1.16.X compatibility, API, fixed resource pack link and improvements to the machine system
If upgrading from version 5.5 or below, it is necessary to do the following in your config.yml (Or reset the config):
If using the Space resource pack, change the link to the new provider link:
Add the following field
Code (Text):
# Lower = faster updating but can cause lag with lots of machines, higher = slower updating but causes less lag
Machine-Tick-Speed: 2
- Space is now working on 1.16.X. Please report any issues found.
- Space now has an API which will allow other plugins to interface with it. This should lead to addons and expansions of space been created and expand the possibilities of the universe we've already made
Documentation for this will be on the space wiki over the course of the next week.
- The machine system will now be significantly less laggy due to the addition of configurable machine tick speed (As stated above). This can be made higher or lower, higher numbers will cause less lag, lower numbers more lag. This is only significant for bigger servers.