Its a good plugin, however my spark profilers are not sending me a link or showing in any form of console or logs. I can not get help with this as there is no support server, rendering the plugin useless to me.
If you don't like this plugin, then something is seriously wrong with you, it's so much better than timings (or other crappy performance (draining) measuring plugins) for finding what's lagging your server and has very little performance impact, 10/10, best performance measuring mod/plugin.
Ottimo plugin per chiunque abbia un cervello (e un server lol)
Lo consiglio vivamente, questo è uno strumento che ogni proprietario di server dovrebbe utilizzare.
Just realized that I don't think I ever left a review in spark and its one of my few must-use plugins. If you want to find the source of any kind of lag this is wonderful.
Also just great to test the performance of your plugins. 10/10
Mainly rating five stars to make up for the stupidity of the people below leaving lower ratings. Spark is amazing, and essential for diagnosing any kind of lag and monitoring performance for any minecraft server.
Great plugin for profiling the server, i use it on 1.19.3 paper
i'm not expert but i use these 2 commands
/spark profiler
and wait for 30min then
/spark profiler --stop
then the paste link shows me what plugins using the ram or cpu which is so cool
but felt bad for the review under mine, maybe you should check the support and try to improve it. i know though the ones who provide support can get stressed by the amount of people who ask for support without checking anything before asking.
I would've really liked to use this profiler, as it really helps you identify lag and other sources of problems. I am working as tech support and wanted to ask with professional knowledge about the cause of this problem. After reading the discord chat of their server I was shocked, though I tried to begin a normal and peaceful conversation - which quickly drifted into a rant about me 1. running the server as root 2. not posting the logs on and then ranting about me not noticing what I thought was a spelling error (I didnt consider it being a website, but the minecraft log files we talked about before) 3. ranting about the server being allocated 45GB, while the ideal max would be 16GB without caring about the server setup and 4. finally reading in the log it is an offline server and straightup telling me offline servers are not supported as offline minecraft is ILLEGAL (which is also not stated anywhere and offline servers are a key feature of minecraft and NOT ILLEGAL)
After that I still got talked down by another member on the discord stating our server concept is rubbish while not knowing/caring about the requirements. We serve minecraft to youths and education edition is NOT the solution here at all. It is completly different from normal JAVA and should not be treated like it. This was the most unpleasant chat I ever had on a discord server - and I have been on 40+ discord servers for the plugins we already have and plan to add, even the IntellectualSites support was WAY better and that is saying something.
I have A LOT of experience with handling minecraft servers in the wild and have seen many configurations over the years. Being talked down like that shouldnt happen with any support, even if you are the developer himself. I cant believe nobody else complained here after seeing the chats on discord - but maybe those reviews were just removed. A plugin with not a single rating lower than 3 seems really sus with it being so popular.
This is a fantastic plugin. I use this plugin on my server (Currently running 1.19.3), HalfastMC (its a UHC SMP) and the players there love it. Thanks for making this!
The best performance profiler ever!
You can see a lot of things like how many CPU, Disk, and RAM is server using or how many TPS is now and you can fix problems with this!
Love the author's work!
The web interface in spark has a number of improvements over the standard WarmRoast one, in particular the ability to apply MCP mappings directly in the interface, without having to go and obtain+configure the mappings yourself. :)
Been using spark for many many years. As a developer it is a great tool to find and fix bottlenecks, tick stutters and even to diagnose plugins server admins created themselves. While timings give people hints of something being wrong, spark answers what.
What an amazing profiler. Extremely easy to user and provides all the information you could ever possibly need to make your plugin more performant! I would appreciate a feature to automatically filter out sleep functions in the numbers, however.
Honestly one of if not the best profiling plugin available. Spark has been super helpful finding memory issues on my server network. It also works on bungeecord and is very helpful for finding issues that are limited to the proxy.
Using Spark to test LevelledMobs, Spark made it very easy for us to spot where the plugin was using the most resources, allowing us to promptly solve the issues.
