PyrCore v6.4.1
Fixed :
- Minor bug. (QC #20)
QuestCreator v4.10.0
Added :
- Action 'COMMAND' for object 'SERVER_ACTIONS_LIST'. (#3)
- Options 'gui_show_cooldown' and 'gui_show_completed' for categories, to display those items or not. (#7)
- Option 'gui_right_click_stop' for categories (true by default), allowing you to stop a quest by right-clicking it in the GUI. (#13)
- Option 'allow_stop' for quest models (true by default), to allow/disallow the cancellation of the quest (gui click, command, ...) (admins can bypass that). (#17)
Improved :
- Now opening the NPC GUI every time except if there's only one quest available and option 'selection_gui_when_one_quest' is disabled. (#7)
Fixed :
- Action 'WAIT' at the end of a 'SERVER_ACTION_LIST' object would be skipped. (#9)
- Condition MMOITEMS_ITEM wouldn't work properly. (#19)
- Some objects weren't registered in the correct category (PLAYER/SERVER). (#22)
- Data was being overriden when using /qc reload in some cases.
- Improved PLAYER_FISH so it consistently will detect catched mobs (if setting 'mob' is specified).
- Some errors in the wiki. (for Larkyy)
Please use DISCORD to get support, it's way faster ! The link is on the plugin page
This changelog contains all the changes related to this plugin. Thanks to all the community members for reporting bugs and suggesting features ! Consider leaving a nice review to the plugin if you're satisfied of my work and dedication ! <3
If you own a server running one of my plugins, I might be interested in displaying it on the plugin page. Don't hesitate to contact me by PM or on discord if you're interested !