Please use DISCORD to get support ! The link is on the plugin page
Changelog for QuestCreator v4.0.5
- Added : quest journal, get it with /quest journal. (tested)
- Added : object type PLAYER_PLAYER_KILL. (snapshot)
- Added : object type PLAYER_DIE. (snapshot)
- Added : object type PLAYER_ITEM_FURNACE_EXTRACT. (snapshot)
- Added : object type PLAYER_ACHIEVEMENT_AWARD. (snapshot)
- Added : object type SERVER_ACHIEVEMENT_GIVE. (snapshot)
- Added : object type SERVER_FIREWORK_SPAWN. (snapshot)
- Added : object type SERVER_LIGHTNING_STRIKE. (snapshot)
- Added : integration for
GPS, you can set option 'gps_enable' to 'true' to enable the GPS arrow to point at objectives. (tested)
- Added : setting 'leader_only' to object SERVER_ITEM_REMOVE. (snapshot)
- Added : object setting 'cancel_event' to cancel the event on object progress/complete. (tested)
- Added : object setting 'chance' to execute the object depending on a chance between 0 and 100. (snapshot)
- Added : click start type option to NPCs and quest blocks. (snapshot)
- Added : cancel on sneak click option to NPCs and quest blocks. (tested)
- Added : command /quest skip to skip the current object for all branches. (snapshot)
- Added : you can now specify identification type for object PLAYER_MYTHICMOBS_KILL (name or faction). (snapshot)
- Improved : some back-end for quest progression. (tested)
- Improved : you can now specify sound volume and pitch. (tested)
- Improved : you can now specify multiple items for requirement ITEM and objects PLAYER_BLOCK_INTERACT, PLAYER_NPC_INTERACT, SERVER_ITEM_DROP, SERVER_ITEM_GIVE, SERVER_ITEM_REMOVE. (snapshot)
- Improved : you can now clear and remove items in the in-game editor. (snapshot)
- Improved : cleaned up mob types list in the in-game editor. (tested)
- Fixed : removed forgotten debug logs. (snapshot)
- Fixed : the 'divergences' menu wasn't working properly for object DIVERGE in the in-game editor. (tested)
- Fixed : object SERVER_ITEM_REMOVE wasn't working properly. (tested)
- Fixed : entity settings for some objects weren't saving properly. (tested)
- Fixed : NPC particles weren't loading correctly. (tested)
- Fixed : object and requirement CONDITION weren't working properly. (tested)
- Fixed : an error appearing when the quest was being resumed with no online players and a current diverge choice awaiting. (snapshot)
- Fixed : the return button wasn't in the divergences GUI in the in-game editor. (snapshot)
- Fixed : variable values weren't loaded fully. (snapshot)
Changelog for PyrCore v4.0.5
- Added : command /pyr nbt to get the NBT of current item. (tested)
- Added : command /pyr resetdata <plugin> to reset plugin data. (tested)
- Added : command /pyr exportdata to export plugin data to a zip file for debug purposes. (tested)
- Improved : removed github issue command to get help, changed it to the discord link. (snapshot)
- Improved : removed old migrator for old version 3.2.0. (snapshot)
- Improved : moved data folder <root>/pyrrh4/ to <root>/plugins/PyrCore/data/ since it was causing problems with some plugins. (tested)
- Fixed : a problem causing the plugin data for users to not be saved on disconnecting. (tested)
- Fixed : removed error logs about unexisting Mats. (snapshot)
- Fixed : problem causing big numbers to not multiply correctly. (tested)
- Potentially fixed : mob heads items were invisible under 1.13 versions. (snapshot)
- Potentially fixed : some Mats were changing to random others, with stone for example. (snapshot)
Keep reporting bugs and suggesting features so I can make this plugin better ! 
This changelog contains all the changes related to this plugin.
(snapshot) means that I simply changed the thing in the code without testing it and (tested) means that I verified that it works in-game.