Although I put 4 stars, the plugin is 100% recommended, I only suggest that it be added to be able to obtain information about what CPU the machine uses and the TPS instead of putting 5 seconds, 10 seconds, 1 minute ... putting more time, or at least to be able to configure it to the taste of each one, since the maximum is 15 minutes and you cannot see the performance that has been half an hour or 1 hour ago, I think the ideal would be 5 seconds, 1 minute, 15 minutes, 30 minutes and 1 hour.
This plugin is a must-have for every minecraft server. It has a lot of features and if you want to see what resources your server is using and how it is performing.
[07:37:31] [Server thread/INFO]: [spark] Enabling spark v1.5.2
[07:37:32] [Server thread/ERROR]: Error occurred while enabling spark v1.5.2 (Is it up to date?)
java.lang.IllegalStateException: This is not a JSON Array.
I use this all the time for the incredible built-in profiler and heap summary commands. Luck has continued to far exceed expectations with this plugin and it really shows, as it's become a staple for most developers.
all jokes aside it's really easy to prevent lags & lag machines alike.
I really fine a lot of use to it and I feel like if you own a server you need this plugin.
I'm always running /spark tps when random things happen to see how the server performs at different times with different plugins and player counts, its really helpful. Will always have Spark in my plugins folder
Spark is the go-to tool we use to analyze performance issues and tackle them. Not only is it easy to use and doesn't require any external tools (eg: VisualVM), but it also does a great job of showing what you need.
From using it to better report issues to plugin developers to using at as your own development tool, this is an essential utility for any server.
It's pretty nice to have this, shows some good and interesting data. Makes it easy to identify the cause of the lag or at least what kind of lag it is.
A must have for every server owner and every developer.
This allows you to find precisely what is using all server ticks and is slowing down the server
Absolutely wonderful little plugin! This is a must-have- the sampler is insanely helpful, and the new tick rate feature is great! I'd recommend this to any server owner and developer.
A very well developed and feature-filled profiler. This has really helped me put some context to my own personal creations on my test servers. I cannot recommend this any more. Keep it going lucko!
Works very well. Must have on any server. Additionally, you can install it just for the better "/tps" command, and give players the permission "spark.tps" so they can see the tps (but not everything else)
This plugin is very, very helpful for developers like myself.
It easily allows me to detect which part of a plugin is causing lag, and allows me to fix it very quickly.
Very helpfull tool, have been using this to monitor performance for quite some time now. Very easy to use and a lot less hassle than similar software that is run outside of Spigot. :)
AMAZING TOOL!! I was going nuts trying to get Warmroast to work when I found this. It helped me drill down to the exact cause of lag on my server and I was able to eliminate within a short period of time. THANK YOU!!
This is awesome! I don't know if you know this but its already built into worldguard (/wg profile -p 1). However, still great and as always, keep up the great work!
However, this version has a number of benefits over the implementation in WG, specifically:
No constraints on profile time - WG enforces a limit between 1 - 10 mins, spark has no such limit, and you can start/stop profiles whenever.
Higher sampling rate - WG only samples at a rate of 100ms, spark by default samples at a rate of 10ms (10x more accurate), and also lets you specify a rate even lower.
The sampling algorithm has also been changed so it can more easily support low rates (I've been testing using as low as 1 or 2ms (100x more accurate than WG) without any issues. :)
The web interface in spark has a number of improvements over the standard WarmRoast one, in particular the ability to apply MCP mappings directly in the interface, without having to go and obtain+configure the mappings yourself. ;)
The process of uploading the profiling data from your server --> web, as well as downloading and rendering it in the browser should be much faster. Unlike in WG and WR, the data is compressed before being sent, and is rendered client side, as opposed to on the server.
I just wanted to make it clear that the version in spark isn't the same as the WorldGuard version. :)
Thanks for the nice review!
Version: 1.0.2
Thanks to Luck for creating this great tool to make timings super easy, instead of using WarmRoast I will now always use this. :)
As a person who is actively trying to reduce lag, this is a much better alternative to Warmroast. Really happy with how I can share the link with other people and how I don't need to go into SSH every time to start profiling things. What an amazing plugin, honestly.