HeadsPlus » 1.15.2 - 1.21.x icon

HeadsPlus » 1.15.2 - 1.21.x -----

A heads plugin with advanced head drops, crafting, selling, challenges and much more!

Version: 7.1.5
Amazing (as literally always). I saw the rude rating-hostage-taking reviews and thought my support for a plugin i love was long overdue. Thank you for keeping HeadsPlus up to date, my friend!!

Unrelated, but 5 of your .IMG images aren't rendering on your Spigot home page. I know you made this years ago, I bet you didn't even notice ;) take care!
Author's response
Hey there, that's right, I didn't notice - I've been very busy with some of my own endeavours so I haven't had the chance to check SpigotMC as much. I was able to recover the old images and get them working again :)

Thank you as well for your ongoing support of the plugin!

Version: 7.1.5
very very very very poor database of heads under 500 other plugins out there do over 30,000 so the database is horrible what this dev has
Author's response
Sorry to hear that! HeadsPlus wasn't originally made with "head databases" in mind, but a feature I decided to add and now maintain by myself rather than being crowdsourced by many different players, paying hefty server bills to keep a database running and being super absorbent of my time. Sure, it isn't quite up to speed with what other plugins have, but some people have altered their head files to include those 30,000 heads.

I have considered improving the "database" but don't plan on it anytime soon since I have a 9-5 job now.

You don't have to just use HP for the "database" feature, which is rather a big YAML file that you can customise and host in your filesystem rather than have another plugin go bust if their database ever shuts down or goes into maintenance. There's a lot going on from mob drops to crafting and leaderboards to challenges, so you're welcome to buy HeadDatabase if you don't like the system HP has. Arcaniax is a cool guy, so it doesn't hurt to show some appreciation to those who put in the hard work. :)

Version: 7.1.0
This is the best plugin of its kind in my opinion. Simple, easy to use and not complicated

There are not enough words to describe how much I love this plugin

Version: 7.0.16
Im getting this error when I change in config.yml from "player-drops: true" to "player-drops: false"

[10:18:58 WARN]: java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke "io.github.thatsmusic99.configurationmaster.api.ConfigSection.getKeys(boolean)" because the return value of "io.github.thatsmusic99.headsplus.config.ConfigMobs.getConfigSection(String)" is null
[10:18:58 WARN]: at HeadsPlus-7.0.16.jar//io.github.thatsmusic99.headsplus.managers.EntityDataManager.setupHeads(EntityDataManager.java:218)
[10:18:58 WARN]: at HeadsPlus-7.0.16.jar//io.github.thatsmusic99.headsplus.managers.EntityDataManager.access$100(EntityDataManager.java:18)
[10:18:58 WARN]: at HeadsPlus-7.0.16.jar//io.github.thatsmusic99.headsplus.managers.EntityDataManager$1.run(EntityDataManager.java:50)
[10:18:58 WARN]: at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_20_R2.scheduler.CraftTask.run(CraftTask.java:101)
[10:18:58 WARN]: at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_20_R2.scheduler.CraftAsyncTask.run(CraftAsyncTask.java:57)
[10:18:58 WARN]: at com.destroystokyo.paper.ServerSchedulerReportingWrapper.run(ServerSchedulerReportingWrapper.java:22)
[10:18:58 WARN]: at java.base/java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1144)
[10:18:58 WARN]: at java.base/java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:642)
[10:18:58 WARN]: at java.base/java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:1589)

pls help to clear this error
Author's response
For anyone else having issues, the error was already fixed here: https://ci.pluginwiki.us/job/HeadsPlus/148/

I just didn't respond an hour after you made the Github issue since I was still asleep, lul

Version: 7.0.16
Im getting this error when I change in config.tml from "player-drops: true" to "player-drops: false"

[10:18:58 WARN]: java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke "io.github.thatsmusic99.configurationmaster.api.ConfigSection.getKeys(boolean)" because the return value of "io.github.thatsmusic99.headsplus.config.ConfigMobs.getConfigSection(String)" is null
[10:18:58 WARN]: at HeadsPlus-7.0.16.jar//io.github.thatsmusic99.headsplus.managers.EntityDataManager.setupHeads(EntityDataManager.java:218)
[10:18:58 WARN]: at HeadsPlus-7.0.16.jar//io.github.thatsmusic99.headsplus.managers.EntityDataManager.access$100(EntityDataManager.java:18)
[10:18:58 WARN]: at HeadsPlus-7.0.16.jar//io.github.thatsmusic99.headsplus.managers.EntityDataManager$1.run(EntityDataManager.java:50)
[10:18:58 WARN]: at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_20_R2.scheduler.CraftTask.run(CraftTask.java:101)
[10:18:58 WARN]: at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_20_R2.scheduler.CraftAsyncTask.run(CraftAsyncTask.java:57)
[10:18:58 WARN]: at com.destroystokyo.paper.ServerSchedulerReportingWrapper.run(ServerSchedulerReportingWrapper.java:22)
[10:18:58 WARN]: at java.base/java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1144)
[10:18:58 WARN]: at java.base/java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:642)
[10:18:58 WARN]: at java.base/java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:1589)

