This is a BETA version so not everything is complete! Please stop your server, then delete the "data.yml" file to avoid any problems!
This build was developed for 1.14.3
This version changes quite a few mechanics from the original Cartographer in an attempt to make things easier to upgrade and more practical for server users. Maps are now tied to the map item itself, meaning you can now grant people special maps or whatnot, and you can also have an overlay, background, and missing map image! Simply replace the images in the Cartographer 2 folder and reload/restart your server to view the changes!
In addition to that, the block color palette has been released and you can now edit the block colors, as well as mix and match palettes. You can find the palette under '/plugins/Cartographer2/palettes/'
Each map now has its own config file, which looks something like this:
Code (YAML):
name: "&aDefault Minimap" palettes: -
"palette-1.13.2" default-zoom: ONE
circular-zoom: false
Right now, the only option that does anything is the "palettes" option. This will let you prioritize what palettes get their colors. The top palette is the first one to get applied, and the last one is the one whose colors will come out on top.
For the future roadmap, I plan on finishing the config before working on the API. Then, once that is finished, I will add proper documentation for developers, and work on adding other plugin support. I'm not sure how much time I have available since I have a part time job and various other projects to work on, but I'll do my best in finishing Cartographer 2.
Lastly, I may introduce something similar to a "resource pack" system for Cartographer, although I'm not sure how practical that may be. If you have any suggestions, concerns, or ideas regarding this, feel free to PM me or message me on discord