Economy++ icon

Economy++ -----

Lootcrate System • Shop GUI • Coin booster • ATM • Jobs • Salary • 1.21* support • Homes

Version: 3.0.1
how i cand find the placeholder? because i need for a jail system on my server :)

Version: 3.0.1
It is a good plugin, however you cant make pages on the shop i would like if you added pages on the shop

Version: 3.0
hello, its an wonderful plugin but the miner job is a little problamatic, when i mine anything with an pickaxe except ores, it gives you have to mine with an pickaxe warning, and its EVERY TIME I BREAK IT its so annoying, is there any way to close that warnin??
Author's response
Hi CemCornersYT,

First, thank you for your 4 star review!
Im sorry to hear this problem.
I will fix it today! I will send you a PM. When i have fixed it, and then you can download the new version without the error!

Kind regards,


Version: 2.8.0
Hello, I was wondering what I have to do, when the plugin says Economy does not work in this world, I dont know what im doing, im a beginer did I do something wrong?
Author's response
Hi ThunderrNutz,

The /setworld command is removed in the latest version (3.0)
The plugin is now working in every world!

Kind Regards,

Version: 2.8.0
Hello, the plugin is excellent, but it does not have compatibility with another one called mine x farm regen, or with vault

Version: 2.8.0
Hello, I have a question, looking at the commands to configure the server, I gave it /eco debug and it asked me for a password and now it won't let me write in the chat, what can I do?

Version: 2.8.0
Umm i don't want to be negative but , The /setworld command is kinda terrible and The shop is barely editable i mainly downloaded the plugin for The shop and jobs but i really had terrible experince with it
Author's response
Hi Rip_abood,

The /setworld command is removed in our newest version of the plugin (3.0)
If you downloiad this version of the plugin, the plugin works in every world.
Hope you got a better experience now.

Kind Regards,

Version: 2.7.1
Its a very nice plugin that can be used in every minecraft server.
Keep up the good work!

Version: 2.6
One thing. Is there mysql support. And if not can you suggest a different plugin with mysql.
Author's response
Hi Devil__Note,

Thanks you for your 5 star review!
At this moment we dont support mysql.
It is on our to do list, and we are already started with it in our beta version.
I cant give a date, but we're working on it.

Kind Regards,

Version: 1.8.2
So the only major problem I have been facing is that skeletons will not give you any money when you kill one. Another problem is that the job menu will not load and also there isn't any way you can get money from modded mobs
Author's response
Hi Os-zodiac,

The plugin is fully checked and changed.
To earn money now when you kill skeletons, you had to choose the job Hunter.
Jobs are introduced

Kind regards,

Version: 1.8.2
my world name has a space in it how do i use the setworld command. i have tried putting it in quotes
Author's response
Hi Dratic95,

Im sorry for this bug.
I added it to our to-do list, and it will be fixed in the next(2.4) update

Kind Regards,

Version: 1.8.2
If I could give it 0 stars, I would. Don't want to be rude but from all the economy plugins I tried, this has to be the worst of them all. No database support except for text files, no Vault support so that you can actually use other plugins like signshop ( cause their signs are broken ), /eco adminpanel does nothing, config file is pretty much useless unless you want to temper with how much you get from killing mobs, even then it might not work. There is no reload command so you have to keep restarting your server, no /baltop to display top players, 0 documentation and how to setup or explain why on earth you need to setup the world for the economy. If it is an economy PLUGIN then it is for the whole server, if its purpose is to be a per-world economy plugin then rebrand it because it is extremely misleading.

Overall, the worst plugin I have used in 7 years of administrating Minecraft servers

Version: 1.8.2
gotta say its a good ok plugin just think that they should add in the chest shops as they where good
Author's response
Hi Boldtunic2,

We added it on our ideas list!
Thanks for your review.