pls help to clear this error

Version: 7.0.16
Im getting this error everytime while start the server

[10:18:58 WARN]: java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke "io.github.thatsmusic99.configurationmaster.api.ConfigSection.getKeys(boolean)" because the return value of "io.github.thatsmusic99.headsplus.config.ConfigMobs.getConfigSection(String)" is null
[10:18:58 WARN]: at HeadsPlus-7.0.16.jar//io.github.thatsmusic99.headsplus.managers.EntityDataManager.setupHeads(EntityDataManager.java:218)
[10:18:58 WARN]: at HeadsPlus-7.0.16.jar//io.github.thatsmusic99.headsplus.managers.EntityDataManager.access$100(EntityDataManager.java:18)
[10:18:58 WARN]: at HeadsPlus-7.0.16.jar//io.github.thatsmusic99.headsplus.managers.EntityDataManager$1.run(EntityDataManager.java:50)
[10:18:58 WARN]: at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_20_R2.scheduler.CraftTask.run(CraftTask.java:101)
[10:18:58 WARN]: at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_20_R2.scheduler.CraftAsyncTask.run(CraftAsyncTask.java:57)
[10:18:58 WARN]: at com.destroystokyo.paper.ServerSchedulerReportingWrapper.run(ServerSchedulerReportingWrapper.java:22)
[10:18:58 WARN]: at java.base/java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1144)
[10:18:58 WARN]: at java.base/java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:642)
[10:18:58 WARN]: at java.base/java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:1589)

pls help to clear this error

Version: 7.0.16
It's working perfectly on 1.20.1. One of my server's staff, tst2505 or aidity, put this plugin on our server. Gotta say, both the players and i are having a blast with it. The cool thing is, it's really simple but packs a bunch of cool features.

Version: 7.0.15
It doesn't work. Im using Purpur 1.20.1 and it doesn't drop any heads from the mobs.
Author's response
HeadsPlus has inbuilt mechanics to stop heads being dropped under certain conditions, such as spawn eggs. Check without spawn eggs and get back to me.

Version: 7.0.15
One of the best if not THE best heads plugin out there. And thats not all their support feels like chat gpt if not faster. you need anything you find issues you have questions it is even more helpfull and quicker than chat gpt itself xD awesome devs with an awesome plugin <3 should rate it 6 star if i could

Version: 7.0.12
[19:29:33 WARN]: [HeadsPlus] Task #246710 for HeadsPlus v7.0.12 generated an exception
java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke "io.github.thatsmusic99.headsplus.api.HPPlayer.getNextLevel()" because "p" is null
at io.github.thatsmusic99.headsplus.util.HPUtils.addBossBar(HPUtils.java:37) ~[HeadsPlus-7.0.12.jar:?]
at io.github.thatsmusic99.headsplus.api.HPPlayer$1.run(HPPlayer.java:158) ~[HeadsPlus-7.0.12.jar:?]
at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_19_R3.scheduler.CraftTask.run(CraftTask.java:101) ~[paper-1.19.4.jar:git-Paper-545]
at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_19_R3.scheduler.CraftScheduler.mainThreadHeartbeat(CraftScheduler.java:483) ~[paper-1.19.4.jar:git-Paper-545]
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.tickChildren(MinecraftServer.java:1483) ~[paper-1.19.4.jar:git-Paper-545]
at net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer.tickChildren(DedicatedServer.java:447) ~[paper-1.19.4.jar:git-Paper-545]
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.tickServer(MinecraftServer.java:1397) ~[paper-1.19.4.jar:git-Paper-545]
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.runServer(MinecraftServer.java:1174) ~[paper-1.19.4.jar:git-Paper-545]
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.lambda$spin$0(MinecraftServer.java:320) ~[paper-1.19.4.jar:git-Paper-545]
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:833) ~[?:?]

error Can u take a look at this, for everything else it is a good plugin thanks that it is free, should be a paid plugin!
Author's response
Howdy, you'll get that error if you reload the server, so please don't do that! If you haven't done that, open a Github issue with some more details since reviews aren't great for issues/bugs.

Version: 7.0.10
O plugin é muito bem configurado, porém, quando habilito para os jogadores usarem o CRAFT, ele não permite que o jogador pegue o craft utilizado MESMO TENDO PERMISSÃO!
Author's response
To verify, the permission should be headsplus.craft? I've not received such complaints prior. Are you able to reach out with further details? I can help diagnose the issue.

Version: 7.0.8
Great plugin, I just wish the /sellhead command opened and empty GUI and you just put the items in to sell.

Version: 7.0.7
The dev is very kind. the plugin works smooth. Almost everything is customizable as well. Great premium resource for the price of free? :O
Author's response
By all means! Thank you for the review as well.

Version: 7.0.7
very very very very good plugin and support. I will use this plugin on my server, thanks!
Author's response
That's brilliant to hear, thank you for the kind review too!

