for the developer. Keep up the good work!
Author's response
Thanks, btw it was a nice suggestion :)

Version: 8.16.0
Great plugin, I have been using this for a long time with no issues and people love it!
Author's response
Thanks for the review :)

Version: 8.16.0
Great plugin, Dev is amazing and constantly working and improving the plugins, any issues or bug are usually resolved that day
Author's response
Thanks :)))))

Version: 8.14.2
Great plugin. Really helps reduce the clutter. Pairs greatly with InvUnload which is another plugin they author.
Author's response
Thanks :)

Version: 8.12.2
Excellent plugin that does its job perfectly. The developper is very active and concerned about the resolution and the proper functioning of his plugin. I recommend strongly this plugin if you need to sort your containers/inventory. Thanks for all :-)
Author's response
Thank you for the review :)

Version: 8.12.2
This plug-in is perfect, but I'm Korean, and my handwriting gets weird when I set up my language. There's no way to solve this?
Author's response
The config should be in UTF-8 so it should work. I also noted the existing translation looks strange... Can you send me a new Korean translation or post it in the discussion?

Version: 8.12.0
Honestly a next level plugin. I will not just recommend it, I will endorse it! Great job mfnalex!
Author's response
Thank you so much =)

Version: 8.10.5
Amazing plugin. So easy to use. All my players love it. Would be great to see an option to merge items into chests.
Author's response
Thanks :) Please explain in the discussion what you mean with merging items into chests. Maybe my InvUnload is exactly what you need? :)

Version: 8.8.2
It's a fantastic plugin, and the author is one of the fastest coders alive, reacting almost instantly to feature requests or bug reports!
Author's response
Thanks for the review :)

Version: 8.8.2
Great plugin! I use it for all of my servers and useful because players can disable/enable auto sort anytime
Author's response
Thanks :)

Version: 8.8.1
Great plugin, all my players love it! Are you planning on adding it to donkey/llama chests? Thx
Author's response
Thank you for the review :) thats a good idea, I will add it to my todo list

Version: 8.4
I can't believe I only found this plugin now! This is so much better than trying to get inventory tweaks working like I had to do before. now my entire server can have access to this super useful tool!

Great quality of life plugin every server should use
Author's response
Thanks for the review :)

Version: 7.5
Excellent plugin with lots of optional nice-to-haves. Probably has the most powerful configuration I've ever seen in a sorting plugin.
Author's response
Thank you :)

Version: 7.4
As always, the plugin works as intended, our use case is just simple sorting as a quality of life upgrade, this works wonders.

This plugin does actually preserve metadata, previous sorting plugins I have used have caused issues on our production server by overriding things like custom player heads, this plugin just works however.

We can reliably use this on our production server and I suggest you do the same!
Author's response
Thank you very much :) Preserving metadata was very important to me from the beginning as there is nothing mire frustrating than a loss of items.

Version: 7.2.1
Good Plugin but I found something that is very annoying.
I installed version 7.2.1 here on Spigot but on the Server it is saying it's version 7.2 and there is a update but I installed 7.2.1 so is it a bug or somehhing else ?

But still a Usefull and nice plugin :D
Author's response
Thanks, there will be an update soon and that should be fixed then.

Version: 7.2.1
I cannot find a better sorting plugin. I've never seen a bug with it yet. With the flexible options in the config.yml and GUI you'll have exactly what you need.
Author's response
Thank you! :)

Version: 7.1
Runs flawlessly on my 1.15.2 survival Paper server. I love it! Makes a great donor perk! Hoping it continues to get updated--I would pay for premium if that ever becomes an option to ensure its continued functionality :)
Author's response
Thank you very much :) If you experience any problems, just message me.

Version: 7.1
Works as it should, haven't use all the features. Would comeback if I run into issues. Thank you.
Author's response
Thank you for the feedback :)

Version: 7.1
Works with Paper 1.15.2 ! No errors or bugs found.
Thank you for this greate plugin and keep it up :-)
Author's response
You're welcome, and thanks for the review :)

Version: 7.1
Once you played with ChestSort you wil never want to miss it again! It just saves you a lot of time.

solid 10/10

Just had great experiences witht this plugin and will recommend it always!

Keep it up!

Author's response
Thank you very much :)

Version: 7.1
Do what it should, easy to use.
So far, one of the best sort plugins for chests.
Works with Paper 1.14.4, no Bugs.
Author's response
Thank you :)

Version: 6.4.5
Works as described, fast and straightforward. Where do I ask for support and give feedback? Thank you.
Author's response
Thank you :) you can use the discussion or open an issue at GitHub

Version: 6.4.2
I've never seen such a convenient plug-in! I want to publish it on the MineCraft Chinese Forum. Its website is "", of course, I will mark the original author for you, and send the original address, so that more users know and use the plug-in, I hope to get your permission.
Author's response
Sure, go ahead. But please do not host the jar file yourself, I want people to always have access to the latest version :)

Version: 6.4.2
It's not every day that we see a developer determine ! xD Good plugin and if you like updates, you'll get some! xD
Author's response
Thanks :) Yeah there were a few updates in the last days, sorry for that :D

Version: 6.4
best chestsort plugin forever!!
lucky to find this plugin on spigot.
thanks for good support from author,let me can use inventory pages with this plugins together!
Author's response
Thank you very much :)

Version: 6.1
Simple and easy to use. It notifies players about the usage and extra broadcasting is not needed. Best inventory sorting plugin I've ever used.

