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QuestCreator -----

The most powerful questing plugin ever seen for Spigot. [1.7-latest] [test server available]

QuestCreator v2.0.7 - Player relative location, conditions, and more !
Please use DISCORD to get support ! The link is on the plugin page :)

Changelog for QuestCreator v4.0.7

- The plugin wiki has been updated for all recent and new changes.

- Added : command '/questcreator journal reset [player]' to reset the quest journal. (snapshot) (suggested by Phyther)

- Added : you can now specify a player relative base in location settings. This can be extremely useful, and you will now be able to specify this for most of the SERVER objects that require a location, to do things in front of the player, or behind him, for example. Check the wiki, in 'Quest objects' -> 'Location settings' for more details. (tested) (suggested by Lordinouille)

- Added : quest option 'send_object_update_message' to toggle the 'quest_object_complete' object completion message for object groups. (snapshot) (suggested by Phyther)

- Added : text placeholder {objective_detail_percentage} for the locale quest detail texts that displays a progression percentage of the objective. (tested) (suggested by Hellcode48)

- Improved : the conditions system. Now every condition is a configuration part with its own settings (including in the in-game editor) and not included in a single string. Check the wiki, it's now more detailed about conditions. (tested)

- Improved : removed "requirements" and replaced them by "start_conditions". Every old requirement type now has an equivalent condition type. (tested)

- Improved : the saving method can now be specified for every quest, instead of just one general parameter (now 'saving' in quests). (snapshot) (suggested by Alphexon)

- Improved : you can now set quest setting 'max_players' to -1 to have an theorical infinite amount of players. Looks "cleaner" than 9999. (snapshot) (suggested by Lordinouille)

- Improved : now displaying a console warning when a quest model activation is set as NPC_ACTIVATION but the quest isn't configured in the NPCs file. (snapshot)

- Improved : now, if you don't have the quest start conditions, NPC particles don't show. (tested)

- Fixed : object PLAYER_BLOCK_BREAK now only progresses when breaking a fully grown block for crops blocks. (snapshot) (reported by Yuky)

- Fixed : the /questcreator progress command was showing completed branches. (tested)

- Fixed : object PLAYER_NPC_INTERACT wasn't working properly if the player had to interact with an item in his hand. (tested) (reported by Yuky, Hellcode48)

- Fixed : the return button was in the wrong slot in the in-game editor. (snapshot) (reported by Phyther)

Changelog for Potatoes v3.2.22

- There's now a category for Potatoes (with general, suggestions and bugs channels) in the support discord.

- Fixed : removed debug log. (snapshot)

Changelog for PyrCore v4.0.7

- Added : now fully supporting 1.13.2. (tested) (reported by Crston, enterih, Nolo, Matrikx, ...)

- Improved : reworked some material things so both legacy and modern materials could work. This could potentially fix problems with custom material data. (tested) (reported by Feikon, RubenStryker, lalalalallalalaaljciyiyiiy, DeJakob)

- Fixed : an error with the tab change for 1.13.1 and 1.13.2. (tested) (reported by Mr_Kittle)

- Potentially fixed : a player data saving error. (snapshot) (reported by Phyther)

Keep reporting bugs and suggesting features so I can make this plugin better ! :D
This changelog contains all the changes related to this plugin.
(snapshot) means that I simply changed the thing in the code without testing it and (tested) means that I verified that it works in-game.
----------, Oct 27, 2018
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 1,637
First Release: Apr 8, 2017
Last Update: Jul 10, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
151 ratings
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