Version: 7.0.6
I love the plugin, a lot of variety and heads, but lately I get this error WARN]: [HeadsPlus] Plugin HeadsPlus v7.0.6 generated an exception while executing task 1534
java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: 'java.util.List org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack.getLore()'
at io.github.thatsmusic99.headsplus.inventories.icons.content.CustomHead.initNameAndLore(CustomHead.java:110) ~[ ?:?]
at io.github.thatsmusic99.headsplus.inventories.list.HeadsSection.transformContents(HeadsSection.java:42) ~[?:?]
at io.github.thatsmusic99.headsplus.inventories.BaseInventory.lambda$new$1(BaseInventory.java:70) ~[?:?]
at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_18_R2.scheduler.CraftTask.run(CraftTask.java:82) ~[spigot-1.18.2-R0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar: 3488-Spigot-b6d12d1-d48f2d1]
at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_18_R2.scheduler.CraftAsyncTask.run(CraftAsyncTask.java:54) [spigot-1.18.2-R0.1-SNAP SHOT.jar:3488-Spigot-b6d12d1-d48f2d1]
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1136) [?:?]
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:635) [?:?]
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:833) [?:?]
Author's response
Try using Paper in the meantime, cheers for the review regardless, I'll fix this in a dev build shortly.

Version: 7.0.4
HP works well on Paper 1.18.1. The developer provides speedy, intelligent plugin support. And HP would be a great generic server cosmetic utility to any Minecraft server!

However HP goes beyond just doing everything you'd expect. The developer and contributors have pushed their concepts of what can be done with a heads plugin to the limit and Minecraft's limits as well!

Vault support, interactive GUIs, clean aesthetic, easily to work with, perfect support, and you'll still be discovering all of this plugin's features next week, too.

Version: 7.0.4
Way better heads plugin than the rest of the "Premium" plugin they offered. Only some settings I still a bit struggling to set up,

eg /heads Pricing were unsure where it was.

Other than that, its a must use for Peaceful/Creative Server c:

Version: 7.0.2
Feature rich, great and highly customisable plugin with good, nice and quick support.
Author's response
Not me taking an eternity to respond!

Thank you for the review, I'm glad I was able to help you and that you're enjoying the plugin!

Version: 6.11.10
I cant believe this plugin is free, its so well made and with amazing features, the best heads plugin imho
Author's response
I do hate it when Spigot refuses to show me the rating of a review :') I'm happy to hear you like it!

Version: 6.11.9
great plugin but ever since i updated to latest, this spams:
[00:15:51 WARN]: java.io.FileNotFoundException: https://api.mojang.com/users/profiles/minecraft/{mob-default}
[00:15:51 WARN]: at java.base/sun.net. www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection.getInputStream0(HttpURLConnection.java:1981)
[00:15:51 WARN]: at java.base/sun.net. www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection.getInputStream(HttpURLConnection.java:1577)
[00:15:51 WARN]: at java.base/sun.net. www.protocol.https.HttpsURLConnectionImpl.getInputStream(HttpsURLConnectionImpl.java:224)
[00:15:51 WARN]: at HeadsPlus-6.11.9.jar//io.github.thatsmusic99.headsplus.config.customheads.HeadsPlusConfigCustomHeads.grabUUID(HeadsPlusConfigCustomHeads.java:339)
[00:15:51 WARN]: at HeadsPlus-6.11.9.jar//io.github.thatsmusic99.headsplus.util.paper.ActualPaperImpl.lambda$setProfile$2(ActualPaperImpl.java:25)
[00:15:51 WARN]: at java.base/java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture$AsyncSupply.run(CompletableFuture.java:1764)
[00:15:51 WARN]: at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_17_R1.scheduler.CraftTask.run(CraftTask.java:101)
[00:15:51 WARN]: at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_17_R1.scheduler.CraftAsyncTask.run(CraftAsyncTask.java:54)
[00:15:51 WARN]: at com.destroystokyo.paper.ServerSchedulerReportingWrapper.run(ServerSchedulerReportingWrapper.java:22)
[00:15:51 WARN]: at java.base/java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1130)
[00:15:51 WARN]: at java.base/java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:630)
[00:15:51 WARN]: at java.base/java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:831)
[00:15:51 ERROR]: [HeadsPlus] HeadsPlus has failed to execute this task. An error report has been made in /plugins/HeadsPlus/debug
[00:15:51 ERROR]: [HeadsPlus] Report name: 09.11.2021 00_15_51-REPORT-0.json
[00:15:51 ERROR]: [HeadsPlus] Please submit this report to the developer at one of the following links:
[00:15:51 ERROR]: [HeadsPlus] https://github.com/Thatsmusic99/HeadsPlus/issues
[00:15:51 ERROR]: [HeadsPlus] https://discord.gg/nbT7wC2
[00:15:51 ERROR]: [HeadsPlus] https://www.spigotmc.org/threads/headsplus-1-8-x-1-12-x.237088/
Author's response
I'm glad to hear you enjoy the plugin but if you ever run into an error, please check with me to make sure it's reported instead of dropping it into the reviews section. There's a dev build that fixes this: https://ci.pluginwiki.us/job/HeadsPlus/43/

Version: 6.11.9
Nice plugin. Developer with interesting solutions for this plugin. The plugin deserves a premium resource.
Author's response
Thank you for the review stashenko, and thank you for your previous contributions to HeadsPlus!

