I have gotten more help from this dev in 1 day than any other dev has in weeks of asking. I can tell from the short talk about map issues with the maps not loading or even modules that he has a passion for his customers. He helped me fix the issue and now it works flawlessly. So if anyone else has issues getting the map to show anything at all, disable modules and go through those one at a time. Thanks again Dev, I really appreciate you :)
Yes, I'm really sorry about the delay. I am planning on updating it next weekend, when I have the time. Thanks!
Version: 2.15.10
It's not that great a plug-in, and definitely not worth its price. It's ok tier at the best and will probably be a disapointment for at least one of the reasons below.
First be aware that this will consume a lot of your server's RAM. And by a lot, I really mean a lot.
Second, most of the plugin functions can be obtained with a client mod, and if you have an issue with anything from the plugin, it's likely to be with a module that wasn't developped by the author and will never get fixed by anyone (most modules haven't been updated for years) ! For instance, you cannot create a waypoint using capital letters, otherwise you won't be able to delete it later without deleting ALL the waypoints ever created. Despite me signaling that to the plugin and module dev, this info is still nowhere to be found...
Third, you have to have a permission plugin in order to make the "seeing players" function work, even if everyone is OP on the server, and this wasn't written anywhere either, and can't be bypassed with the plugin's config. Why ? I can't figure this one out.
Fourth, there has been no new content for a while, and one can assume there won't be any. Considering the price, I'd say this is quite unfair compared to the way other devs work constantly to improve their plugins for a lower price.
I still put three stars because dev support is great, what is supposed to work from the plug-in only is indeed working, but it is overall not a plug-in I'd recommend using if you have alternatives.
Thanks, I'm sorry that a lot of it doesn't meet your expectations. The ram issue is definitely something that I've tried to improve, but with minimal success.
As for the permissions plugin, it's required specifically because everyone is OP, and OP players get all permissions, including the ones which hide them from other players. Ideally, not all players would be opped.
I'm also very sorry that there has been no new content.
Version: 2.15.5
Don't be like me and buy it thinking you can use it to display players in live time when the map is placed on a frame, it will not work. Tho it is my fault for thinking it would do that and not asking before buying.
Appart from that, does exaclty as said in the description, drag and drop ( used on paperMC 1.19.2 ) and worked instantly. Will just not use it as it doesn't have the feature I will thinking it would have ^^'
Thanks, I'm sorry that it doesn't have the feature you were searching for.
Version: 2.15.4
hi, your plugin is really fantastic. i have one (hoepfully small) request. for the residence add-on is it possible to make subzones visible as well? ive been through what feels like every config twice and i dont believe its currently an option. ill use it regardless cause its dope af, but this would be super helpful =] thanks man
Amazing!! Most mind-boggling plugin I have ever seen!! Basically turns a map into a live-update computer screen... how that is even possible with a server-side only plugin is beyond me. Only question I have is how much strain it puts on the server... but it's definitely super-cool!!
Lol, do you still use regular maps? Forget about them. This plugin adds a very nice minimap, making it more interesting to explore the world. This plugin is even better with addons like waypoints and towny. I advise you to purchase, the developer of a pleasant development!
It took me a few minutes to work out how to use it, but once I got the hang of it, I was able to quickly roll it out on a server for all players to use. It's such a wonderful quality of life improvement for the game. If it's possible to add an "idiot's guide" too for future people like me who lack a lot of command line experience, it'll be even better.
Thank you! I'm not very good at writing guides, but I will definitely try to write a proper one!
Version: 2.14.4
This is a wonderful, simple, and intuitive plugin. I had it up and running on my server within 3 minutes. The developer answered all my questions instantaneously. Well worth the price.
Amazing plugin. Very helpful developer and active discord support server, plus a very slick plugin which includes extra support for popular plugins. Would greatly recommend, as the API is extremely user friendly and the plugin has endless possibilities.
It a really awesome minimap. Im wondering if there is an option to see friends on the minimap i play on a server with just friends and we would like to see eachother
Thank you! You can see other players on the minimap with the vanilla plus module, which you can find under the list of modules on the main page.
Version: 2.12.17
It truly is the best minimap plugin for Bukkit!
It is very simple to use, and the config is easy to set up.
When I had questions, the developer answered within
a timely manner. I like being able to change the backgrounds
and overlays.
Definitely worth the $10.
Awesome plugin. I really love the idea of having a vanilla ingame minimap. The author is a pretty kind and awesome person. The support is awesome as well and you can see a huge development of the plugin. It's definitely worth the money! Thanks for the amazing ressource!
its pretty awesome and the author is very helpful too. he was able to my answer my questions about having players get the map on first join! and my players are very happy with this map as it shows faction and towny borders in my bungee server!
This plugin is awesome. I'm new to this plugin and got it working fairly easy. I'm confident it can do more than i'm aware which is a good thing. I recommend it as a buy!
This is great!
I have purchased this plugin 20 minutes ago and it's already configured and running.
It's very easy to install and (at least for me) it just worked.
All I had to do was to translate it (the plugin only included an English language file).
Great Plugin, I really enjoy it totally worth the investment. My friends really enjoy it and its just a fun plugin over all. Favorite feature(s) would have to be overlays, waypoints and zoom feature.
An incredible plugin wich offers a very powerfull map featuring. The author is dedicated and bring some amazing features day after day. I don't regret my investment!
I'm in love with this plugin, really fun and simple to use !
The developer is working great to fix my problems, really good support when you have a question or bug to fix, it's really perfect !
Never stop to update this awesome and cool plugin, and stay the good person you are ! ^-^'
Thank you! I make it a point to make this plugin worth its price.
Version: 7.2
The developer is always avaiable to help you! I hope that he will do always better. Cartographer is an innovative map for no mod server. And this will change the world of the RPG Gaming. In my server this feature is appreciated and played in hard mode. I mean that players are not able to do any commands, but they have to use the cartography to understand them position if they want to explore the very big world that I set for them. Dynmap is not useful for us, because this will spoiler everything… Cartographer is perfect for a RPG based game.
There is also radar in the file. And coordinate and it’s not finish… you can use a personal image and put it in a map… imagine what u can do with this…. For example stop to do /rules… let’s start using images on map… u can create your own image with rules and put it into your server… players will read rules in a better way method.
This is only an example… u can use waypoints too… (I didn’t try it yet, because the last time doesn’t work the waypoint system, but I have to try it with the new version) Anyway… also if you don’t have any plugin installed in your server… with only Cartographer you can set waypoints, where players are able to find treasures or dungeons… or whatever you want… and u can use more plugins together with this one. Very nice work. Don’t hesitate to buy it if u have a RPG (VERY RPG) server. If you are loking for a normal, download dynmap… because Cartographer is only for pro rpg players.
Love the Kingdoms+ support.
Thank you for being honorable in keeping your word when I took a leap of faith in purchasing before you added Kingdoms+ support.
You sir are indeed rare in this world that we live in.
Thank you for making this, it's great :) I'll be using it for my little server with friends, we have mmo stuff and survival separated in their own worlds :)