Space icon

Space -----

A new gamemode adding custom blocks, items, vehicles, foods, worlds, enchantments and more!

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Somehow, during the many past updates of energy and electricity, and all of my bug fixes, it has slipped under the radar that machines, pipes, and wires alike are NOT unloaded when their respective chunk is. This has led to space becoming, essentially, a big chunk loading plugin.
I'm pleased to say this is now fixed. You'll need to either reset your config.yml, or add the following:

Texture-Base: 1234567 # Alternate textures are Texture-Base + 1 and Texture-Base + 2

This will allow you to change the texture meta base value that items have if you are creating your own custom resource pack or have texture pack conflicts with another plugin

Please contact me if you have any problems with this update as it's a significant change to the mechanics behind energy and electricity.
- Ollie
----------, Oct 14, 2020
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 856
First Release: Aug 10, 2018
Last Update: Oct 26, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
64 ratings
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