I don't really want to make this resource premium due to all the extra bits and pieces I have to consider, but I recently opened a ko-fi page I don't regularly bring up for anyone who does want to support my work - I do have a job now so I don't heavily rely on it. :)

Version: 6.11.9
Fantastic plugin with a complete set of unique and incredible features. The developer is also extremely talented, responsive, and respectful. Highly recommend this plugin for any server.
Author's response
Thank you for the review, I'm super happy to hear you're enjoying the plugin! And I appreciate the stretching of the ego as well, LMAO

Version: 6.11.8
This plugin not working for 1.8.8!
Errors spamming on console:
Author's response
Please do not use reviews for bug reports as you don't know whether or not it's a problem on your end or mine.

In this case, it's a you problem. Don't use PaperSpigot 1.8.8, use Spigot 1.8.8, pretty sure there's no difference between the two...

Version: 6.11.8
Responsive and helpful creator, and a great plug-in. Love the variety of heads included.
Author's response
Thank you for the review, I'm super happy to hear it!

Version: 6.11.7
I like this plugin. Very useful for getting heads for armor stands. I wish I was able to disable the constant head dropping, but I don't see that in the config.yml, as my server doesn't really do the economy/mob head stuff. Is there a way to disable mob heads dropping, or at least lower the chance by a lot?
Author's response
Yep, in the config.yml in the perks section, just set the `drop-heads` option to false. In the future please do feel free to ask in the discussion thread or the Discord server so communication is far easier. Thanks!

Version: 6.11.7
Kind creator which also responds fast, many features, easy to use, higly configurable.
Author's response
Thank you for the review, I'm super happy to hear it!

Version: 6.11.7
Hands down one of the best Head Drops management plugins out there. It's respecting all relevant versions, configs are decently straight forward.

I joined the discord for support, got it nearly instantly. Basically accidently reported a bug, ErrorLuvsNie (Thatsmusic99) had it fixed within 10 minutes, or at least noted down. ErrorLuvsNie (Thatsmusic99) is friendly and definitely made the plugin worth reviewing and using for my server, and hopefully yours as well.

Author's response
I assume ErrorLuvsNie (Thatsmusic99) is me. ;)

Thank you very much for the review and thank you for making me aware of the bug in the plugin, it means a lot to me!

Version: 6.11.6
I love this plugin but for some reason when u do /head and an offline players name it crashes the server. 1.17 btw
Author's response
Instead of reviewing the plugin with a bug report please send more details in the discussion thread or Discord server.

Version: 6.11.6
Hey I am using your plugin on my server and I was wondering if you would be able to promote my server? The IP is vrezai.mcpro.io. Hope to see you there and AWESOME PLUGIN!
Author's response
Hi there, sorry, I wasn't well a while ago and completely forgot about this :( it's added to the server list now! Thank you for your kind words too <3

Version: 6.11.6
Amazing heads plugin, includes awesome features, and good for any server. Very customizable and amazing, fast discord support.
Author's response
Thanks for the review! Apologies with the issues going on with the plugin itself, hopefully I'll get them addressed in due time if I ever find (or work around) the problems.

Version: 6.11.4
Best heads plugins ever!

I was try searching a heads plugins for my smp server, i was used 4 plugins like this, but tht are so laggy and have a bugs

But this....
Owh man....
Good heads plugins ever...
Support shop, leaderboard, translateable and customizable!

My cat can use this plugin, because there support LOLCAT translation!

Author's response
Haha - I'm glad to hear your cat can use the plugin, looks like I've transcended all laws of the animal kingdom on accident! I'm also glad to hear you're enjoying the plugin - thank you for the review!

Version: 6.11.2
Super Plugin, nach der Hilfe von dem Entwickler Funktioniert alles einwandfrei!!
Sehr Schneller Support!
Author's response
Vielen Dank für die Bewertung. Ich freue mich zu hören, dass das, was ich vorgeschlagen habe, für Sie funktioniert hat!

Version: 6.11
Excellent plugin, has just about anything one may want about heads and custom heads and still you can simply left out what you do not need and you will get no errors for not having what you do not need. Gorgeous modular structure, simple and reasonable permissions and configuration... I wish more plugins were so well designed.
Author's response
Thank you for the review! I was actually worried about the configuration being a bit messy and want to try and address that properly in a future release, but I'm glad to hear you're still able to navigate it fine. Please inform me of any queries you have regarding it!

Version: 6.11-BETA-1
Amazing plugin, but one question - is there a way to make it so the heads, if put on, give the player unique stats, such as damage delt against a certain mob is increases, etc? If not... you put a head on and it gves you strength and speed, etc... Is this, a do-able thing?
Author's response
Hi there; I've said this before to others but if you do have questions, I would rather have you ask over the Discord support server or Discussion tab. HeadsPlus does provide masks but only applies potion effects.

Version: 6.11-SNAPSHOT-3
Great plugin if you want custom mobheads and decorations. Developer is also fast to respond and delve into any issues. 10/10
Author's response
Thank you for the review - and thank you too for the bug report you made and keeping up to date on it, it's something that definitely helps the plugin massively in the long run! Hopefully we're getting closer to finding its cause.

