Please use GITHUB to get support !

You can use the command /pyr support [plugin] to get a link to the github support page :[plugin]/issues/new
Keep reporting bugs and suggesting features so I can make this plugin better ! 
This changelog contains the changes for all my updated plugins so it's faster for me to update.
Changelog for PyrCore 3.1.4 :
- Added : Locale file hu_HU (Hungarian).
- Improved : Minor improvements to the GUI system have been made.
- Improved : Centralized the auto update messages in one single message.
- Fixed : Minor change to correctly support 1.12.2.
- Fixed : The plugins starts message was sent to everyone instead of just the server operators.
Changelog for QuestCreator 1.3.3 :
- Added : PlaceholderAPI quest requirement. Format : "papi {variable} is|isnot {value};{error message}"
- Fixed : GUI item 'in progress' didn't updated correctly.
- Fixed : An error that could appear in some cases while checking an objective's properties.
- Fixed : An error that could appear in some cases while updating the actionbar.
- Fixed : Finally #6 NPC tasks bug
- Removed : Command /quest tpnpc [npc] as you can use the citizens command (/npc tphere).
Changelog for CustomCommands 2.3.0 :
- Added : A 'worlds' option (list) that can be added to the root and to the children. If you specify this option the players will only be able to perform the command in the specified worlds.
- Improved : The entire 'children' part is now much simpler to understand. See the new customcommands_commands.yml default file to read the tutorial. I tried to create a quick convertor so it automatically converts from the old to the new system, but it might not work in all cases. Refer to the new tutorial : (or read it in the default file)
- Fixed : The 'Unknown command' bukkit error message doesn't appear anymore.
Changelog for Potatoes 3.2.12 :
- Fixed : The bonuses and spawns setters/removers command patterns were inverted.
Changelog for SurvivalMysteryChests 1.7.2 :
- Improved : The rolling system has been optimized.