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spark -----

spark is a performance profiler for Minecraft clients, servers and proxies.

Hello! Two new features for you this time!

Live Viewer Updates

  • spark can now continuously stream profiling data to the viewer while the profiler is running.
  • To use this new feature, just run /spark profiler open after starting a profiler. It also works for the background profiler :)
  • The profiling data will refresh every minute, and the statistics (shown in the widgets at the top of the page) refresh every 10 seconds.
  • The 'rings' in the top right corner of the viewer indicate when the next data update is expected.

(Memory) Allocation Profiling

In summary, as well as profiling how long a method took to execute (this is what the current profiler does), spark can now also record how much memory each method allocates.
  • This is based on the allocation profiling feature in async-profiler, so you can read more about the technical details here:
  • In summary, like the CPU profiler, it still uses sampling not instrumentation, so the performance impact should be minimal.
  • The spark viewer UI has been updated to support the changes, including showing bytes instead of time when appropriate.
  • The output can be shown as a percentage of the total (like the existing profiler) or as bytes allocated per second.
  • The command is /spark profiler start --alloc
There are also a few other misc changes in this release. You can see the full changelog here:

Cheers :)
----------, Feb 5, 2023
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 198,543
First Release: May 28, 2018
Last Update: Dec 1, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
103 ratings
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