Version: 6.11-SNAPSHOT-2
I am a Chinese user, I think this is a good plugin!!!!! But it does not support Chinese and needs to be localized by myself. Can I upload the localized configuration file so that more Chinese users can use this plugin, and finally cheer the author
Author's response
Hi there,

I'm happy to hear that you like the plugin. Of course, you can send the Chinese translation my way, I'm more than happy to implement it in the next version! Thank you for the review too!

Version: 6.10.8
I was having a bit of an issue getting things working the way I needed them to. The plugin author took the time to help me on Discord, and taught me something about LuckPerms I didn’t know :D Really nice person, and really great plugin! :D
Author's response
LP's verbose is a godsend, putting it simply. Thank you as well for your wonderful messages on Discord earlier on! I'm happy to hear you're enjoying the plugin. ^^

Version: 6.10.4
This is a really excellent plugin - works great on our server. Oh, and best of all, it's free! :p
Author's response
Thank you for the review; I’m happy to hear it too! And yes, HP will be staying free for as long as I’m developing it!

Version: 6.10.3
Really excellent plugin! Essential for anyone who wants heads on their survival server
Author's response
Thank you for the review - I'm happy to hear it!

Version: 6.10
Congratulations, it's a great plugin! Could you tell me how to configure the effects of potions on the masks? Thank you!
Author's response
Hi - please do note I do not like answering questions over the review section as communication is heavily limited, and I do often ask for these reviews to be deleted by the author (I don't contact Spigot staff as it does not violate any rules as far as I know, and I don't believe it's necessary either) and that they contact me over conversations, in the discussion, or on Discord instead.

For masks, you can configure them easily by command (/hp headinfo add <Entity name> mask <Potion Effect> [Amplifier], e.g. /hp headinfo add BLAZE mask FIRE_RESISTANCE 1 to give the Blaze mask a fire-resistance effect with an amplifier of 1). If you want to configure it using the mobs.yml file though, I may need to talk to you privately about that, since I don't know if there's character limits for review replies.

If you do wish to contact me in the future, please do contact me through other methods (and be sure to do the same with other developers!). Thank you for understanding!

Version: 6.10
Best plugin ever. The author is so great that she always takes our advice into her first consideration and she makes frequent and perfect updates. I've been using the plugin for nearly two years and it really makes my server a funny place. Thanks a lot, and keep up the great work<3
Author's response
Oh wow, it’s wonderful to hear from you again! Thank you very kindly for the review; I do definitely want to make sure that this is a plugin which can cover help make servers a little more exciting and interesting in general, and it always makes me happy when I hear that it does. I hope you’re doing well!

Version: 6.10
Love this plugin since then man, so long partner! :) make my server great........
Author's response
Thank you for the review! If you’re saying that you’ve used the plugin for a good while (my head’s a bit jumbled right now), I do love hearing from you guys; one time someone told me they’ve been using the plugin for almost the full three years which amazed me.

This definitely made my day though, thank you very much for this small yet wonderful act of kindness!

Version: 6.10-SNAPSHOT-4
My players love completing all the "quests" of this plugin, it adds a lot of gameplay, thanks!
Author's response
I'm happy to hear it - no worries and thank you too!

Version: 6.9.5
thanks for your fantastic plugin , supporter are diligent , they can fix the error fastly , it worth 5 stars
Author's response
No worries and thank you for the review! ^^

Version: 6.8.2
Works great on my 1.13.2 server! No errors and spam console. Thanks, keep it up!឵឵឵឵឵឵឵឵឵឵឵឵឵឵឵឵឵឵឵឵឵
Author's response
I’m glad to hear it - I don’t get the opportunity to test on a lot of versions, so having users inform me of the plugin’s stability on them mean a lot to me! Thank you! ^^ (If you do notice any errors too, let me know and I’ll get right to them!)

Version: 6.8.2
Solid plugin. The best part about it is the range of configuration options it has.
Author's response
Thanks for the review! That itself is what I want to aim for with the plugin - to ensure it can be configured in such ways that server owners can make unique servers from it. I'm glad to hear it though!

Version: 6.8.1
Plugin and author both are excellent. 2 of my players are teenage girls and they can't live without HeadsPlus :-O Super fast help every time i asked something. Very glad to have it. Greetings from Germany :-)
Author's response
I’m glad to hear that the plugin is doing well for you and that your players are enjoying it! Anything else you do need feel free to ask any time at all - thank you and greetings from the UK! :D

Version: 6.7.1
Must have on every RPG server !
Author's response
I’m glad to hear it; thank you! ^^

Version: 6.7.1
Good plugin. Good description. Good author. Fast respond. Friendly person. Vouch!

Version: 6.6.6
This is a really cool heads plugin. I have not seen any that compare to this and i really think you should download it. It's really easy to config also!!!
Author's response
Thank you for the review - I'm glad to hear it's not too hard to configurate, and that it's one of a kind! ^^

Version: 6.6-BETA-2
Really love it, but how do I get more letters implemented in the GUI. see I know how to get heads, and only heads is there a way to choose other things than heads, items or Letters or ?
Author's response
Thank you for the review - I'll have to put that as a feature in the future, any other questions please ask in the discussion thread instead.

