Discord#581 : setting max_completions wouldn't work for diverge choices.
Discord#583 : group setting execution order wouldn't be checked correctly.
Objects with objective_detail but no name_short or name_long will now be displayed in progression anyways.
The {plural} placeholder wasn't parsed for the quest points command.
Unavailable and redo items were mandatory settings for object type DIVERGE_GUI.
Quests weren't set to update with timer for some settings such as time limit or diverge choice resend.
Fixed default config slots for diverge GUI items.
Quest models and groups weren't cached if data was reloaded when player was connected.
Fixed the error message of the items conditions being sent when checking the condition.
(GCore) Discord#538,#570 : bi-keyed data boards (statistics, for instance) weren't stored and decoded correctly, causing duplicate entries and data losses.
(GCore) Discord#568 : a source of migration mistakes.
(GCore) Discord#549 : particles weren't working in legacy versions.
(GCore) Discord#584,#586 : an error preventing the bossbar to appear correctly.
Misc :
Discord#555 : updated a few mistakes in the documentation.
That's it! Please consider leaving a constructive review to the plugin. Make it a 5-star one if you're satisfied with the plugin and my work !