Please use GITHUB to get support ! 
You can use the command /pyr support [plugin] to get a link to the github support page :[plugin]/issues/new
Keep reporting bugs and suggesting features so I can make this plugin better ! 
This changelog contains the changes for all my updated plugins so it's faster for me to post.
There are not much new features releases those days but I'm quite busy and I still try to provide at least bugs/problems support, even if I'm slow. Thanks for your patience and keep reporting bugs !
Changelog for PyrCore v3.2.8 :
- Improved : the closest command suggestion (when you fail a command or enter invalid arguments) should no longer suggest commands that the user has no permission to run.
Changelog for QuestCreator v1.5.4-BETA :
- Added : you can now specify the click type for objective BLOCK_CLICK_AT.
- Added : you can now specify distance tolerance for objectives ELYTRA_LAND, POTION_THROW, PROJECTILE_SHOOT and XP_BOTTLE.
- Added : you can now customize the quest informations message in the locale (the one that shows in /quests list)
(add quest_info message in the locale or delete the locale file to regenerate it, otherwise it'll throw an error).
- Improved : you can now swap elements in the quest flow, requirements, and rewards (BETA feature).
- Improved : handled cases where the plugin was asked to execute NPC-related tasks with non existing NPC ids.
- Fixed : a bug with the creation of a GUI editor for the MOB_KILL objective.