Version: 6.6-BETA-2
i love its plugin :3 perfect for survival and more... developer does an excellent job..... es un plugin maravilloso y la atencion del dev es muy buena y rapida, me ayudo a resolver mi problema en menos de unas horas :3
Author's response
Thank you for the review - and I'm glad to hear I was able to resolve the issue (somewhat xD) quickly and that you're enjoying the plugin!

Version: 6.5.5
If i haven't 5 stars If i have, Still 5 stars, Great plugin. And since the thingy needs to be longer... Well the best parts are the part of getting the Head Via GUI. next part is support for when killing mobs.
Author's response
Yeah I believe you reviewed the plugin before xD thank you once again though, and I'm glad to hear it!

Version: 6.5.4
Great! Great! Great! Great! Great! Great! Great! Great! Great! Great! Great! Great! ----------------------------

Version: 6.5.3
Cel mai fain plugin eu il folosesc foarte mult :DDDD

Celmaitare plugin eveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeer
Author's response
Vă mulțumim pentru revizuire! ^^

Version: 6.5
love love LOVE. i love that there's a variety of heads, and i hope that there's more in the future. And if that does happen, will you be adding some Pokemon heads? i want my espeon head back that i got from another plugin with is broken now..anyway, LOVE THIS!
Author's response
I haven't had the chance to work on the plugin recently but I'll probably give it a shot for this update. Thank you for the review!

Version: 6.5
There is error when use with wildstacker. Please add support for wildstacker plugin.
Author's response
Please use the discussion section of the plugin instead and send me the error so I can actually look into it.

Version: 6.4.2
Minecraft 1.14.2 Spigot
A great plugin to diversify the game.
All basic options workings fine, no any bugs find. Keep it up :)
Author's response
Hello and good to hear from you again - and also I'm glad to hear it (despite the next update is meant to fix a few thousand bugs xD), thank you once again for your review!

Version: 6.3.4
Very Well developed plugin. Overall the Things i really love about the plugin is
1: The Colors and the Look (worked on the style Gui Etc.)
2: Customization; You can customize everything you see, i have not fully tested myself but i like it.
3: Head Gui It may not be a database but does have heads that come in handy
4 Supports Head Drops. This is something I have wanted but not found.

So the plugin itself takes out multiple plugins i used in the past and turned it into 1 single plugin.
Mob Drops
Head Storage system (Almost a Database).
Challenges (gives a player more things to do)
Selling and buying
So works out of the Jar (Not punny enough)

Love the Overview Design also the Wiki Itself well designed!
11k downloads says it all, but A Rating can also tell you more.
Author's response
Hello once again!

Whilst originally I didn't intend anyone to test HeadsPlus via the LH thread, I am glad it's not focused on that and simply on what the plugin can do rather than what it can't do in comparison to another more advanced plugin.

The wiki itself still needs a bit of polishing up so I'm working on that whilst I can (the current pages you're being directed to are from an archived repo which I recently moved the plugin to), although it's good to hear that it's in a good state regardless.

The reason why I chose to make the heads selection not connected to a database is that sometimes there are too many heads that are too similar to each other and it gets overwhelming (I'll also mention I was offered access to a database but I've chosen to not connect it for now).

But TL,DR; thank you for the detailed review, which is something I prefer seeing over shorter or simplistic ones. It helps me know which parts of the plugin are strongest, and which parts need strengthening. ^^

Version: 6.3.4
Many available heads and you can add much heads as you wish in a simple and inuitive way. I try many alternatives and I only get very frustrated, but the nightmare ends here, with HeadsPlus. This help me a lot with AdvancedFood too, I can't manage to get custom heads with commands on 1.13 and 1.14 but with this plugin the problem has been resolved fast and easily. Delete Decoheads and HeadsLite from your server and download and install this one with no doubt! Thanks a lot!
Author's response
Hey! First of all, thank you for the review - I've just been able to read through it and holy moly, I do wish I had this feedback more often: written to its fullest and with justified points (of which don't always have to be positive, I'll accept constructive criticism too to make the plugin better!) rather than just "it's a good plugin with a good dev", so this was certainly something that's made my day.

I'm glad to hear as well - whilst it may not be my most preferred method - that you find adding new heads simple, especially since I've had concerns in the past that it may not stick in some people's heads (and I still need to fix the wiki pages as well as update them).

Overall though - thank you once again and no problem at all! I'm super happy that you're enjoying the plugin, and hopefully, it'll continue to assist you and other server owners/admins in the future. We wouldn't be here today without voices like yours!

Version: 6.3.1
Very good plugin that I recommend to all, very well think and dev very attentive
Author's response
Once again thank you for the review, as well as your kind words both here and in the discussion - I definitely needed them at that moment. ^^

Version: 6.1.1
101% recommend this product to everyone who's looking for a head plugin!! Very customizable!!! The owner responds very quickly to any issue I had. I would give it a 6 stars rating if it's possible.
Author's response
Hello and thank you for the review, and of course, thank you as well for the bug reports you've submitted for the plugin! You've just about saved its life.

And as always, any other questions, please feel free to ask!

Version: 6.0.8
A lot of have Heads Plugin! The Best Head Plugin. Thats Good Plugin. Thanks for Plugin!
Author's response
Thank you for the review, and also no problem!! ^^

Version: 6.0.6
men you f****ng genius =#3333333333333333333333333333333333
i love you =33333333333
Author's response
I did not expect to see this at 9:30 in the morning.

