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This changelog contains all the changes related to this plugin.
Thanks to all the community members for reporting bugs and suggesting features. Keep going, so I can make this plugin better ! 
Also consider leaving a nice review to the plugin if you're satisfied of my work and dedication ! <3
PyrCore v6.1.1-BETA
Improved :
- Available placeholders list is now shorter in the in-game editor. (for CraftSteamG, QC #45, zAryon, QC #57)
- Plugin integration will now attempt to activate precisely after activation. (for zAryon)
- Some minor things in the settings lib.
Fixed :
- Command '/pyr data export' wasn't working in some cases. (for CraftSteamG, QC #45)
- No longer logging the loading of setting 'permission'. (for Matrikx, QC #51)
- Setting 'list of text' will no longer be displayed alphabetically in the in-game editor. (for zAryon, QC #58)
QuestCreator v4.2.0-BETA
Added :
- Action 'TITLE' for object 'SERVER_ACTION_LIST'. (for Alphexon)
- Parameters '-add:VALUE', '-take:VALUE', '-addnum:VALUE' and '-takenum:VALUE' to command '/qc variable'. (for Ing1011, #46)
- Setting 'leader_only' for object 'SERVER_COMMANDS_PERFORM'. (for NeximaOzi, #53)
- Setting 'npc_category_' for the 'link' options in GUIs, allowing you to create compact NPC categories and using them in 'guis.yml'. (for NeximaOzi, #61)
Improved :
- Setting 'max_concurrent' for categories will no longer take cooldown and unavailable quests into consideration. (for NeximaOzi, #61)
- No longer logging missing category error for default quests. (for CraftSteamG)
Fixed :
- Object 'PLAYER_MYTHICMOBS_KILL' wasn't working properly. (for NeximaOzi, #47, SrFakon, #48, zAryon, #56)
- Object 'SERVER_ACTION_LIST' wasn't accepting objects. (for Alphexon, #55)
- Object 'SERVER_ACTION_LIST' placeholders data cache wasn't resetting after object end. (for zAryon, #59)
- An error occuring when loading quest board. (for climeno, #49, Matrikx, #60)
- The actionbar wasn't displaying correctly for some objects.
- Placeholder {name} wasn't working in some cases. (for Matrikx, #52)