Space icon

Space -----

A new gamemode adding custom blocks, items, vehicles, foods, worlds, enchantments and more!

Custom advancements, custom food, the lunch box, a huge generator optimisation and more!
There are a few important changes in this update, primarily been:
  • Space now has a custom advancement tree to display progression when the plugin CrazyAdvancementsAPI is installed

  • There is a new item added to space, the lunchbox. The lunchbox can store food that it is provided with as calories which are automatically fed to the player, so that you don't need to keep eating. Higher value foods such as cooked meat have more calories and so last longer. It also provides a saturation bonus of 3.
  • The world generator is a few thousand times more efficient and should be much less laggy. (if at all)
  • "/Space info" now shows the target's armour as opposed to your own
  • Provided the API is installed (CrazyAdvancementsAPI), space has a new command "/space advancement (give/take) (username) (advancement) "
  • Silk touch now ignores custom ores
  • Fortune now looks for custom ores to drop more frequently
  • Rocket duplication bug fixed
  • Regular armor stand usage no longer throws errors to console
----------, Feb 18, 2021
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 856
First Release: Aug 10, 2018
Last Update: Oct 26, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
64 ratings
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