But thank you!!

Version: 6.0.4
Great plugin with a friendly and fast developer. Have been using this plugin for about a year now and it has shown to be the best head plugin out there.
Author's response
Thank you for the review, and actually, thank you as well for using the plugin for this long, this is why it's thrived for so long, as well as providing new ideas and suggestions. Once again thank you!~

Version: 6.0.2
Honestly, I wanted to leave a 4 star review, but the lolcat language support sold me.
Author's response
I’m not sure what to say so thank you regardless.. xD

Version: 6.0.0-BETA-4
Great plugin Players love it. Thanks for sharing.

lots of updates thanks for keeping it updated
Author's response
It’s not a problem, and thank you for the review too - I really appreciate it!

Version: 6.0.0-BETA-2_REUPLOAD
This is an excellent plugin! Everything works well. The developers are helpful and friendly too!
Author's response
Hello once again, and thank you for the review and of course your kind words over Discord as well! Any other questions do feel free to ask!

Version: 6.0.0-BETA-1
Nice plugin... waht else to say...

time to learn LOLCat.. yeah... ok 5 stars ty
Author's response
5 words: Lolcat is the best language.

On the serious note. Thank you for the review!

Version: 5.4
This is an excellent heads plugin, and the developer is extremely kind and helpful when you need it!
Author's response
Thank you once again for both the review and letting me know about one of the plugin's bugs. I always appreciate it! And it's also not a problem!

Version: 5.2.5
Muy buen plugin, me gusta mucho, antes tenía un bug que de vez en cuando no se podian vender las cabezas, pero sucedia muy rara vez... Con esta actualización espero que ese problemita este resuelto, de resto no me ha tenido fallas en mi server 1.13.2
Author's response
Gracias! (No hay español - Pero si el problema vuelve, por favor hágamelo saber. ¡Una vez más, gracias!)

Version: 5.2.3
this plugin just keep getting updated. this is totaly amazing. developer is kind and helpfull. i totally suggest this plugin to everyone based on its foundaments and what it can do. bug fixes and updates are almost in every week and dev will help anyone with any problems.

Author's response
Thank you once more for the review. It's also nice to hear from you again!

Version: 5.2.1
Really good plugin, currently using on MC 1.13.2. Dev is very helpful and fixes any issues quickly.
Author's response
Thank you for the review, and thank you as well for your help in troubleshooting the plugin! As always, I do appreciate it. ^^

Version: 5.1.10
Good Plugin, works on 1.13.1.
But, how can the Console give Player Heads?
I mean when a Player is voting in the console ist this message:
''You must be a player to run this command!'' how can i turn this off?
however this plugin is nice!!
Author's response
Hello, and thank you for the review.

This is done by default but I can try changing up some things to allow heads to be given from console. This may come out as a build on Github soon, because I am still taking a break off updating the plugin on Spigot.

Any other questions please do ask in the Discussion thread. Cheers!

Version: 5.1.10
Works fine on 1.13.x Spigot, but:
¿is there a way to change the messages language? Thank you :)
Author's response
Thank you for the review - and yes, you can change messages in messages.yml.

Version: 5.1.9
Best plugin from the best sweetheart ;). If she should had more time she could answer me on something... :P pshhh ^^
Author's response
Sadly I’ve been super low on time and can’t do a lot but thank you for the review! ^^

Version: 5.1.1
Minecraft 1.13.1 Spigot
All works perfectly, thanks :)
I hope that the plugin will continue to develop so well.
Author's response
No problem, and thank you for your amazing work in troubleshooting the plugin too for that version, I wouldn't be able to do it without you!

Version: 5.0.9
Is this Head Plugin with Timer ????
Author's response
What do you mean? (Please use the discussion section for questions, not reviews...)

Version: 5.0.2
Great plugin! I am excited for when it supports 1.13.1

(Currently /heads does not work in 1.13.1)
Author's response
The whole plugin has yet to support 1.13.1. Thank you however for the review.

Version: 5.0.2
Hi, a really nice plugin. Works perfectly and is fun. I think i will use this very often. Keep up the good work
Author's response
Thank you kindly for the review, and I’m glad to hear it! Any questions feel free to ask me.

Version: 4.9.1
10/10 amazing plugin, forever using. and im so sorry for your loss :( i hope everything is going well for the most part and i give my love and sorrow to his/her family.
Author's response
It’s okay. Thank you so much for the review though, I was starting to think things were going downhill for the plugin at this point but I’m glad you’ve proved me wrong. All I really needed was a bit of time to get myself back together.

Version: 4.9.1
Great Plugin without GUI I would give 3 stars :/... As well very nice.. If you can add texture like gods from game Smite :d, and change in hand name ''Head player Nick'' to ''Sheep'' ''A'' ''B'' etc. hm
Author's response
Hello - thank you for the review, and can I ask what you mean by that? Send me a direct message over Spigot or Discord seeing as you're there.

