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Changelog for QuestCreator 1.6.0-BETA :
Added : optional argument "quest" to directly specify the quest id you want to use for commands "cancel/stop" and "reset", and allowed their execution by the console. (snapshot)
Added : quest setting "max_time". If this setting is more than 0 (in minutes), the player will havve to finish the quest in less than this time, otherwise the quest will be cancelled. (snapshot)
Improved : renamed objective BLOCK_CLICK_AT to BLOCK_INTERACT and added options "amount", "item" and "removeAfter" (similar to NPC_INTERACT_ITEM_HAND). Also now all parameters, including location, are optional. (snapshot)
Improved : added options "around" and "aroundRadius" to objective ITEM_DROP. (snapshot)
Improved : you can now fully customize the way your /quests (GUI) looks like, with many settings. Take a look at the default configuration and the result in some screenshots. (tested)
Code (YAML):
#---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # GUI configuration file for QuestCreator #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Next page item next_page_item:
type: 262
name: '&7Next page'
# List of GUIs (one GUI = one chest inventory) # Every configured item can either have option "link", "quest", "quest_group" "commands" (please don't assign more than one of these options to an item) (if you don't assign any of those options, the item will be display only) # You can add all kind of options for every item in all GUIs (also the main one) guis:
# Main GUI configuration (don't change the "main_gui" id, it's the only one you can't change ; if no "main_gui" is detected, the GUI won't open in-game) main_gui: # settings name: 'Your quests'
size: 9
# content : items of this GUI content: # link example : if you click this item, it'll open another GUI called "my_gui" (the one configured further in this file) 1:
name: '&cMy Quests'
slot: 0
link: my_gui
# another link, opens "farm_gui" 2:
name: '&cFarm Quests'
slot: 1
link: farm_gui
# Example of another GUI my_gui: # settings name: 'Kills quests'
size: 9
# content content: # quest item example : if you click this item, it'll check quest "example" (you don't need to configure any type or name for the item because it's quest-specific, configured directly in the quest file depending on the quest state) 1:
slot: 0
quest: example
# commands item example : if you click this item, it'll execute the command "/kills" as the player 2:
name: '&aYour kills'
slot: 1
commands: - 'kills'
# display item example : if you click this item, nothing will happen 3:
type: STONE
name: '&7Useless'
lore: - '&7There''s
no point in this'
- '&7item, it''s just here for'
- '&7beauty purposes.'
slot: 4
# another link, opens "main_gui" 4:
type: STICK
slot: 8
name: '&7Main menu'
link: main_gui
# Another example of another GUI farm_gui: # settings name: 'Farm quests'
size: 9
# content content: # quest group example : if you click this item, it'll check the next/current quest of the list (so it'll display the active quest of the group, or the next available one ; if a quest can be # done 10 times for example, then it'll be displayed 10 times (cooldown item included) before displaying the next one ; if no quests are remaining it'll show the item configured here) 1:
name: '&7It''s over !'
lore: - '&7There are
no more'
- '&7quests available.'
quest_group: - quest1
- quest2
- quest3
# another link, opens "main_gui" 2:
type: STICK
slot: 8
name: '&7Main menu'
link: main_gui
Improved : you can now customize the auto_start delays to do daily quests and things like that.
- It's the quest setting "auto_start".
- The plugin checks every minute if the player is not doing the quest, with cooldown over, hasn't reached the maximum completions, and checking the preconditions. If so you have different options.
- with "auto_start: true" the quest will start automatically ;
- with "auto_start: every [minutes]" the quest will start if the difference between the time now and the last quest completion time is more than [minutes] ;
- with "auto_start: everyday [hour of day]" (with [hour of day] in the 24-hours format) the quest will start every day at the specified [hour of day] ;
- with "auto_start: false" or any other value the quest won't start automatically.
Improved : removed the "rewards" section.
- You now have to directly put the rewards in the "flow" section, so you'll have to manually edit the quests configuration files or re-add the rewards in the editor GUI.
- The few rewards that didn't exist as tasks were added, such as now task QUEST_START and XP.
- This is marked as an improvement because it's one step further to a future update where you'll be able to execute "groups" of quest elements depending on preconditions, so it'll be less messy in configurations/editor and you won't need to specify preconditions for everything.
- That update will be prepared by a few minor update instead of doing one big update that'll take longer to release.
- (snapshot)
Improved : changed the way coop quests work. Now you can configure quests so they can be done both in solo and coop. The configuration has changed ; in the settings you have now "min_players" and "max_players" instead of "max_coop_players". (tested)
Improved : deprecated method "isCoop()" in API event QuestStartEvent. It's better for you to directly check what you want with getMinPlayers() and getMaxPlayers(). (snapshot)
Improved : cleaned up the locale files in both languages. Reset it if you want a fresh one. (snapshot)
Fixed : some bugs with the coop quests, including problems with invitations and joining. (tested)
Changelog for PyrCore v3.3.4 :
Added : time format DHMS for very long durations in the locale. ($DAYSd $HRSh $MINSm $SECs) (tested)
Improved : required back-end changes for QuestCreator.
Keep reporting bugs and suggesting features so I can make this plugin better ! This changelog contains all the changes related to this plugin. (snapshot) means that I simply changed the thing in the code without testing it and (tested) means that I verified that it works in-game.