LiteBans icon

LiteBans -----

A complete, modern, cross-server banning solution (Spigot, Bungee, Velocity).

LiteBans 2.16 - 2.16.4
  • Added automatic banning of linked accounts. The new `ban_alts` option accepts four different values with escalating levels of enforcement: Disabled, Enabled, Enhanced, and Extreme. By default, it is disabled.
  • Added configurable filter duration for linked accounts (`dupeip_scan_filter_duration: 7d`), which is intended to prevent or reduce false positives by ensuring that only recent IP addresses are scanned with /alts, or when banning accounts automatically as mentioned above.
  • Added template flags, which can be used to automatically add command flags and server scopes to specific templates and/or ladder steps. For example, you can make a template always execute global and silent punishments by setting `flags: '-g -s'`.
  • Added support for webhook inline fields for embeds (optional).
  • Added /checkwarn command which allows you to check specific warnings by player name or UUID.
  • Added /warnlist command which allows you to scroll through all warnings.
  • Added unwarn messages & entries to /history and /staffhistory.
  • Added `online_mode` option to config.yml (to specify whether players who have never joined the server before should be handled as premium or non-premium players).
  • Added `mode:deactivate` and exclude options for `/litebans reset-database`.
  • (BungeeCord) Optimized ServerConnectEvent listener - database queries will no longer be performed in this context under any conditions.
  • Fixed unban/unmute/unwarn webhooks inheriting silent state from the punishment instead of checking whether the operation is silent.
  • Fixed hex colours not working in lockdown kick messages - reconnect messages unaffected.
  • Fixed variables such as `playerBans` not working in webhook embed messages.
Minor improvements:
  • Added new reset_database messages to messages.yml.
  • Added messages for unsuccessful loading of templates.yml. If templates.yml is invalid, you will receive a message each time commands are used, as a reminder to fix your configuration.
  • Added error handling for incorrectly configured URLs from webhooks.yml.
  • When a name-banned or name-muted player attempts to join, their punishment ID will be logged to console.
  • The `litebans cleariphistory` command has been replaced with the `litebans unlink` command which serves the same purpose.
  • When the console receives a click event JSON message, the command or URL will be sent to console with the message.
  • Chat event priority used by LiteBans is now low (instead of lowest) on all platforms.
Minor fixes:
  • Fixed /banlist and /mutelist displaying one less page (page #0).
  • Fixed unban queueing not unbanning accounts when `ban_names` is enabled, a player has a banned name and the UUID joining the server was not banned.
  • Fixed permission error message not being updated on reload under Bungee.
  • Fixed hex colours not being translated for permission error messages sent by the platform.
  • Fixed bracket character being added to `start_no_ip` dupeip-on-join messages (/alts unaffected).
  • Fixed a harmless warning message on newly created MariaDB databases.
  • Fixed timezone offsets not applying correctly to $timeSince in unban/unmute/unwarn messages.
  • Fixed an error caused by empty commands specified in the configuration (none by default).
  • Fixed an error caused by server names or scopes that are configured or specified above the already documented 32 character limit.


  • Fixed login timestamps not being updated if the IP is unchanged (missing alts fix).
  • Fixed /alts or /dupeip not showing the original account if they haven't joined within `dupeip_scan_filter_duration`.
  • Fixed webhook routes handling 'on' / 'true' as an invalid URL.
  • Fixed webhook embed messages interpreting colour codes & hex colours which made it impossible to tag channels.
  • Fixed a mute bypass involving cheat clients (Velocity only).
  • Fixed some notifications being throttled indefinitely (until next reload/restart) if throttling is enabled and the plugin was reloaded.
Minor fixes:
  • Fixed /banlist sometimes showing an empty page (only if the number of bans is divisible by the number shown per page) since version 2.16.
  • Fixed some caches being kept a few hours longer than intended if the plugin was reloaded.


  • Fixed error on warning modification (`/warn -m`) for players that lack `` or similar permissions. (Console unaffected)
  • Fixed cross-server kicks (via /kick command only) not working as intended on Bedrock users.
  • Fixed messages combining hover text and click events (run/url) having bugged text. (Velocity unaffected)
Minor improvements:
  • Support MySQL 9.x for creating database indexes (if you recently upgraded from MySQL 8.x, the indexes have likely been created already). This does not impact MariaDB.
  • When excluding tables from database reset, the history and config tables will be kept.
  • Added additional data limits to prevent errors from incorrect usage of commands. For example, usernames larger than the username character limit will be truncated.
  • Embeds can now have no content if inline fields are specified.
  • Support player variables in GeoIP messages.
  • If delete_warnings_after_action is enabled, warnings will only be cleared upon the final action being executed rather than the first.
  • If messages.yml failed to load, you will be notified of this each time a command is used, not only on startup.
  • Improved robustness of table upgrade check on servers that cannot upgrade normally under very rare, unknown circumstances (possibly DB crash or hardware error related).
Minor fixes:
  • Fixed reset chat colour (&r) appearing specifically in webhook fields when referencing the executor variable.
  • Fixed chat colours not being removed (generally from prefixes/suffixes) specifically in embed messages.
  • Fixed random ID hex colour prevention (#$id) applying to webhook embed messages, which do not use colours.
  • Fixed colour codes not being removed in webhook embed inline fields.
  • Fixed IP addresses which have never joined the server before being displayed as #offline# instead of ip_hidden.


Important fixes:
  • Fixed new global punishments not being applied correctly since version 2.16.2 (Velocity unaffected)
  • Fixed proxy_switch_banned chat messages not being delivered under Bungee for server scoped bans.


  • Fixed `litebans reset-database` not working since version 2.16.2.
  • Fixed disabled webhooks using the default webhook on Bungee/Velocity.
Minor improvements:
  • The `litebans reset-database` confirm message now quotes all arguments for confirmation, not just the server scope.
  • Added warning message for unrecognized settings (ban_alts)
Minor fixes:
  • Fixed hex colour codes not being removed in webhook messages.
----------, Sep 30, 2024
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 18,068
First Release: Feb 5, 2015
Last Update: Sep 30, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
698 ratings
Version -----
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