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Changelog for QuestCreator v1.5.10-BETA :
- Added : now displaying a particle effect above NPCs when there is a quest available. You can change the effect in the configuration by changing 'settings.npc_particle_effect'. (tested)
- Added : reward type QUEST_START that will start a new quest if the player succeeds this one. Please note that the preconditions and the requirements will be checked though. (snapshot)
- Added : you can now type any number in the chat if you want instead of clicking/shift clicking to get to this number. It can be useful for big numbers such as huge NPC ids. ( (tested)
- Improved : objectives WALK_AWAY_FROM and WALK_TO now checks all the players of a quest. (snapshot)
- Improved : objectives WALK, WALK_AWAY_FROM and WALK_TO should now be more optimized as their progress is checked every second instead of every tick. (tested)
- Fixed : quests weren't saved correctly during reloads and restarts. (tested)
- Fixed : when a player was riding an entity, the progression of walking objectives were frozen. ( (snapshot)
- Fixed : now displaying a hyphen - instead of null in the action bar when a quest flow element has no name. (snapshot)
- Fixed : the example quest had a duplicate quest element id, replaced it with the new one. (snapshot)
- Fixed : option 'remove_after' for objective NPC_INTERACT_ITEM_HAND was not removing the correct amount of items if you clicked with a stack for example. (snapshot)
- Fixed : the item NBT tags were not loading correctly from the configuration sometimes.
Changelog for PyrCore v3.3.3 :
- Improved : required back-end changes for QuestCreator.
Keep reporting bugs and suggesting features so I can make this plugin better ! 
This changelog contains all the changes related to this plugin.
(snapshot) means that I simply changed the thing in the code without testing it and (tested) means that I verified that it works in-game.