Kind Regards,


Version: 1.8.2
Its a good plugin, i changed some of the prices for the jobs to something reasonable on my server since farming was super OP. Also the config with the prices for mobs the skeleton was not working. Replaced the Skeleton with reward:.
Also when will signs be back in? I understand back in August you were trying to fix it because of no more item IDs.
Author's response
Hi Colomb_Asian,

To earn money when killing skeletons you had to choose the job Hunter.
Than you earn money while killing skeletons.
We don't now when the signs came back. But we added it to our to-do list.

Kind Regards,


Version: 1.8.2
I just installed this and it is simple and amazing! However, its not compatible with vault and I don't know what I can really do with this plugin.
Author's response
Hi PolarFalcon,

Thanks for your review.
What you can do with our plugin? :)
A lot, you had jobs, a salary system, a shop system. With this plugin you dont need any other economy plugin. it even contains a LootCrate system.

Kind Regards,


Version: 1.8.2
Why It Doesnt Support Vault
This is preety much the best for Those peoples who dont want things from Essentials
Author's response
Hi HungrySMP,

We added your suggestion to our to-do list.
Thanks for your rating!

Kind Regards,

Version: 1.8.2
Hi! I have a few issues when using this plugin. It doesn't appear in the Vault plugin list, so I'm guessing you haven't added Vault support yet. Also, when I kill Skeletons, it doesn't give me any money. I tried this on a few different servers, and it does the same thing. It says received $0 for killing a skeleton. I could really use this plugin with EssentialsX, since I can't figure out how to use the economy part of that plugin.
Author's response
Hi Wolfy8189,
Our plugin doesn't support the Vault plugin.
In the feature it will, we're working on it!
And about the skeleton, in the versions 2.0 and higher, the plugin had a job system with a hunter job. You can earn money for killing skeletons only if you had the job Hunter.

Hope it helped.
Kind Regards,


Version: 1.8.2
Really cool plugin, I'm new to mc and wondering is there any way to set this up with the grief prevention plugin, yk to buy claim blocks
Author's response

Thanks for the 5 star rating.
No sorry, it isn't possible to set this up with a grief prevention plugin.
On our to-do list is a complete town & plot support

Kind Regards,


Version: 1.8.2
Great plugin! Easy to setup and to configurate. Is it possible in the future to add jobs yourself?

Version: 1.8.2
The Job Farmer doesn't work, Everytime I tried to do the farm it didn't work. Tried to farm potatoes and it gave nothing and didn't update stats
Author's response
Hi WatchTower,

Thanks for report this bug, wich version is your MC server? Than we can help you more.
Send a email to [email protected] and we can help you.

Kind Regards,


Version: 1.8.1
This plugin is great! It's easy to set up, however, I'm wondering, is there a way to turn off that you get money from specific mobs?
Author's response
Hi Z3phrin,

Thanks for this review!
No its currently not possible to turn of specific mobs, but that is a good idea! Its added to our to-do list.

Kind Regards,

Version: 1.8.0
Doesnt have vault support and couldnt add money to peoples balance. Couldnt really get anything workin other than setting the world and removing pay for mob kills, joining, and salary.
Author's response
Hi spidertyler2005,

Vault support is added on our to-do list it will come in one of the next updates!
If you download the newest plugin version (1.8.1) then the /addbal command works correctly.
If you have any other question you can send us a message.

Kind Regards,

Version: 1.8.0
I used /setworld world and it still says "Economy is not working in this world", so I can't use it, what should I do?
Author's response
Hi Aherobrine,

The /setworld bug is fixed in the newest version.
Download the 1.8.1 version from the plugin and it will work!
Ps. Check if you set the right world name.

Kind regards,


Version: 1.8.0
Great resource but cant find out how to auto add money to players balances when they join my server idk if this isn't a feature but if not consider adding it as it would be an awesome new feature alot of people would like :)
Author's response
Hi Cookiep1ayz,

Thanks for the review!
In the config.yml there is a path Join, under that path you can find the option: moneyOnFirstJoin
There you can change the player join amount.