It's just that middle-click sorting conflict with default "duplicate item" key for creative mode, which is a little bit annoying for operators.
Author's response
Thanks :)
In Creative Mode, the hotkeys should be Disabled. If not, you can disable the middle Hotkey globally in the config.yml :)

Version: 6.0
Amazing plugin! I highly recommended this for survival servers! U use on my bungeecord network survival szerver)
Author's response
thanks for the review :)

Version: 5.0.3
Awesome plugin, does everything one would need. Also the author would help me with no problem asap. More plugins and authors should be like this.
Author's response
Thank you so much :) I hope you have fun with ChestSort!

Version: 5.0.2
Works really well and is simple to setup. Requires a permission plugin because the sort permission defaults to false.
Author's response
Thank you for the review :)

Version: 5.0.2
Absolutely fantastic! Intuitive, easy, and necessary for any serious server admin! Highly recommend
Author's response
Thanks! :)

Version: 5.0.2
Works fine.
The developer help me so much and answer me so quickly. Now it works like I want.
Author's response
Thank you very much :)

Version: 4.1.2
Love this plugin, my players appreciate it as well. The ability to toggle it is also great! Dev helps out when needed. Thank you for the great plugin.
Author's response
Thanks for the review:)

Version: 3.7.1
For the first time I see a developer who has all released plugins really relevant to use on the server.
Slightly reworked Russian translation:
Author's response
Thank you :) I will correct the translation later

Version: 3.7.1
Very good plugin, no configuration required.
Supporting 1.14.
Really good support from author
Author's response
Thanks :)

Version: 3.4
Great plugin, maybe add support sort player inventory..................................
Author's response
Player inventory sorting has been added as of version 4.0 :)

Version: 3.4
Great plugin, my members really like it. My only complaint is the the chestsort nag message after each login. I wish this was configurable to display once ever for a user and then never again, instead my only options are disable entirely or have it remind the player on each login.

Small complaint of an otherwise great plugin. Thank you for your hard work.
Author's response
You can set „show-message-again-after-logout“ to false

Version: 3.2
Great timesaver plugin! Works flawlessly on spigot 1.13.2. Will never go without again.
Author's response
Thank you :)

Version: 3.2
Supporting 1.13, and smooth user experience. Nice plugin. .
Author's response
Thank you :) and thanks for the bug report!

Version: 3.2
Why can not you add support 1.8 and 1.10?
Author's response
I already sent you a handmade version for 1.8 and 1.10. The problem is shulker boxes were added in 1.11, so I either have to say ChestSort does not support ShulkerBoxes, or the plugin is 1.11+ only. I decided to support shulker boxes, so the plugin is 1.11+. What are you missing in your 1.8 version?

Version: 3.0
Rất tốt nếu bạn support thêm 1.8 và 1.10
Author's response
Tôi đã gửi cho bạn một phiên bản 1.8 và 1.10. Cảm ơn bạn đã xếp hạng.

Version: 2.0.2
Does exactly what it's supposed to do. Love that I can toggle it. Couldn't be happier with this plugin.
Author's response
Thank you! :) Maybe you are also interested in InvUnload? It is the perfect addition to ChestSort, as you can automatically put all your stuff into the right chests.

Version: 2.0.1
This is plugin is great, working perfectly on 1.13.2. Moved to this plugin after the drama plugin caused people to lose their items. It's also much nicer because its automatic instead of having to middle mouse click.
Author's response
Thank you :) If you have any ideas, let me know!

Version: 2.0.1
Great, Can you add a command so that players can sort their inventory after using that command?
Author's response
Thanks. This is on my todo list, but it probably will be a seperate plugin.

Version: 2.0.0
Does exactly what it says it does and perfectly. It's Just plug n play, really nice!
Author's response
Thank you for your kind review! :)

Version: 1.5.4
This plugin is just the plugin I want. The author is also very helpful if you need assistance. =) Keep it up!
Author's response
Thank you very much for the review :)

Version: 1.5.4
Works perfect on spigot 1.13. What a great plugin, thank you for making this! :)
Author's response
Thanks a lot!! :)

Version: 1.5.4
Hello, your plugin is really good and performant. I would be very happy, if you can upload it on this website again, because I and many of my buddies use this, and that is really cool. <3
Author's response
Thanks for your rating :) I am always happy to contribute!

Version: 1.4
Finally a good compatible Plugin to sort chests in 1.13.
Had to wait way too long to finally satisfy my OCD in MC 1.13. again.
Saves a lot of time and helps organizing all that new stuff.
Thanks for this awesome plugin :).
People, do not just download, but give recognition for others people work. Might motivate people to do more such plugins and maybe faster next time.
Keep up that work!
Author's response
Thank you very much! :)

Please let me know if you have any ideas for improvements. I will be happy to add them.

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 238,236
First Release: Aug 12, 2018
Last Update: Oct 27, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
141 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
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