SimpleAdvertising | Let your players sell their stuff icon

SimpleAdvertising | Let your players sell their stuff -----

Advertising in game, for everything you'd like. Lightweight, Points, GUI, Titles, Sounds and more.

Version: 28.2.22
It's a helpful and uniqe plugin but can't turn of the messages that popup on the screen every minute, if i do the plugin doesn't work anymore mabye a problem only on 1.19

Version: 16.2.22
Communication with the developer is at a perfect level. Everything is fixed in a moment and the plugin is very great for survival servers.

Version: 6.2.20
Acest plugin poate folosit pe o sectiune de GTA, sa cumperi gen o reclama, ca pe samp? Am nevoie de un raspuns urgent.
Author's response
Da, de acolo a fost inspirat.

Version: 21.10.2019
Foarte bun pluginul! Ar fi o idee buna sa sa il faci sa mearga pe spigot 1.15.1, dintr-un motiv ciudat nu prea vrea sa mearga cum trebuie. Oricum, foarte util!
Author's response
Multumesc mult pentru review! Imediat va fi disponibil si pentru 1.15.1!

Version: 9.4.19
The plugin works perfectly on all stated versions and without any problems. Its easy to set up and indeed pretty lightweight, even when tested by a bunch of players at the same time.

As for the 1 Star review below: Said user has left many bad reviews under resources. Its a matter of fact that he just doesn't understand english well enough to follow basic instructions. He's been shitting on absolute great resources and you should just report him to the mdos,.
Author's response
Thank you very much for your kind review <3. If you ever happen to have any problems or any suggestions feel free to contact me :D

Version: 1.9.4
Ma bucur sa vad interes si dedicare din partea Comunitatii Romanesti la capitolul Plugin Development ! Pluginul este foarte bun. Are nevoie de mici retusuri ici colo, dar faci o treaba buna. Felicitarile mele! Continua sa-l actualizezi. Eu unul sunt interesat mai ales de compatibilitatea Bungeecord si stocarea datelor in MySQL :) Deci astept un update cu aceste optiuni ;) Anyway, Good Job!
Author's response
Multumesc mult! Mereu am fost interesat de calitate, si daca ai ceva ce ai dori schimbat la plugin, poti oricand sa imi dai un PM in care sa imi spui ce ar putea fi imbuntatit. Iar in legatura cu MySQL, este pe drum. Momentan ma documentez, iar in scurt timp probabil voi implementa si acest lucru!

Version: 1.9.3
I tried 5 versions on the kernel 1.12.2, nothing works. Communicate to solve the problem, as I suppose, there is no point. Everything is very bad. Perhaps at 1.13 will work.
Author's response
The plugin works perfectly on 1.12.2, 1.13 and other versions. You didn't sent me any message on any of the contact methods shown in the description. But as I'm not as childish as you apparently are, I can tell you that maybe your server doesn't use one of the dependencies (Vault, EssentialsX or PlaceholderAPI).

Version: 1.9
Good plugin but can you update this for BungeeCord comtability ? A good dev ! Good job
Author's response
Thank you :3. I once tried to make it work with BungeeCord, and maybe I will sometime figure it out, but it isn't a priority at the moment, we'll see what I can do.

Version: 1.8
Great, responsive, and helpful developer!
Author's response
Thank you very much :D.

Version: 1.7
Muy Bueno, 6/5 Considera Agregar mas Cosas, como click Command en el chat, Muy Buen Plugin
Author's response
Sure thing, I'll keep adding new things! What do you mean by adding Click Command in chat? Like JSON formatting? Write me a PM here or on Skype to tell me more, and I'll be very happy to add this in the following update :D

Version: 1.5
Really nice plugin! Should add multiple versions support but it's cool anyway thanks for making this plugin :)
Author's response
I think it works with other versions too, I haven't tested this, but if it couldn't work, i will make support for 1.10 down to 1.8 probably

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 5,662
First Release: May 3, 2017
Last Update: Oct 30, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
11 ratings
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