Please use GITHUB to get support !
You can use the command /pyr support [plugin] to get a link to the github support page :[plugin]/issues/new
Keep reporting bugs and suggesting features so I can make this plugin better ! 
This changelog contains the changes for all my updated plugins so it's faster for me to post.
There are not much new features releases those days but I'm quite busy and I still try to provide at least bugs/problems support, even if I'm slow. Thanks for your patience and keep reporting bugs !
Changelog for QuestCreator v1.5.3-BETA :
- Added : a button to remove a quest element from the flow in the GUI editor.
- Added : it is now possible to use "name" in the configuration instead of "mob_name" for task MYTHICMOBS_SPAWN.
- Fixed : the quests selector GUI was displaying incorrect quests in some cases.
- Fixed : the rewards now correctly show in the GUI editor.
- Fixed : several minor bugs.
Changelog for PyrCore v3.2.7 :
- Improved : added compatibility for 1.9.0 versions.