Discord#529 : Fixed some details with the location edition menu.
Discord#529 : Some element types (numbers/booleans) wouldn't trigger file saving.
Discord#530 : An error occuring with the SEND_SOUND action for object SERVER_ACTIONS.
Discord#530 : Placeholders weren't parsed for some SERVER_ACTIONS actions.
Discord#530 : Placeholders weren't parse for instant object effects, such as end objects.
Placeholder {objective_detail_percentage} was always 100%.
Lore for linear objects was invalid in the editor.
Fixed some editor icons being bedrock.
Fixed some invalid editor texts.
Fixed a dead hyperlink in documentation.
(GCore) Renamed GCoreLegacy.jar to GCore.jar in the release file (it was actually GCore v8 but with the wrong name). - If you don't use any other of my plugin, please remove that old GCoreLegacy.jar file.
(GCore) Discord#513,#520 : Fixed a bug where # inside a wrapped string containing its 'wrapped wrapper character' would be considered as a comment.
(GCore) Discord#515 : Fixed a console error when tab-completing secret arguments.
(GCore) Discord#517 : Fixed a console error occuring with anvil click detection.
(GCore) Discord#518 : Fixed a migration error occuring when migrating NPCs.
(GCore) Commented the 'npcs:' line by default in npcs.yml to avoid a config warning.
Misc :
Discord#523 : Updated placeholders list in documentation.
That's it! Please consider leaving a constructive review to the plugin. Make it a 5-star one if you're satisfied with the plugin and my work !