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QuestCreator -----

The most powerful questing plugin ever seen for Spigot. [1.7-latest] [test server available]

QuestCreator v4.1.0-BETA - Math + bug fixes !
Please use DISCORD to get support, it's way faster ! The link is on the plugin page :)
This changelog contains all the changes related to this plugin.

Thanks to all the community members for reporting bugs and suggesting features. Keep going, so I can make this plugin better ! :D
Also consider leaving a nice review to the plugin if you're satisfied of my work and dedication ! <3

PyrCore v6.1.0-BETA

Added :
- Moved the loadable library to PyrCore.

Improved :
- Improvements to the placeholders and loadable library.

Fixed :
- Some loading issues with parseable settings. (for Yuky)
- Removed cache for parseable settings (excepted items), it was causing some issues. (for Ing1011)

QuestCreator v4.1.0-BETA

Added :
- Settings 'number' and 'decimal number' can now be a math expression, for example '10^ceil((15-5) * 0.15)' will give 100. You can combine this with placeholders and variables (for example '%heroes_level% * 15'). It accepts basics (+, -, *, /) and some functions (sin, cos, tan, log, ceil, floor).
- Placeholder '{math:[math expression here]}' will work the same way, for other setting types. You can also combine this with placeholders and variables (for example, 'Your Hero level multiplied by 15 is {math:%heroes_level% * 15}'. It accepts basics (+, -, *, /) and some functions (sin, cos, tan, log, ceil, floor).
- Aliase '-var' for parameter '-variable' for command '/qc variable'.
- Debug logs for object 'PLAYER_MYTHICMOBS_KILL'. (for Matrikx, Feikon, cuteboyboy)

Improved :
- Better quests loading on player join. (for climeno)
- Better active objective detection, and now only using player objects (and DIVERGE) objects for GPS and actionbar. (for Ozan)

Fixed :
- Object 'SERVER_WORLDEDIT_SCHEMATIC_PASTE' wasn't loading properly. (for _Anglis)
- Integration for articdive's PhatLoots V5 wasn't loading properly. (for Ing1011)
- If one quest was ended during a check, and there was a next one, the plugin threw an error. (for Matrikx)
- Quests were overriden/cancelled on player join in some cases. (for climeno)
- (unsure) Placeholder problem when clicking GUI items in some cases. (for Matrikx)
- Minor bugs.
----------, Jan 12, 2019
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 1,637
First Release: Apr 8, 2017
Last Update: Jul 10, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
151 ratings
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