QuestCreator icon

QuestCreator -----

The most powerful questing plugin ever seen for Spigot. [1.7-latest] [test server available]

QuestCreator v2.0.8 - GUI items, NPC gui, more objects/settings, bug fixes, and more !
Please use DISCORD to get support ! The link is on the plugin page :)

Changelog for QuestCreator v2.0.8 :

- Added : object RANDOM that will choose a random object or branch, check the wiki for usage. (snapshot)

- Added : quest item type "unavailable" that shows when all preconditions aren't okay (model validity, follow check, max players, max instances, permissions, world, start conditions, etc) (tested) (suggested by Twister_one)

- Added : setting 'only_damageable_by_quest_players' for objects SERVER_MOB_SPAWN and SERVER_MYTHICMOBS_SPAWN that will prevent players that are not in the quest to kill the mob. (snapshot) (suggested by Lordinouille)

- Added : when you interact with a quest assignable (NPC or quest block) and more than one quest is available, a selection GUI will appear to select which quest you want to start. (tested) (suggested by Twister_one)

- Improved : separated PLAYER_WALK object ; now there's PLAYER_WALK (walk to location setting or away from location setting) and PLAYER_WALK_DISTANCE (walk a distance in location setting). (tested) (suggested by Lordinouille)

- Improved : a lot of code rework/cleanup about objects and conditions, including better configuration loading/saving, creation and error logs. You shouldn't notice any change besides that less useless or default settings will be saved to files if you work with the in-game editor. (snapshot)

- Improved : cleaning up some settings and objects configurations. (snapshot)

- Improved : the 'fail_goto' option for object CONDITIONS can now be optional, if you just want the condition to be inevitably completed. (snapshot) (suggested by Lordinouille)

- Improved : the plugin now sends you a warning message if there's a problem when you select the NPC_INTERACT quest activation. (snapshot)

- Fixed : the player relative base location setting couldn't be used with object SERVER_WORLDEDIT_SCHEMATIC_PASTE. (snapshot)

- Fixed : command /qc journal reset [player] wasn't working properly. (snapshot) (reported by Racer)

- Fixed : checks relative to quest assignables weren't ignoring model id case. (snapshot) (reported by Bat)

- Fixed : WorldGuard region location setting wasn't loaded properly. (snapshot) (reported by Racer, Alphexon)

- Fixed : quest queue was spamming message in chat for NPC started quests. (snapshot) (reported by Twister_one, Racer)

- Fixed : the quest items weren't in the correct slot in the GUI if the quest wasn't completed. (tested)

- Fixed : changed the cancel value from '0' to 'cancel', because '0' could be useful in some cases. Fixed some limitations that were preventing 0 or -1 to be entered for some items. (snapshot)

- Fixed : an empty line was displaying before the first branch detail in the detailed quest progression. (tested) (reported by Farrael)

- Potentially fixed : a problem with the SKULL_ITEM material type for legacy versions . (snapshot) (reported by Lucifer)

- Potentially fixed : some depending plugins (here mcMMO) weren't detected as enabled. (snapshot) (reported by Bat)

- Removed : the 'quest_saving_delay' general setting, quest data saving will now be synchronized with PyrCore data saving. (snapshot)

Changelog for PyrCore v4.0.8

- Added : WITCH sounds were missing. (snapshot)

- Fixed : command patterns were case sensitive. (snapshot) (reported by Feikon)

- Fixed : last inventory slot couldn't be used for added items, even if there was only one GUI page. (tested) (reported by Twister_one, Farrael)

Keep reporting bugs and suggesting features so I can make this plugin better ! :D
This changelog contains all the changes related to this plugin.
(snapshot) means that I simply changed the thing in the code without testing it and (tested) means that I verified that it works in-game.
----------, Oct 31, 2018
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 1,637
First Release: Apr 8, 2017
Last Update: Jul 10, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
151 ratings
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