Cartographer 2 | 1.8.9 - 1.21 |  The best minimap plugin for bukkit icon

Cartographer 2 | 1.8.9 - 1.21 | The best minimap plugin for bukkit -----

Fast and powerful minimaps - Extreme customization included!

Vietnamese and Indonesian locale, and an API update
Hello! This is a minor update for most server owners, but provides two more locales and a command framework update for developers.

Firstly, many thanks to @badger_god for their vn_vn translation, and to @pettersins for their id_id translation. I'm very thankful for their contributions. :D

Next, a few bugs have been fixed, mostly dealing with module loading, and player settings. I've also started moving image files(overlay, background, etc) into the /plugins/Cartographer2/images/ folder, as suggested by a user in the discord, so credits to them. :)

Another thing that you may have been wondering about are my plans for new modules or features. I am unfortunately lacking time and resources to actively make new modules or add cool stuff. However, the current API should be sufficient for other developers to create all sorts of wonderful things, and I will be actively answering questions if there are any. One of the requests I've gotten for a module is GriefDefender. I don't think I am currently able to make a module which properly makes use of its features, and probably will not be able to for some time. Thanks.

Lastly, the command framework for Cartographer has been reworked to provide slightly more flexibility for any devs who might use it. All old modules should be compatible with the latest version of Cartographer, but newer modules may require this version to work properly.

As always, thanks so much for the support, and please keep reporting bugs so that they can get fixed ASAP!
----------, Jul 19, 2021
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 1,311
First Release: Sep 16, 2017
Last Update: Dec 30, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
43 ratings
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