Version: 4.8.6
Excellent work, completely customizable, and a very committed dev, I recommend it.
Author's response
Thank you for the kind review, not to mention thank you for your contribution to adding the Spanish language to the plugin!! It’s absolutely appreciated and always will be ^^

Version: 4.8
exelent plugin, active dev, lot of updates, what can i say more? this is amazing i hope this guy makes more awesome plugins, keep up good work and continue doing this :D
Author's response
Thank you for your wonderful review! I've got plenty of cool plugins in progress alongside HeadsPlus... just can't find the time to do them currently xD but again thank you! ^^

Version: 4.3.1
I love this plugin it works as it is said to work. Can you add a mask system like saico? Like Iron golem mask gives health boost mooshroom chance to get regen absorption etc
Author's response
Hello, and thank you for the review! :) Whilst it does come from another plugin with perhaps a slightly different concept, if it an API is available I’ll use that, or I’ll just use it using HeadsPlus alone. Thank you as well for the suggestion!

Version: 4.2.5
The plugin is very nice to work with. The developer is also very active, which I like.

Keep up the good work!
Author's response
I’m glad to hear it! Thank you too for the bug reports you’ve been making for 1.8 versions - you’ve been helping in improving the plugin and allowing it to improve each time. ^^

Version: 4.1.1
Its AngelicFluffy

Anyways I would give the 5 stars but I came across a bug
1.12.2 with this plugin in creative mode, trying to remove the head in creative mode spams chat with: "You can not craft heads!" and doesn't remove the head
Author's response
My recommendation is to keep bug reports to the discussion and not the review sections as stated in the resource description, and I believed I already fixed that bug already.. will look into it though and thanks for the review.~

Version: 3.6.6
Amazing ever-growing plugin, thanks for making it, no donation link? Hope to see it shine bright like other big plugins!
Author's response
Thank you for your wonderful review. Currently, HeadsPlus has no donation link (that's mostly due to me being underage) but I appreciate your support just as much. I too hope that HeadsPlus will have a bright future, but again thank you. ^^

Version: 3.6.2
Very good plugins ; alot of configs ; everything working smooth the mods just need the sellhead GUI ; focus on this and this mod will be perfect ; will use deluxemenus for the GUI
Author's response
Thank you for the review. The Sellhead GUI is already down on my todo list and have been busy for a while so may take some time. :)

Version: 3.6
Amazing update! Thanks for it! Now I have 7 horse heads, 3 llama heads, 5 rabbit heads and 5 parrot heads. A lot of animals died, a lot of! :D
Author's response
Again it's absolutely wonderful to hear everything's in working order, and as always thank you for the continuous support!! :D

Version: 3.5.2
Perfect plugin with awesome support. Works exactly how I want it to. I recommended to everyone!
Author's response
As always I'm grateful to hear that! Thank you! ^^

Version: 3.3.2
Please solve that error when i want to sell any head. (no droped from monsters)
Author's response
I already spoke to you on the Discord server regarding the error and some other concerns you had. Again thank you for your kind words there and will be sure to fix the issues and add what you've requested. :)

Version: 3.1.3
Wow, what a perfect plugin. Works 100% perfect. I recommend to everyone, I give five stars, and Parabens for the great work !!. (Google translator)
Author's response
Thank you for the absolutely wonderful review! I really do appreciate it. ^^ And with the translator, no worries!

Version: 3.0.2-BETA
Otimo plugin.
Estava a muito tempo procurando algo como ele, excelente trabalho.
Author's response
Gracias!! :D ^^

Version: 2.1.5
Good plugin! May I introduce this plugin to Chinese players? I will translate this plugin into Chinese.
Author's response
Firstly thank you! And secondly messages.yml is where you'd want to look to translate the messages into Chinese. As long as only the config is modified and not the plugin itself, I'm fine with that (so that I don't have to update two jars every time I introduce an update). If needed I will add some small tweaks. ^^

Version: 2.1
Verr´rrry good plugin nothing that I can say against it ! Very good works with no errors on my server!
Author's response
I'm glad to hear it. Thank you!

Version: 2.0.4
Downloading & 5-Staring it immediately, since it is a head generating plugin basically. I see two heads plugins on here that are premium...and can't down rate a free plugin.
Author's response
Wow, thank you!! I did think this plugin would be a good idea since a similar plugin I used to use went out of date and users wanted more out of it, so I thought I'd introduce this plugin ^^ please do let me know if you do run into any issues though. Once again thank you!

Version: 2.0.4
really good plugin
Author's response
Thank you for your feedback! Glad to hear that ^^

Version: 2.0.1
Great plugin, have been looking for awhile and this sovled everything i ever wanted

Version: 1.3
good plugin in keep developing :) . .
Author's response
Thanks for the wonderful review - I really appreciate it!

Version: 1.2.1
Huge shame, It doesn't work in 1.8 because this is the exact plugin i need, But sadly, It doesn't work with my server version :(
Author's response
Sorry if this spammed your notifications - I replied two more times, deleting those replies. Version 1.3 supports 1.8.x versions now seeing as some other people want this plugin too, but can't because of not being 1.11.2. Let me know what you think afterwards! :)

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 147,924
First Release: Apr 30, 2017
Last Update: Jul 22, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
96 ratings
Find more info at github.com...
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