Kind Regards,


Version: 1.8.0
Nice Plugin! Can you please add Vault?

Best Greetings from Germany
Author's response
Hi dillan2811,

Thanks for the 5 star review!
Vault is added to the list.

Kind Regards,


Version: 1.8.0
when i try to set the overworld it keeps saying

economy is not working in this world

i do /setworld overworld

what to do about this?
Author's response
Hi dillan2811,

First, thanks for the 5 star review.
I think the world is not named overworld, minecraft call it default: world
if you do /setworld world i think it works correctly, let me know if it works to send a email to [email protected]

Kind Regards,


Version: 1.8.0
The plugin did not let me change any of the messages within it, and was extremely difficult to delete afterwards.
Author's response
Hi Henrs,

Im so sorry to hear this.
But about the messages, we dont have a language file, its correct that you can't change the messages, we support only english.

And why is it so hard to delete the plugin?
Can you send us a email to [email protected]

Kind Regards,


Version: 1.8.0
All in all its a good plugin. But Sell/buy signs are not working :( please fix this
Author's response
Hi jeffz2,

The sell & buy signs are temporary removed.
But thanks for the review!

Kind Regards,


Version: 1.8.0
Don't works job.. write me error my version 1.12.2. plese fix this
add please lang file
Author's response
Hi SpringER_

All jobs are fixed an updated to minecraft 1.20.*

Kind Regards,


Version: 1.7.8
Everything works perfectly, except the buy/sell sings.
Aternos w essentials 1.15..2
Author's response
Hi Jorax,

Buy & Sell sign are temporary removed in connection with big errors.
We will fix it fast as possible.

Kind Regards,


Version: 1.7.8
I'm playing 1.15 on a server and I keep getting the "economy is not working on this world" message and I tried using the /setworld and its not working but before I had this problem I loved this

I've put in my world name and when I try to use it I get "economy is not working on this world" is there anyway you can help
Author's response
Hi Ummmm,

We fixed it in the newest update!

Kind Regards,


Version: 1.7.8
How do i add multiple worlds ? ????????
tried much but cant figure it out pls help
Author's response
Hi AndresNesse,

Multiple worlds is at the moment not possible, in the next update it will be added!

Kind Regards,


Version: 1.7.8
This is a very excellent plugin! It adds the game's playing method and brings new fun to the players! Can I forward it to mcbbs and recommend it to my Chinese friends?
Author's response
Hi HongDouFishCake,

Tanks for the review!
Of course you can forward it to mcbbs, but can you send me a email about that to:

Kind Regards,


Version: 1.7.8
I put this on my server using Aternos, the plugin is there but I can't add a world to the economy so I cant use it at all, is there a fix for this? By the way, I don't understand the whole /setworld <world> command
Author's response
Hi Nhji,

To add a world you have to type: /setworld <world_name>
But, wich minecraft version is installed on your server?
Our software is available for MC 1.8.* -> 1.15.*

If it doesn't work, please send a email to with screenshots from the console.
We hope that is works!

Kind Regards,


Version: 1.7.6
Bro when i make a buy sign how to add amount of that thing and it is not working for me
Author's response
Try to reload the plugin and download our newest plugin version :)

Version: 1.7.6
Very good and compact economy plugin. I'm having some trouble selecting a job but i'm playing in 1.14. Is there a way to force a job via a command?
Author's response
The newest update suports 1.14 :)

Version: 1.7.6
Amazing plugin, but can you make it for 1.14 too it would be better thank you for your hard work anyways <3
Author's response
Thanks for the review!

We suported 1.14 in the newest update!!

