Bug report and suggestions is now exclusively on Discord !
Added :
(GCore) Option 'force_server_version' in config.yml to force the plugin's detected server version. Accepts those settings : MC_1_7_R1, MC_1_7_R3, MC_1_7_R4, MC_1_8_R3, MC_1_9_R2, MC_1_10_R1, MC_1_11_R1, MC_1_12_R1, MC_1_13_R2, MC_1_14_R1, MC_1_15_R1, MC_1_16_R1, MC_1_16_R2, MC_1_16_R3.
(GCore) Option 'dont_log_loaded_elements_names: false' to not log names of loaded elements.
(GCore) Now logging and considering unknown configuration options as errors when loading elements. This will help detecting problems caused by mispelled options or missing sections. - make sure to check the startup logs after installing this update, some new errors might appear
Option 'force_display_detail' for quest objects, to force the display of '0/1' or '1/1' when goal is 1.
#1175 Option 'npc_names' for objects types PLAYER_CITIZENS_NPC_DELIVER_ITEMS, PLAYER_CITIZENS_NPC_INTERACT, PLAYER_CITIZENS_NPC_KILL, PLAYER_GCORE_NPC_DELIVER_ITEMS and PLAYER_GCORE_NPC_INTERACT, to identify a NPC by name instead of a single ID. Not supported on dialog objects, which still require a specific NPC id.
Options 'bungee_logger_console' and 'bungee_logger_file'.
Improved :
Made NPC dialogs objects 'no detail' objects so that the progression detail (x/n) is not shown.
#1248 The debug log output of pools processing, to help chase a bug.
Fixed :
(GCore) #1243 Item type DYNAMIC_BORDER_LINEAR wouldn't take setting 'persistent' into consideration.
#1256 Object SERVER_GCORE_NPC_TELEPORT wouldn't save location correctly.
#1236 Some weird displays for objects with no detail (<current>/1) being displayed as distance objects (-1m).
Option 'reset_goto' for dialog resets wasn't taken into consideration.
#1248 No longer refunding pool tokens when quest was stopped because of a pool.
#1248 An error occuring when progressing quests.
That's it! Please consider leaving a constructive review to the plugin. Make it a 5-star one if you're satisfied with the plugin and my work !