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This changelog contains all the changes related to this plugin.
Thanks to all the community members for reporting bugs and suggesting features. Keep going, so I can make this plugin better ! 
Also consider leaving a nice review to the plugin if you're satisfied of my work and dedication ! <3
PyrCore v6.0.8-BETA
Fixed :
- Minor bugs.
QuestCreator v3.3.0-BETA
Added :
- Setting 'item_available_category' for quests that will be displayed for available quest in the category GUI (so for example when right-clicking a NPC). This is optional, if no 'item_available_category' is found, the plugin will use 'item_available'. (for Matrikx)
- Setting 'execution_order' for object 'GROUP', that will force the player to execute the objects following the specified order. Fixed the bug that was forcing this setting. (for Lordinouille)
- Setting 'disallowed_server_commands_perform' for the main configuration, this will prevent certain commands to be performed using object 'SERVER_COMMANDS_PERFORM'. (for Tiippex)
- Permission 'questcreator.command.invite' for command '/qc invite'. (for Matrix)
Improved :
- Merged commands '/qc skipobject' and '/qc restartatobject' in one command '/qc goto'. (for Lordinouille)
- Renamed setting 'only_damageable_by_quest_players' to 'quest_limited_mob' and preventing those mobs from attacking other players. (for Lordinouille)
Fixed :
- Object 'SERVER_ACTION_LIST' wasn't filling PlaceholderAPI placeholders for 'MESSAGE' actions. (for Ing1011)
- Activator 'PRECISE_ENTITY' wasn't loading setting 'uuid' correctly. (for CraftSteamG)
- Setting 'WALK_TO_WAIT_COMPLETION' for object 'SERVER_NPC_MOVE' wasn't completing correctly. (for Ing1011)
- Quests were automatically starting even if the activator type wasn't automatic. (for Matrikx, Yuky)
- An error occuring when interacting with a NPC. (for Twister_one)