Version: 1.7.6
I put this on my server using Aternos, the plugin is there but I can't add a world to the economy so I cant use it at all, is there a fix for this?
Author's response
Hi HarryBigfoot38,

Im sorry to hear this, but did you use the /setworld <world> command. And if that doesnt work, can you send a email with console errors screenshot , to



Version: 1.7.4
Great! please add support for 1.12, 1.13 :C!
Author's response
Thank you! Added it on the to-do list

Version: 1.7.4
I can use it on paper 1.14.4,I think it is useful for 1.7.10-1.14.4。IT’s grateful plugins ,can i share it on,This is the Chinese player exchange community.I will put the original author and the original website.Players will get the download from here,look forward to your reply
Author's response
Hi mrt609,
Thanks for the review! Ow wow it works on 1.14? Nice! Yes for sure you can post it on that page!



Version: 1.7.2
[01:27:51] [Server thread/ERROR]: Could not pass event InventoryClickEvent to EcoSystem v1.7.2
java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.bukkit.inventory.Inventory.getTitle()Ljava/lang/String;
at ~[?:?]
at com.destroystokyo.paper.event.executor.asm.generated.GeneratedEventExecutor100.execute(Unknown Source) ~[?:?]
at org.bukkit.plugin.EventExecutor.lambda$create$1( ~[patched_1.14.4.jar:git-Paper-175]
at co.aikar.timings.TimedEventExecutor.execute( ~[patched_1.14.4.jar:git-Paper-175]
at org.bukkit.plugin.RegisteredListener.callEvent( ~[patched_1.14.4.jar:git-Paper-175]
at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.callEvent( ~[patched_1.14.4.jar:git-Paper-175]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_14_R1.PlayerConnection.a( ~[patched_1.14.4.jar:git-Paper-175]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_14_R1.PacketPlayInWindowClick.a(SourceFile:33) ~[patched_1.14.4.jar:git-Paper-175]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_14_R1.PacketPlayInWindowClick.a(SourceFile:10) ~[patched_1.14.4.jar:git-Paper-175]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_14_R1.PlayerConnectionUtils.lambda$ensureMainThread$0( ~[patched_1.14.4.jar:git-Paper-175]
at ~[patched_1.14.4.jar:git-Paper-175]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_14_R1.IAsyncTaskHandler.executeTask( ~[patched_1.14.4.jar:git-Paper-175]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_14_R1.IAsyncTaskHandlerReentrant.executeTask(SourceFile:23) ~[patched_1.14.4.jar:git-Paper-175]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_14_R1.IAsyncTaskHandler.executeNext( ~[patched_1.14.4.jar:git-Paper-175]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_14_R1.MinecraftServer.aX( ~[patched_1.14.4.jar:git-Paper-175]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_14_R1.MinecraftServer.executeNext( ~[patched_1.14.4.jar:git-Paper-175]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_14_R1.IAsyncTaskHandler.awaitTasks( ~[patched_1.14.4.jar:git-Paper-175]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_14_R1.MinecraftServer.sleepForTick( ~[patched_1.14.4.jar:git-Paper-175]
at ~[patched_1.14.4.jar:git-Paper-175]
at [?:1.8.0_212-1-ojdkbuild]
Author's response
Please can you remove this message and send me a pm?

Version: 1.7.0
I'm wondering, can you add custom jobs? Since I want to create a town with more jobs than what's stated here.
Author's response
Thank you for the positive review!
Custom jobs is added to the TO-DO list :).



Version: 1.4
Good plugin, is there a placeholder api command?

for money in scoreboard
Author's response
Hi xxExtic,

Im sorry but there is currently no placeholder API for this, i will write it on my to do lsit, and you will it seen soon!



Version: 1.3
Very nice!
Meer kan ik gewoon niet zeggen :D
Author's response
Thanks voor de review

Version: 1.2
you can add baltop and /money aliase
Author's response
Baltop comes in the next update, and the /money aliase also

Version: 1.1
This plugin is so good, at least better than the one i use by now! So tthank you dude for making it, keep it up, also gg that you added it and updated like 40 mins ago i really appreciate it
Author's response
Thanks for your positive reviw :) <3

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 313,859
First Release: Mar 27, 2018
Last Update: Nov 12, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
45 ratings
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