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Space -----

A new gamemode adding custom blocks, items, vehicles, foods, worlds, enchantments and more!

The biggest update ever
Due to the immense nature of this update, it is absolutely necessary to reset the following configuration files: blockstorage.yml, config.yml, lang.yml and recipes.yml. I'm sorry for the inconvenience but to bring the amazing new concepts in this update, it was a necessary change. If you encounter any issues updating, stop the server, delete your space folder, and use a fresh copy of the plugin.

Removal of the oxygen generator, advanced oxygen generator and artificial gravity generator. These have been replaced with a new, more refined system - energy. You can read about this here. It contains live-updating GUI's and an all-new electricity system like never seen before
Solar panels that move to follow the sun
Effects in the air around generators to show if they're live


The texture pack now has over 40 custom models for space items

Rockets are now a more refined and textured design, working smoother and more elegant than before. It is possible to use legacy rockets if you don't want to use the resource pack (Toggled in the config.yml)

New items added: Refiller (Refills oxygen tanks in oxygenated atmospheres), CO2 scrubber (Enhances oxygen tank lifespan), wrench (Measures system energy and oxygen by clicking on a wire or pipe).

The matter transmutator has also been removed. Space items are now crafted in a regular Minecraft workbench.

More balanced crafting recipes
to allow for better integration into regular Minecraft mechanics (not requiring a huge economy to use the plugin)

An extreme amount of
bug fixes and efficiency gains.

Entire wiki overhaul and update.
----------, May 13, 2020
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 856
First Release: Aug 10, 2018
Last Update: Oct 26, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
64 ratings
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